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Papers of the Morier Family - Class C Correspondence of John Philip Morier 1778-1853

Class C, Box 1

1. 1788-92 52 letters from JPM while at school in Andover, with a school report from Wimbledon.

Class C, Box 2

1. 1794 26 letters from JPM to family, while going to and at Smyrna. Images online here.

  • 15. 30.06.94. Account of an attack on the French frigate Cibile.
  • 16. 15.17.94. JPM at work in the family business.
  • 17. 02.08.94. News of the defeat of the French fleet.

2. 1795 21 letters from JPM to parents from Smyrna, (with general information on the family business). Images online here.

  • 5. 01.05.95. Reaction to the arrival of the new French consul.
  • 17. 01.12.95. Alarm at the arrival of a French squadron and the capture of the Mediterranean convoy.

3. 1796 21 letters from JPM to parents from Smyrna, (with general information on the family business). Images online here.

  • 1. 13.01.96. Movements of the British fleet.
  • 6. 14.03.96. A fifth of the town burned down.

4. 1797 18 letters from JPM to parents from Smyrna, (with general information on the family business). Images online here.

  • 3. 20.03.97. Account of an uprising in Smyrna, with "thousands murdered".
  • 4. 31.03.97. Situation still dangerous (as above).
  • 16. 15.11.97. Bad effect of the war on trade.
  • 17. 13.12.97. Is it to be peace or war?

5. 1798-99 22 letters from JPM to parents on his way between Smyrna and England. Images online here.

  • 5. 17.05.98. JPM's ship captured by a French squadron, but passengers released.
  • 20. 10.12.99. Lord Elgin is sending JPM to report on the Ottoman army as his Chargé d'affaires for Syria.

6. 1800 23 letters from JPM to family from the Ottoman expedition in Egypt against General Kléber, plus part of a letter from Lord Elgin's chaplain.

  • 6. 06.02.00. JPM marching to Cairo with the army.
  • 7. 22.02.00. JPM has reached Syria too late to see the signing of the peace treaty.
  • 9. 17.04.00. Reopening of hostilities; defeat of the Ottoman army; JPM briefly held prisoner by the French.
  • 11. 22.08.00. Official praise for JPM from Lord Elgin.
  • 12. 09.09.00. As above.
  • 17. 28.10.00. Lord Elgin's plans for JPM's advancement.
  • 20. 09.12.00. JPM going to serve Sir Ralph Abercrombie in Egypt.
  • 23. 30.12.00. Ottomans beaten by French army again.
  • 24. [ 04.00] The departure of the French from Egypt, archaeological discoveries and JPM's actions.

7. 1801 13 letters from JPM to family from Constantinople and Rhodes, plus extracts from 6 official dispatches from Lord Grenville and Sir Ralph Abercrombie 1800-01, concerning JPM.

  • 3. 07.02.01. JPM accompanying General Moore to Jaffa.
  • 4. 01.03.01. JPM returning to Egypt; his opinion of the state of the Turks in general.
  • 6. 25.03.01. The British army advancing into Egypt.
  • 7. 27.03.01. Battle near Alexandria.
  • 8. 28.03.01. Account of past and present state of Rhodes.
  • 13. 12.12.01. Lord Elgin's retirement and past achievements.
  • 14. 19.04.01. Death of Sir Ralph Abercrombie.

Class C, Box 3

1. 1802-12 30 letters from JPM to parents from Smyrna, Joannina and England, plus 1 to JPM from Ali Pasha.

  • 1. 08.03.02. JPM left as Chargé d'affaires in Constantinople.
  • 5. 10.09.02. JPM hoping to become Secretary of Legation.
  • 12. 29.07.05. As above.
  • 18. 15.03.06. Dalmatia given to France.
  • 19. 04.06.06. DRM going home to report to Government.
  • 24a 09.02.08. Letter from Ali Pasha to JPM in Greek.
  • [ 06.10] JPM going to America as Chargé d'affaires.

2. 1814-24 47 letters from JPM and his wife Horatia to family from Dresden, plus 3 official letters to and from JPM while on a special mission to Norway in 1814 (in separate packet).

  • 1. 19.07.14. Letter to JPM from Nils Omsked, requesting a post as the English consul for Norway, seeking business commissions with England and offering recommendations from British prisoners of war.
  • 2. 30.07.14. An account of JPM's expenses.

3. 1825-39 58 letters from JPM and his wife and children to family, with a list of JPM's daughters and grand-children by DRM (17.10.62).

[back to index] [to Class D]

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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