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Papers of the Morier Family - Class G: Correspondence of Anna Burnet Morier (née Jones) d.1855 (Wife of DRM)

Class G, Box 1

1. 1813-18 52 letters from Anna Morier (DRM's wife) to family from Paris.

  • 19. 23.02.18. Views on the assassination attempt on the Duke of Wellington.
  • 20. 02.03.18. Napoleon's lycées for foreign children.
  • 30. 18.05.18. Deaths of the Duc d'Enghien and the Prince de Condé.

2. 1819 27 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 22. 18.11.19. Modern art exhibition at the Louvre.
  • 26. 21.12.19. Views on British Government after the Peterloo Massacre.

3. 1820 40 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 5. 03.02.20. Death of George III.
  • 7. 17.02.20. Murder of the Duc de Berry.
  • 8. 24.02.20. Funeral of the Duc de Berry.
  • 10. 16.03.20. As above.
  • 18. 11.05.20. Meeting Maria Edgeworth.
  • 20. 21.05.20. Plot to kidnap the Duc d'Angoulême.
  • 21. 29.05.20. Actions of the Jacobins.
  • 22. 05.06.20. Rioting in Paris.
  • 31. 13.11.20. Bill against Queen Caroline.
  • 32. 20.11.20. Public uproar over above.

4. 1821 42 letters from AM to family from Paris.

Class G, Box 2

1. 1822 33 letters from AM to family from Paris.

2. 1823 46 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 7. 11.02.23. France at war with Spain.
  • 9. 06.03.23. Disturbances in the Chamber of Deputies.
  • 11. 20.03.23. France and Spain.
  • 12. 27.03.23. Army conspiracy discovered.
  • 14. 17.04.23. France and Spain.
  • 20. 29.05.23. Peace with Spain.
  • 23. 23.06.23. Deposition of the King of Spain.

3. 1824 37 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 24. 03.10.24. Death and funeral of Louis XVIII.
  • 33. 02.12.24. Verbal attacks made on the commissioners.

4. 1825 20 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 17. 22.12.25. Public reaction to death of Tsar Alexander.

Class G, Box 3

1. 1826 49 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 1. 02.01.26. Rumours of Tsar having been murdered.
  • 3. 16.01.26. New consular regulations.
  • 8. 20.02.26. As above.

2. 1827 47 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 15. [ 05.27] Resignation of Lord Melville.
  • 27. 10.08.27. Public reaction to death of George Canning.
  • 41. 12.11.27. French elections.
  • 43. 24.12.27. Possible war between French and Turks.

3. 1828 47 letters from AM to family from Paris.

Class G, Box 4

1. 1829 39 letters from AM to family from Paris.

2. 1830 37 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 21. 31 08.30. Belgian uprising.
  • 25. 11.10.30. Trial of the ministers of Charles X.
  • 28. 31.10.30. After the revolution; state of Belgium.
  • 32. 26.11.30. Politics in France and Britain.
  • 33. [ 11.30] Consular salaries.
  • 35. 24.12.30. Riots in Paris after the trial of the ministers.
  • 37. 31.12.30. Public feeling in France and Britain.

3. 1831 47 letters from AM to family from Paris.

  • 1. 17.01.31. Slump of French commerce.
  • 2b 29.01.31. Future of Consulate.
  • 5. 25.02.31. Future of Consulate.
  • 6. [ 03.31] French commerce.
  • 7. 04.03.31. French political situation.
  • 10. 28.03.31. As above.
  • 11. [ 04.31] State of France.
  • 21. 01.07.31. Rumours of war; cholera medicine.
  • 23. 22.07.31. Chances of war between France and Britain.
  • 24. 29.07.31. Anniversary of the "3 glorious days".
  • 25. 05.08.31. War between Belgium, Netherlands, and France.
  • 26. 12.08.31. Consulships to end.
  • 28. 29.08.31. French Chamber of Peers to be reformed.
  • 29. 09.09.31. News of a great fire in Constantinople.
  • 30. 23.09.31. Fears of future anarchy.
  • 31. 03.10.31. Cholera has reached Vienna.
  • 32. 10.10.31. Rejection of Reform Bill ( Britain).
  • 33. 17.10.31. Reform of Chamber of Peers; British public opinion against the Consulate.
  • 35. 24.10.31. Fears of cholera.
  • 36. 30.10.31. Reform Bill.
  • 37. 07.11.31. Cholera in Britain; reasons for end of Consulate.
  • 38. 14.11.31. Actions of British authorities against the cholera.
  • 40. 25.11.31. Precautions against the cholera.

4. 1832 38 letters from AM to family from Paris and Switzerland.

5. 1832 29 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

  • 24. 19.11.32. Introduction to the Bernese corps diplomatique.

Class G, Box 5

1. 1833 25 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

2. 1833 40 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

3. 1834 39 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

  • 2. 07.04.34. Differences between the Cantons.
  • 6. 01.05.34. Cantonal meeting at Appenzell; dispute between Berne and its neighbours.

4. 1834 31 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

5. 1835-36 35 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

  • 2. 21.01.35. Fear of radicals.
  • 6. 05.04.35. British political situation (Peel).
  • 7. 13.04.35. As above.
  • 13. 15.06.35. DRM's role in making peace between Austria and Switzerland.
  • 15. 13.07.35. Opening of Diet.

6. 1836 43 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

Class G, Box 6

1. 1836 37 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

2. 1837 34 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

3. 1838 52 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

  • 23. 03.07.38. Coronation of Queen Victoria.
  • 25. 23.07.38. Pusey's Oxford Tracts.
  • 31. 31.08.38. Activities of Louis Napoleon.
  • 35. 02.10.38. As above.

4. 1839 45 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

5. 1839 Packet of letters in original order: 9 from AM, 5 from DRM, 3 from RBDM and 1 from Henry Raikes to RBDM.

6. 1840 33 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

  • 33. 29.04.40. Account of Balliol and Oxford.

Class G, Box 7

1. 1841 56 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

  • 8. 10.02.41. Comments on the Extraordinary Diet at Berne.

2. 1842 42 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

  • 34. 22.09.42. Political state of Neuchâtel.

3. 1843-46 43 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

4. 1847 28 letters from AM to family from Switzerland.

5. 1848-55 50 letters to and from AM.

Class G, Box 8

1. 1815-42 74 letters from Elizabeth Jones (AM's mother), to family, with her will.

2. 1808-54 60 letters, from other members of the Jones family, and other related families, (ie the Dottins and Arundells), mostly to DRM, AM and her mother, with papers on the Jones family history.

  • 8. 17.05.27. Letter to DRM from Henry Jones (his nephew?) on the British political scene, and George Canning's success.
  • 10. [ 48] Letter to DRM from Henry Jones on DRM's essay "What has Religion to do with Politics" (1848).

3. 1817-53 61 letters from the Cumberbatches (the family of AM's sister Charlotte), 54 from Abraham Carlton Cumberbatch, AM's nephew, and mostly from Constantinople; also a probate inventory.

  • 11. 15.04.32. Letter from ACC to DRM from Stambol (sic), on the state of the Turkish army.
  • 26. 05.06.42. Letter from ACC to DRM from Constantinople, commenting on the folly of the King of Greece and on the Syrian Question.
  • 27. 07.02.44. Letter from ACC to DRM from Constantinople, on the ill health of Lady Canning and the rise of violent crime in Constantinople.
  • 29. 20.02.45. Letter from ACC to DRM from Constantinople, on Russian interference in Turkish provinces.
  • 33. 03.02.47. Letter from ACC to DRM from Constantinople, in concern over DRM's future; also ACC's own trouble in enforcing Turkish jurisdiction.
  • 34. 03.04.47. Letter from ACC to DRM from Constantinople, on the rupture between Turkey and Greece.
  • 36. 01.07.48. Letter from ACC to DRM from Constantinople, on his reports on shipmasters and seamen (1843 and 1847) being used for regulation of the commercial marine.
  • 49. [15.09.?] Letter from ACC to DRM from Constantinople, on the Sultan's loss of respect.

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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