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Papers of Sir Robert Burnett David Morier (1826-1893)


 [An asterisk indicates an entry in the Biographical notes pp 23-31]

*Acland, Sir Thomas: 41.19

*Acton, Lord John: 5.2, 11.4, 34.3, 35.1/5, 38.1, 41.19, 55.1

Adams, G: 15.6

*Adye, Sir John Miller: 13A.2, 41.11

*Aguiar, António Augusto de: 11.4

*Alford, Lady Marian: 40.1

*Alston, Sir Francis Beilby: 34.1, 39.4

*Ampthill, Lady Emily: 41.19

*Anderson, Sir Henry P: 5.2, 22.2, 34.3, 35.5, 36.1/2, 37.1, 65B.2, 75.6

*Antas, Miguel Martins d': 3.5iii, 6.2

Arnold, Edward: 40.10

*Arnold, Matthew: 42.2.ix

*Ávila e Bolama, António José de: 3.5ii, 6.2, 7.1, 11.2, 75.2


*Barnett, Henry N: 40.1

* Barrington, Bernard Eric Edward: 15.6, 20.2, 22.1/2, 23.2/3, 25A.1, 25B.1, 27.1/2, 28.3, 46B.2

*Barros e Cunha, João Gualberto de: 7.1, 9.3

*Bateson, William Henry ?: 23.1

*Bazaine, Marshal Achille: 15.11, 27.2, 28.3

Béhaine, M Lefevre de: 36.2

*Bendetti, Comte Vincent: 74.8

Bernhardt, Dr.: 3.1

*Beust, Count Friedrich Ferdinand von: 1.1iv, 14A.1, 54A.3

*Biddulph, Sir Michael: 38.1, 39.4

*Blennerhassett, Lady Charlotte: 11.3, 14A.4, 42.2viii, 75.2

*Blennerhassett, Sir Rowland: 11.2, 41.12

*Bloomfield, John Arthur Douglas, 2nd Baron from 1871: 1.1i/v, 4.1, 54A.3/4, 74.9, Vol.F

*Blowitz, Henri Stefan Opper de: 11.2, 20.3, 38.1, 46A.3, 75.2

Bonar, ?: 35.1

*Bouverie, Mark: 40.1

*Bowen, Rt. Hon. Sir George Ferguson ?: 40.1

Boyle, E V: 41.9

*Braamcamp, Anselmo José: 3.5i/ii/iii, 6.2, 7.1, 9.3, 11.5, 12A.3

*Brandis, Dr. J: 5.2, 8.4, 34.1/3, 35.1/5, 36.1, 55.1

British South Africa Company: 40.12

Brodrick, E C: 27.2, 75.2

*Bryce, Viscount James: 20.2

*Buchanan, Sir Andrew: 1.1i/ vii.

*Bunsen, Georg von, Baron: 11.6, 27.2, 28.3, 33.1, 34.3, 41.16, 42.2v

*Bunsen, Maurice de: 13A.5/8, 20.3

Butcher, J H: 42.2vii


*Camacho, Juan Francisco: 13A.2, 13B.2/3

Cambridge , H R H Duke of: 22.2

Campbell, Augs.: 57.2/5

* Campbell, W Frederick: 3.5i, 6.1i, 9.3, 12B.1

*Cánovas del Castille (Castillo), Antonio: 13A.3/8, 24B.4

*Capper, Stewart Henbest: 40.1

*Carlingford, Lord: 3.5iii, 5.2, 11.5, 25B.5, 34.3, 35.1, 40.3, 41.19, 49.2, 46B.3, 55.2

*Carnarvon, Lord: 11.2/3/4/5, 12A.1, 13A.3, 36.2, 37.1, 46A.3, 74.4, 75.3/6

*Cartwright, William Cornwallis: 9.2, 41.10, 65B.2

*Castelar, Emilio: 41.17

Chai Ho Pu: 41.17

Cheney, ?: 55.10

*Churchill, Lord Randolph: 20.3, 27.1

*Clarendon, Lord: 1.1iv, 2.5, 32.5/6, 33.1/2/5, 49.2, 74.9

Cobden Club: 39.5, 74.9

Coburg , Duke of: 3.1, 4.2, 5.2, 34.3

Coleridge, Rev. A Derwent: 40.1

College of Arms : 15.12, 27.1

Cooke, Charles: 22.2

*Corvo, João de Andrade: 3.5i, 6.2, 9.1/3, 11.4, 27.1, 39.7, 41.17, 42.1, 46A.2/3, 46B.2/3, 75.1

* Cranbrook, Lord: 9.3, 11.4

Craven, Augustus: 35.5, 36.1, 55.1, 65B.2

*Crawford, Oswald: 6.1ii, 12A.1, 41.17, 42.4, 75.2

Crowe, N A: 73.1

*Currie, Philip Henry Wodehouse: 7.1, 9.1, 20.2, 22.1/2, 23.2/3, 25A.2, 25B.1, 42.4, 65B.5

*Curzon, Lord: 22.2


Décoppet: 37.1, 39.2, 61.1

* Derby, Lady: 5.2, 6.1iv, 8.4, 9.1/2, 16.1, 33.1/5/6, 34.3, 35.1/5, 36.1/2, 37.1, 38.1, 39.2/5/7/8, 40.1/2/3/4/5/10/12, 41.5, 46A.1/3, 46B.2/3, 65B.2/3, 74.1/9, 75.1/2/3

* Derby, Lord: 2.8, 6.1iii, 7.1/2, 8.1/4, 9.2/3, 12A.3, 16.1, 27.2, 36.2, 37.1/6, 39.2/7, 40.1/2/4/5/10/11, 42.4, 46A.1/3, 46B.2, 65B.2/3, 73.1, 75.1/2/3/6, Vol.A/H

*Dicey, Albert Venn: 42.2vii

*Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth: 5.3, 6.1v, 8.4, 9.2, 13B.2, 48.1

Dillon, ?: 42.2vii

*Döllinger, Dr.: 65A.4, 69.9

*Drummond-Hay, Sir John Hay: 40.1, 55.1

*Dufferin, Lord Frederick Temple: 11.5, 23.1/3, 27.1

*Dunckley, Henry: 5.2, 34.3, 41.19

Duprat, Viscount: 9.3

*Durand, Sir Henry Marion: 15.6


Edinburgh, H R H Duke of: 4.2, 28.4, 49.1

*Elduayen, José, Marquis: 13A.3/8, 16.4, 24B.4, 41.17

*Eliot, Sir Charles Norton Edgecumbe: 25B.2, 65B.5

Elizabeth, Queen of Rumania: 20.3

*Elliot, Sir Henry George: 11.4, 42.4

*Elliot, T F: 32.1

*Elton, Frederick: 11.2, 42.4, 75.2/3

*Ely, Lady Jane: 4.2, 16.3, 39.5, 40.1, 42.4, 49.1


*Fane, Edmund Douglas Veitch: 11.3, 38.1, 40.3

*Farrer, Sir Thomas Henry: 12A.3

*Faucher Dr. J: 5.2, 33.5, 34.2/3, 74.9

Ferraz, R: 24B.4

Fetuan, Le Duc de: 13B.3

*ffolliott, John: 35.1, 41.15

Fitzmaurice, Lord Edmund: 9.1, 11.5, 13A.1/2/4, 14A.3/4, 14B.3, 15.1, 24B.4, 46A.2/3, 46B.2

*Fontes, Pereira de Melo: 11.4

*Ford, Sir Francis Clare: 40.1

*Forsyth, Sir Thomas Douglas: 6.1vi, 9.1/3, 11.3, 42.4

*Fortescue, Chichester Samuel [see Lord Carlingford]

*Fremantle, Very Rev. William Henry: 37.4

Frere, Lady: 3.5i, 46B.2

*Frere, Sir Bartle: 3.5ii, 7.2, 9.1, 11.4/5, 46A.2/3, 46B.2/3

*Friedrich, Crown Prince of Prussia, Friedrich III 1888: 7.4, 23.1, 27.1/2, 37.6, 42.2vi/, 60.8


*Gagern, Baron Heinrich von: 1.1iv, 33.2, 54A.3

*Gérard, Auguste: 38.1

Gerlach, General von: 65A.7

*Giers, Nikolai Karlovich de: 15.6, 20.3, 22.2, 23.1/3, 24B.6, 25B.1, 26.1/5

*Gladstone, William Ewart: 8.4, 9.1, 14A.1, 33.4, 36.1/2, 37.1, 41.1, 65B.2, 74.8

Gneist, Heinrich R F von: 38.1

*Gómez, Ruiz: 13A.2, 16.3/4

Görtz, Count: 39.9

*Goschen, George Joachim: 2.9, 7.2, 9.2, 23.1, 25B.1, 27.1/2, 41.2, 42.4, 65B.5, 74.6

*Gosling, Audley Charles: 28.1

*Gould, Gerald Francis: 6.1vii, 11.3, 42.4, 46A.3, 46B.2/3

*Grant Duff, Sir M E: 5.2/3, 9.1, 14A.1, 25A.1, 34.3, 40.9, 41.19

*Granville, Lord: 1.1vi, 2.5, 3.5iii, 5.1/2, 7.1/2, 8.4, 9.1/2, 11.4/5, 12B.2, 13A.2/3/8, 13B.1/3, 14B.3, 15.3/12i, 16.3, 27.2, 49.2, 55.1, Vol.B/G

*Green, Charlotte: 43.2

*Grey, Albert Henry George: 25A.1, 47.1, 78.1

*Grey, General Charles: 32.6, 33.1, 73.1, 74.6

*Grosvenor, Thomas George: 20.3, 25B.3

Grove, S: 37.1, 38.1, 41.19

*Günsburg, Baron David: 25A.1


*Hamilton, Sir Edward Walter: 14A.1

*Hammond, Edmund: 1.1ii, 2.2

*Harcourt, Sir William: 35.1

*Hardinge, Arthur Henry: 15.6, 20.2/3, 22.2, 23.1/3, 25B.4, 27.1, 40.4/5/6/7/10/12/13

*Hardinge, Charles: 27.1

Helfferich, Karl ?: 55.8

* Herbert, Col. I J C: 22.2, 23.1, 27.1

*Herbert, Robert G W: 7.1/2, 9.1, 11.4, 15.12i, 24B.4, 39.2, 40.10, 46B.2

*Herries, Edward: 13B.3

Hill, Sir Clement H [of the F.O.]: 22.2, 39.2/5, 40.1, 41.13, 42.4

Hill, F H [of the Daily News Office?]: 40.2

*Hinzpeter, Dr. Henry: 27.2, 55.6

Hohenzollern, Prince: 15.9

*Hope, Sir Theodore Cracraft: 6.1.viii, 9.3, 11.4, 20.3, 46A.3

Howard, Henry F: 40.1

*Hudson, Sir James: 5.2, 8.4

Huntingdon, Lord: 42.2vii

*Hunton, James: 37.4/5

*Hutt, Sir William: 33.2

*Hutton, Richard Holt: 37.1


*Iddesleigh, Lord: 21.1



*Jenkyns, Rev. Richard: 2.1

*Jervois, Lucy: 37.4

*Jowett, Benjamin: 8.4, 9.1, 16.5, 32.1, 33.7, 35.5, 36.1/2, 37.1, 38.1, 39.2/3/7/9, 40.4/7/8/9/10, 41.19, 43.2, 46A.1/2, 46B.3, 65A.5, 65B.2/4, 73.1, 74.5, 75.1/2/3


*Kay, Joseph: 37.1

*Kennedy, Sir Charles Malcolm: 6.1.ix, 12A.1, 13A.7, 14A.1/2/4, 22.1, 46A.3

* Kimberley, Lord John: 1.1i, 2.2, 13B.3, 49.2

*Kinglake, Alexander William: 27.1, 40.1, 42.2iv

Knesebeck, Baron von: 23.1, 27.1


* Lake, William Charles: 32.1

*Landor, Walter Savage: 57.2

*Lansdowne, Lord: 2.1, 15.6, 25B.1, 40.9, 42.2vii

*Lascelles, after 1886 Sir Frank Cavendish: 25A.2, 25B.1

Law, E G F: 23.3, 25B.1, 27.1

*Layard, after 1878 Sir Austin Henry: 33.2/3/5, 34.2, 38.1, 39.2, 40.1, 73.1, 74.6

*Lear, Edward: 35.3/4, 39.6, 59.2

*Lee, George: 14B.4

Littledale, S George: 22.2

Locke, Sir Henry [of Govt. House, Cape Town?]: 41.17

*Lowe, Robert: 33.7

*Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn: 25A.1

*Lytton, Lord Edward Robert: 5.2, 8.4, 12B.1, 32.6, 34.3, 35.1/5, 36.1/2, 37.1, 38.1, 41.19, 55.1, 65B.2


*Mackinnon, Sir William: 9.3

*Macpherson, William: 22.2, 27.2, 32.6, 40.11

* Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner: 41.19

*Malet, Sir Edward Baldwin: 14B.4, 23.1/3, 27.1/2

*Mallet, Sir Louis: 3.5i/ii, 4.1, 5.2, 8.4, 9.1/2/3, 12B.1, 16.4, 24B.1/2, 32.6, 33.2/5, 34.3, 36.1/2, 37.1, 38.1, 39.1/2/4/7, 41.19, 44.1/2, 45.1/2, 46A.1/2, 46B.2/3, 55.1, 60.4/5, 65B.2, 74.8, 75.1/2/3

Malsen, Clara: 38.2

Marsh, George: 11.4

*Martin, Sir Theodore: 35.5, 36.1

*Max Müller, Rt. Hon. Frederick: 8.4, 43.1, 46B.3, 73.1, 75.3

*Meade, Sir Robert Henry: 34.3, 46A.3

*Medhurst, Arthur F Hastings: 25A.1, 40.13

Meill, Henry G: 7.1

Meyor, H: 15.8

Michaud, L'Abbé: 69.1

*Mohl, Robert von: 38.1, 69.10

Monk, ?: 11.7, 13A.8, 24B.4, 37.4

Moodie, George P: 46B.2

*Moret Y Prendergast, Sigismundo: 55.9

*Morier, Lady Alice: 8.4, 35.5, 36.2, 39.2/5, 40.2, 51.2, 54A.2, 60.1, 61.1, 63.1, 65A.3, 67.3

Morier, Anna: 63.2

*Morier, David: 5.2, 7.5, 8.4, 11.10, 32.1, 37.5, 55.1, 56.1, 57.1/3, 58.1, 59.1, 61.1, 65B.2, 69.3ii/iii/6, 74.6, 75.1

Morier, family correspondence: 15.7, 32.4, 35.2, 36.3, 37.3/4, 56.1, 57.1, 58.1, 59.1, 61.1, 62.1, 63.1, 64.1/2, 65A.1/2, 66.1

*Morier, Mary Henrica: 60.2

*Morier, Victor: 38.2, 41.17, 59.1, 63.1, 70.1

*Morley, John: 11.5, 37.1, 41.12, 42.2vii

Mure, R J [possibly Sir Robert's nephew?]: 15.2

Murray, George H: 3.5i

*Murray, Captain James Wolfe: 20.2


*Napier, Lord: 9.3, 13B.3, 14A.1, 33.2, 40.1, 46A.2/3, 73.1, 74.6

Neave, A L: 39.2

*Nordenskiöld, Adolf Eric: 25A.1, 26.3


*Oliphant, Laurence: 5.2, 8.4, 37.1

Orleans , Louis Phillipe d': 54A.7

*Otway, Rt. Hon. Arthur John: 40.1


*Paget, Sir Augustus Berkeley: 1.1vi, 57.2

*Palgrave, Francis Turner: 32.2, 76.4

*Palmerston, Lord: 56.1

*Pattison, Mark: 40.3

*Pauncefote, Sir Julian: 6.1.x, 7.1, 11.4, 12A.3, 13A.2, 14A.1/4, 14B.3, 20.2, 22.1/2, 23.2, 24B.4

Peschel, Oscar: 69.10

*Phipps, Sir Charles Beaumont: 33.1

Pigott, Edward: 34.3

*Plumptre, Edward Hayes: 35.1, 37.4

*Pobedonostzeff: 22.2, 23.1, 42.4

*Ponsonby, Sir Henry: 2.7, 4.2, 5.2, 6.1.xi, 8.4, 9.2, 16.2/3, 20.2, 22.2, 23.1, 27.2, 35.5, 36.1, 37.1, 38.1, 39.2/5, 40.11, 41.3, 42.2i, 46A.1/2/3, 46B.2, 49.1, 55.1, 65B.2, 75.1/2/3

*Poore, Lady Harriot Elizabeth: 20.3

Posiett, Admiral: 26.5

*Powell, Sir George Smyth Baden-: 25B.1

Powles, R Cowley: 2.1


Ranceo, ?: 13B.1

Rawlinson, George: 41.19

*Reeve, Henry: 37.1, 75.6

*Ribeiro Ferreira, Tomás António, Count: 9.3

*Ridgeway, Sir Joseph West: 23.1

Riscal, Marquis of: 13A.3, 20.3, 24B.4

Roberts, Fred.: 41.20i/ii

Rogers, William: 15.4

*Roggenbach, Franz von, Baron: 2.9, 5.2, 20.3, 23.1, 34.3, 36.1, 41.4, 42.4, 46A.1/3, 46B.3, 75.1/2

*Rosebery, Lord: 21.1, 25A.2, 25B.1

*Russell, Lord Arthur: 5.2, 6.1.xii, 14A.1, 34.2/3, 35.1, 36.2, 40.3, 46A.3, 46B.3, 75.3

*Russell, Lord John: 1.1i/iii/iv, 3.1/2, 4.1, 15.12i, 33.1/2, 35.1, 41.6, 49.2, 65A.2, 73.1

*Russell, Lady Laura: 12A.1, 14A.1, 33.1

*Russell, Lord Odo: 2.9, 5.2, 6.1.xii, 8.4, 34.2/3, 35.1/5, 36.1/2, 37.1/6, 38.1, 41.19, 46A.3, 55.1, 65B.2, 75.3/6


* Salisbury, Lady: 33.2/5/6, 34.1/2/3, 74.1

* Salisbury, Lord: 1.1iv, 3.5i/ii, 7.2, 9.1, 11.5, 13A.2/8, 15.11, 20.1/2, 21.1, 22.1/2, 23.2/3, 24A.1/2/3/4, 24B.4/5, 25A.1, 25B.1, 27.2, 32.6, 40.9/11, 41.7, 42.4, 46A.1/2/3, 46B.2/3, Vol.C/D/E/H/I

*Samwer, Karl Friedrich Lucian: 15.14

Samwer, Marie: 15.14

*Sanderson, Thomas Henry: 3.5iii, 11.4/5, 13A.2/6, 20.2, 22.1/2, 23.2/3, 25B.1, 27.2, 34.1, 38.1, 41.17, 65B.5

Sawyer, E S: 11.4

*Schleinitz, Alexander Graf von: 41.19, 55.6, 73.1

Schnaase, Karl: 69.10

Schouvaloff, Le Comte: 1.1vi

*Schulze-Delitzsch, Franz Hermann: 15.13

*Schweinitz, General Hans Lothar von: 20.3, 41.17

*Selbourne, Lord: 12A.3

Sellars, W G: 14A.4, 41.17

*Seymour, Sir Hamilton: 1.1ii, 2.4, 41.19

*Smith, Arthur Lionel: 40.5

*Soares, Duarte Gustave Nogueira: 6.2, 9.3, 11.2, 12B.1, 46A.1/3

*Staal, Georges de, Baron: 20.3, 22.2, 25A.2

*Stanhope, Lord Edward: 14B.4, 15.12iii, 40.1/11

*Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn: 36.2, 37.1/4, 38.1, 39.9, 40.1, 41.18i/ii, 42.4

*Stanley, Lord Edward Henry: 1.1iv, 3.2, 4.1, 33.5/6, 34.1, 54A.3, 74.8

*Stead, William Thomas: 23.1, 27.2, 42.2iii

*Stockmar, Baron: 3.4, 5.2, 8.4, 20.2, 23.4, 32.3/6, 33.1/2/5, 34.1/3, 35.1/5, 36.1/2, 37.1, 40.4, 55.2/13, 68, 74.9, 75.1/6

Stokes, Henry: 57.3

Strachey, ?: 38.1

*Stratford de Redcliffe, Lord: 11.1, 32.5, 33.1/5, 35.5, 37.1, 37.2/4, 38.1, 39.2/9, 40.1, 41.19, 57.5, 61.1, 73.1, 75.2

Sullivan, H N: 26.1, 26.5


Teignmouth, ?: 37.4, 61.1

Temple , F: 32.1

* Temple, Sir Richard: 52C.4

Thompson, T ?: 2.3, 8.4, 13A.3

Tuckwell, H M: 40.4

*Tupper, Sir Charles: 13A.8

Turner, A: 40.10

Tyrrell, W: 25B.6


Usedom, H L Graf von: 34.3, 35.1, 37.1


*Vane, Captian F P Fletcher: 14B.4

*Vega de Armijo, Marquis: 13A.2, 13B.2/3, 14B.3, 16.3, 41.17

* Vernon, Caroline: 40.2

*Victoria, Princess: 5.2, 8.4, 27.1, 32.6, 38.2

*Victoria, Queen: 12B.2, 14B.1, 15.12i, 16.3, 22.2, 25B.1, 41.18ii, 43.3

*Villiers, Rt. Hon. Frank Hyde: 20.2, 22.1/2, 25A.2, 25B.1

Vivian, C: 40.1


* Wales, Edward, Prince of: 15.4, 20.2, 27.1/2, 40.11, 49.1

*Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie: 15.6, 23.3, 42.2x

Walrond, T [?Theodore Walrond, Balliol 1842]: 41.14

Walter, A F [of The Times?]: 40.3

*Wantage, Lord: 14B.4

Watkins, H William: 35.5, 37.1

Watts , G F: 32.5

*Wemyss, Lady Victoria Wester: 2.9, 15.5, 60.2, 67.1/2

*West, Lionel Sackville: 11.5

* Westminster, Duke of: 42.2ii

Wetherell, T F: 35.5, 36.1

*White, Sir William Arthur: 5.3, 8.4, 20.3, 22.2, 27.1, 36.1/2, 37.1, 40.1, 41.8, 65A.5, 65B.2/5, 75.2

*Wiggins, Captain Joseph: 5.3, 14B.4, 23.1, 24B.3, 26.1

*Wilhelm I, German Emperor since 1871: 4.2, 27.1

Wilkins, M: 40.4

*Williams, Oliver John: 25A.1, 28.1, 40.10

Willoughby , Henry: 35.5

*Wolff, Sir Henry Drummond: 22.2

*Wolkenstein-Trostburg, Anton von, Count: 23.1/ 25A.1

*Wolseley, Lord: 20.3

*Woodburn, Sir John: 15.6

Wright, Henry: 6.1.xiii

*Wylde, William Henry: 3.5i, 46A.2/3


*Youle, Frederick: 6.1.xiii, 9.3

*Young, E D: 75.2

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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