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Papers of the Morier Family - Class K: Letters written to General Jonathan Peel (1799-1879) and Lady Alice Peel

CLASS K Letters written to General Jonathan Peel 1799-1879 and to his wife, Lady Alice (née Kennedy). JP was younger brother of Sir Robert Peel, and father-in- law of RBDM). N.B. Many of the letters are partly or entirely written in French.

Class K, Box 1

1. 1828-70 15 letters to Peel from various correspondents. Images online here.

  • 1. 18.12.28. Letter from King William IV.
  • 2. 05.06.38. Letter from Lord Brougham.
  • 3. 03.04.42. Letter from Lord George Bentinck, against the principle of obeying unjust commands.
  • 8. 22.05.46. Letter from Lord George Bentinck on agricultural protection (accuses Peel of misconduct).
  • 9. 23.05.46. Letter from Lord George Bentinck, apologising for the above.
  • 10. Biographical sketches of the Russell family, by Lord George Bentinck.
  • 11. 11.03.51. Letter from the King of Hanover.
  • 12. 26.12.52. Letter from Lord Aberdeen, asking Peel to become Surveyor of the Ordnance.
  • 13. 03.01.57. Letter from Disraeli, anxious to discuss the Queen's speech.
  • 14. 26.05.65. Letter from Palmerston, wanting a chairman for a commission into the grievances of Indian officers.

2. 1844-72 9 letters to Peel from the Orléans family. Images online here.

  • 5. [18.01.?] Letter from Louis Philippe d'Orléans, being about to marry his cousin Isabella d'Orléans.
  • 7. 15.03.70. Letter from Henri d'Orléans, concerned about insinuations in the press.

3. 1858-70 12 letters to Peel from George Duke of Cambridge. Images online here.

  • 1. 22.02.58. Signifying his pleasure at Peel's being in the War Office.
  • 3. 21.06.59. Regret that Peel is leaving the War Office.
  • 5. 23.02.65. Concerning Peel's assistance in Parliament.
  • 9. 03.03.67. Worries over legislation for the army.
  • 10. 26.06.68. Trying to keep Peel in Parliament.
  • 11. 21.03.70. Trying to put Peel on a Government commission into the army.

4. 1866-72 15 letters to Peel from Queen Victoria and her household, with 1 from him in reply. Images online here.

  • 4. 25.01.67. Letter from Victoria, thanking Peel for his help with her son, and complaining of the difficulties of being a widow.
  • 5. 26.01.67. Letter from Victoria, complaining that Sir John Parkington does whatever Prince Alfred wants.
  • 6. 17.02.67. Letter from Victoria, concerned that Peel wishes to leave Government over the Reform Bill; urges the need for the Bill and for Cabinet unity.
  • 7. 20.02.67. Letter from Victoria, thanking Peel for obeying the above letter.
  • 8. 01.02.68. Letter from Victoria on the attacks of bleeding suffered by Prince Leopold.
  • 9. 02.08.68. Letter from Victoria, asking Peel not to resign from Parliament; offering him a safe seat.
  • 9a. 04.08.68. Peel's reply to the above.
  • 12. Letter from Prince Albert, asking Peel to support Sir Charles Ward's Bill on India.
  • 14. [11.10.?] Letter from Lady Ely, on the engagement of Princess Louise.

5. 1852-69 22 letters to Peel from Lords Derby, Stanley, and the 2nd and 3rd Viscounts Hardinge. Images online here.

  • 1. 19.03.52. Letter from Derby, asking Peel to take office.
  • 3. 01.06.58. Letter from Derby, on raising foreign troops for service in India.
  • 4. Letter from Derby, on the India Military Commission.
  • 5. 10.06.58. Letter from Derby, on the Militia Commission.
  • 7. [ c59] Letter from Derby, asking Peel to handle the army Estimates.
  • 8. 01.07.66. Letter from Derby, reappointing Peel as Secretary of State for War.
  • 9. 01.03.69. Letter from Derby, fearing that "a fatal error" has been made on Rated Residential Household Suffrage.
  • 14. Letter from Derby on the risk of sudden invasion, and precautions to be taken against it.
  • 15. 14.06.58. Letter from Stanley on the responsibility of picking an army commander for India.
  • 16. 15.06.58. Letter from Stanley on the public dislike of using foreign troops in India.
  • 21. Letter from the 3rd Viscount Hardinge, praising Peel's work.

6. 1831-73 22 letters to Peel from various correspondents. Images online here.

  • 2. 21.03.70. Letter from the War Office on the Commission into Army pay.
  • 3. 22.04.65. Letter from Lord Chelmsford, in defence of the Colonial Secretary at Gibraltar.
  • 5. 30.04.31. Letter from the Mayor, Corporation and City of Cork, asking Peel to be their MP.
  • 7. 19.07.27. Letter from the War Office on Peel's retirement from the army.
  • 9. 08.01.52. Letter from F R Newham; political speculation.
  • 10. 27.02.67. Letter from H M S Parkington, supporting Peel in a parliamentary crisis.
  • 16. 14.06.65. Letter from the Duke of Somerset, asking Peel to be on the Royal Commission into the Patriotic Fund.
  • 19. 26.06.58. Letter from M Talbot, on the Commission into the Indian Army.

7. 1829-56 13 letters to Peel from his family and his wife's family (Cassilis). Images online here.

  • 1. 12.02.29. Letter from Peel's father, approving Peel's speech on the Catholic Question, but against Sir Robert Peel's policy.
  • 3. [12.02.?] Letter from Sir Robert Peel, unhappy over Peel taking an opposing view to his own in Parliament.
  • 4. [12.03.?] Letter from Sir Robert Peel, asking Peel to make an enquiry at ordnance.
  • 10. 05.01.31. Letter from Lord Cassilis, on the weakness of Government.

Class K, Box 2

  • 1. 1857-76 45 letters to Lady Alice from General Peel.
  • 6. 01.10.58. Visiting Balmoral (and in next 5 letters).
  • 9. 04.10.58. Queen Victoria's respect for Sir Robert Peel.
  • 14. 02.11.58. Peel thinks only politicians care about reform; respect for Bright, even though he is a republican.
  • 15. 04.11.58. Staying at Windsor; gives dress code.
  • 19. [ 08.64] The Duchess of Cambridge (Princess of Hanover), has written to Victoria to beg her to "save her country"; Victoria's respect for RBDM's knowledge of Germany.
  • 21. 21.01.61. Disraeli wants "to talk business...I am sure he means mischief"; hatred of the Whigs for Gladstone; rumour of 10% income tax.
  • 22. 26.01.61. Peel thinks Garibaldi is the only one who can prevent war.
  • 25. 04.03.62. Victoria wants Peel to support a bill relieving her from signing so many Commissions; Tory fear that it will weaken the Royal Prerogative.
  • 26. 06.03.62. Annoyance at the Opposition winning the Longford election; Peel and Disraeli's opinions of the state of Government.
  • 28. 12.03.62. Throwing out of a bill legalizing marriage to a sister-in-law.
  • 30. 14.03.62. Thinks Tories are in the wrong.
  • 32. 28.08.66. Victoria very annoyed with the Prince of Wales for removing her household at Osborne.
  • 39. [ 09.66] Visit to Britain by Louis Napoleon's son, the Prince Imperial.
  • 42. [ 64] Divisions in Royal Family over the Danish Question.

2. 1846-58 12 letters to Lady Alice from her children.

  • 28.11.54. Letter from Archibald Peel about the siege of Sebastopol.

3. 1824-71 23 letters to Lady Alice from the Peel family.

  • 2. 14.12.46. Letter from Sir Robert Peel, "no longer behind the scenes"; end of Entente Cordiale.
  • 3. 22.09.47. Letter from Sir Robert Peel, hoping to avoid a misunderstanding with France.
  • 6. Letter from Sir Robert Peel; press attacks on him.

4. 1824-31 12 letters to Lady Alice from her own family (the Kennedys).

5. 1824-58 26 letters to Lady Alice from Lady Kinnaird, later Lady Newburgh, (her sister?), mainly on the illness and death of John Erskine (another brother?).

6. 1851-64 11 letters to Lady Alice from Lady Mary Oswald, (her sister?).

7. 1833-79 30 letters to Lady Alice from the Royal Family, including Queen Adelaide, Victoria, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Mary (of Teck?), and Princess Augusta of Cambridge.

Class K, Box 3

1. 1855-58 23 letters to Lady Alice from John Bright, Lady Holland, Lady Granville, Lady Exeter, Lady Dalling, and Lady Ailesbury.

  • 1. 09.07.55. Letter from John Bright on the sections of Government for and against war.
  • 6. 22.05.58. Letter from John Bright, commenting on "the great debate".

2. 1833-70 12 letters to Lady Alice from the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Chelsea, R Sneyd and H Fleming.

  • 11. [ 58] Letter from H Fleming on the rivalry between Palmerston and Lord John Russell.
  • 12. [ c50] Letter from H Fleming on the unsafe position of the French President.

3. 1849-57 35 letters to Lady Alice from J W Croker and his wife.

  • 7. 19.02.55. Croker's opinion of the Crimea.
  • 9. 18.05.55. Austro/Prussian neutrality.
  • 10. 19.07.55. Revolutionary tendency of the pro war party.
  • 11. 26.07.55. Croker's views against war.
  • 12. 22.08.55. The Baltic expedition; sympathy for the Tsar; fear of revolution.
  • 13. 14.09.55. Views against war.
  • 14. 24.10.55. Views on the Russian army.
  • 15. 30.11.55. Unpopularity of Prince Albert.
  • 17. 01.01.56. Views on Sebastopol.
  • 23. 07.10.56. Despotism of Louis Napoleon.
  • 24. 29.12.56. As above.
  • 34. 11.08.57. Death of Croker.

4. 1851-57 9 letters to Lady Alice from Charles Greville and Henry Reeve.

  • 4. 17.12.52. Letter from Henry Reeve; he has a letter to show Count Colloredo, and fears it could harm Guizot.

5. 1845-73 26 letters to Lady Alice from various notables, including Lord Aberdeen, Disraeli, Gladstone, Tennyson and Wellington.

6. 1832-74 23 letters to Lady Alice from various correspondents on political subjects. 1. 21.05.32. Letter from J Dawson on Whig attempts to pass the Reform Bill.

  • 2. Letter on a quarrel between Molé and Guizot.
  • 3. [ c50] Letter from Lord Somerton on Louis Napoleon's loss of popularity.
  • 4. Letter from A M Christey on Louis Napoleon's probable election to President.
  • 5. [ 12.51] Letter from Harriet Williams on the fall of Palmerston.
  • 6. [16.01.?] Letter from J D Mollie (?) on the chances of war with France.
  • 9. 16.01.52. Letter from E K Northern against Whigs and Protectionists.
  • 10. [09.07.?] Letter from Lady Normanby on rumours of an Orléanist conspiracy.
  • 12. 01.01.50. Letter from Richard Ryde (?) on Protectionists.
  • 15. 20.12.51. Letter from F Byng on Palmerston's attitude to Louis Napoleon; fear of 3 Despotic Powers.
  • 17. [25.10.?] Letter from "CC" on the attitude of America and free trade.
  • 18. 29.02.64. Letter from M Coleman on the probable failure of congress; revolutionary feeling in Austria, Prussia and Germany; French designs on the Rhenish provinces; the state of Denmark.
  • 22. [ 01.55] Letter from the Duke of Beaufort; Lord Stanley has given up (trying to form a government).
  • 23. [ 01.55] Letter from Lord Chesterfield; Lord Stanley still trying to form a government.

Class K, Box 4

1. c1840-50 44 letters to Lady Alice from Lady Jersey.

  • 1. [ c50] Orléans has missed his chance to restore the French monarchy.
  • 3. [25.11.?] King of Prussia seems afraid of his own army.
  • 4. Protectionists are leaderless.
  • 12. Divisions among French monarchists.

2. 1834-59 36 letters to Lady Alice from (and about) the Duke of Rutland.

  • 2. 19.12.34. Doubts about the coalition government.
  • 12. 01.12.50. Reaction to the Catholic (Popish) Question.
  • 24. 27.03.56. Speculations on the peace treaty with Russia.
  • 27. 28.11.56. Louis Napoleon still friendly to Britain.
  • 32. 17.03.57. Support for Peel (Sir Robert).
  • 36. 2 printed anecdotes of Rutland by J W Croker.

3. 1834-73 36 letters to Lady Alice from various correspondents on social subjects.

  • 3. [25.03.50] Letter from William Bosanquet on Princess Lieven's papers.

4. 1824-64 29 letters to Lady Alice from various correspondents.

5. c1857 3 letters to Lady Alice from Lady Howard de Walden.

  • 1. 30.01.57. Sensation in Brussels in reaction to Peel's speech on Russia.

Class K, Box 5

  • 1. 1850-61 57 letters to Lady Alice from Marion and Agatha Ellice, mainly from Paris, giving French political news.
  • 1. [ c49] French elections; Sue and Lulère.
  • 4. 21.12.50. Resurgence of French monarchists.
  • 5. 05.02.51. Isolation of Louis Napoleon.
  • 6. [ 51] Louis Napoleon and the plebiscite.
  • 7. 04.06.51. State of Louis Napoleon.
  • 9. 20.08.56. Franco/Russian alliance.
  • 10. 19.08.56. General amnesty in Paris, France and Italy.
  • 11. 17.02.57. Death of Princess Lieven.
  • 12. 23.02.57. Ill-feeling between France and Britain.
  • 14. 14.05.57. Grief of Guizot over Princess Lieven's death.
  • 15. 26.08.57. Prince of Wales's lack of independence.
  • 17. [ 57] France and Russia against Britain; death of Metternich.
  • 18. [ 57] Louis Napoleon against Britain; fears of war.
  • 19.[09.06.57] Louis Napoleon friendly to Russia and against Austrian policy.
  • 20. [ 01.58] Louis Napoleon's dislike of Austria; state of Italy.
  • 21. 02.03.58. As above.
  • 24. 16.04.59. Success of King of Naples in Sicily; war in Italy imminent; French negotiations with maritime countries; an anti-British pamphlet.
  • 25. 18.04.59. Above pamphlet "Coalition" thought to have been prompted by Louis Napoleon.
  • 26. 19.04.59. As above; Louis Napoleon and Switzerland.
  • 27. 27.04.59. Edmond About's pamphlet "La nouvelle carte de l'Europe".
  • 28. [ 59] Peace with Austria.
  • 30. [ 06.59] Tories and Louis Napoleon; British politics.
  • 31. [ 09.59] Louis Napoleon building up the navy.
  • 32. [ 59] Resignation of Cavour; Franco/Austrian armistice.
  • 33. [ 59] France and Britain; the Italian campaign.
  • 34. [ 59] As above; trouble in Spain.
  • 35. [ 59] Louis Napoleon and Italy; actions of the French clergy.
  • 36. [ 60] Gladstone's budget; France and Savoy.
  • 37. 24.04.60. France and Italy; criticism of Lord Cowley.
  • 38. 19.05.60. Progress of Garibaldi; attitude of France and Britain.
  • 39. 06.06.60. Garibaldi; Louis Napoleon's hopes of revolution in Europe.
  • 40. 27.07.60. French intervention in Syria; appeal of the Comte de Chambord; meeting of Franz Josef and Regent William at Teplitz.
  • 41. 04.09.60. France and Italy.
  • 42. [ 60] Criticism of the Tories; Austria.
  • 43. 04.05.60. Annexation of Savoy; British support for Louis Napoleon.
  • 44. 11.06.61. As above; Italy and Germany.
  • 45. 14.06.61. Baden-Baden conference (also next 6 letters).
  • 54. 04.07.61. Morny scandal (French ambassador to Russia).
  • 55. 25.07.61. French intervention in Syria; meetings at Teplitz and Baden.

2. 1847-52 15 letters to Lady Alice from Achille Fould, from France.

  • 2. 16.05.48. Political confusion; Louis Napoleon's party very active.
  • 3. [ 48] Order restored.
  • 4. 17.07.48. Conditions improving; Cavaignac's government.
  • 5. [28.08?48] Presidential elections; Cavaignac versus Louis Napoleon.
  • 6. 03.01.49. Poor start for Louis Napoleon.
  • 7. 29.09.49. Account of a visit to Claremont to see the exiled Royal Family.
  • 9. 05.07.50. Death of Sir Robert Peel.
  • 11. 23.01.51. Ministerial crisis in France.
  • 12. 18.07.51. Fould's own fall; the needs of France.
  • 14. Change of Cabinet; Louis Napoleon still France's only hope; the people unaffected by change.

3. 1853-65 15 letters to Lady Alice from the Duchesse de Galliera, from France.

  • 1. [17.06.?] Alarm at "warlike reports".
  • 3. 12.06.53. Thinks Thiers is very improved in manner.
  • 13. [15.10.?] Death of the Duchesse de Nemours.

4. 1848-76 55 letters to Lady Alice from François Pierre Guizot and his family, from France.

  • 1. 24.06.48. Bad news from Paris.
  • 2. 05.07.50. Sympathy on death of Peel.
  • 3. 02.12.52. Refuting links with Louis Napoleon; overview of the last 30 years.
  • 4. 21.02.57. Situation of Palmerston and the Gladstone/ Disraeli coalition; French elections.
  • 7. 29.06.57. Writing his memoirs; opinion of the French Opposition.
  • 8. 18.08.57. Small effect of universal suffrage.
  • 9. 09.11.57. Capture of Delhi; respect for the British.
  • 10. 07.12.57. Dislike of radical press; Lord Normanby's memoirs; Dupin back in work.
  • 12. 21.03.58. Orsini affair.
  • 19. 12.12.58. Montalembert lawsuit; war with Austria; chances of British help.
  • 20. 26.03.59. Lord Derby and the Reform Bill; memoirs.
  • 21. 01.07.59. Impotence of British Cabinet in Europe; Austria and war in Italy.
  • 23. 15.11.59. Garibaldi and the Italians.
  • 24. 23.04.60. War expected in various places.
  • 25. 01.07.60. Louis Napoleon's problems in Italy; defeat of Gladstone and Russell.
  • 26. 30.09.60. Rumour that Sir Henry Bulwer is trying to remove the Sultan from Constantinople; the Pope and Garibaldi.
  • 27. 18.12.60. Death of Aberdeen; new Italian war likely.
  • 29. 25.03.61. Energetic Opposition made up of Catholics and conservative liberals and their view of Italy.
  • 31. 16.11.62. Avoidance of war between Britain and America.
  • 33. 09.10.62. Rumour of Queen Victoria abdicating.
  • 34. 02.01.63. American Civil War; thinks states will split up; Aumale may become King of Greece.
  • 38. 04.05.63. Polish insurrection.
  • 39. 04.06.63. Government using pressure in the French elections.
  • 40. 22.11.63. Louis Napoleon wants peace.
  • 41. 11.04.65. Ministerial reshuffle.
  • 42. 09.05.65. Louis Napoleon's voyage to Algeria.
  • 44. 15.03.69. Guizot's own essays on St Louis and Calvin; thinks new elections will be more independent.
  • 45. 20.01.71. British sympathy for France; Prussians have reached Lisieux; defence of Paris.

5. 1850-51 5 letters to Lady Alice from the King of Hanover, with 1 from his secretary. Images online here.

  • 2. 09.07.50. Sympathy on the death of Peel.
  • 3. 02.12.50. Angry about the Pope's "outrageous action"; views on Catholic Emancipation, Puseyites and Romanists; hopes for peace between Austria and Russia.
  • 4. 25.03.51. Alarm at the state of Britain; he blames the Great Exhibition, which will attract the rabble.
  • 5. 02.11.51. From his secretary, explaining the king's illness.

6. 1837-50 71 letters to Lady Alice from Princess Lieven, from Paris. Images online here.

  • 2. 24.06.41. French welcome both expected Tory Government, and Peel's speech on Anglo/French understanding.
  • 3. 28.02.42. French dislike of Whigs and Palmerston; they are not ratifying a treaty.
  • 4. 31.07.42. Death of Duc d'Orléans; intrigues over regency bill.
  • 11. 13.12.45. General amazement at the fall of Peel.
  • 12. 21.12.45. "What will happen?".
  • 13. 05.01.46. French (apart from Thiers) delighted at Peel's return to power.
  • 19. 22.08.46. Favourable elections for the French ministers.
  • 20. 26.09.46. The Spanish Marriage affair.
  • 22. 28.02.47. Lord Normanby and Guizot reconciled.
  • 29. 10.08.47. Princess annoyed at radical success in the British elections.
  • 30. 19.09.47. Good news from Italy.
  • 33. 02.11.47. Trouble for the Government (French?).
  • 34. 29.11.47. Trouble for the Swiss.
  • 37. 02.02.48. Revolution in Naples.
  • 39. 20.09.48. French elections.
  • 40. 25.09.48. Death of Lord George Bentinck removes an obstacle for Peel.
  • 41. 12.10.48. Louis Napoleon involved in a fiasco.
  • 44. 09.11.48. More revolution in Paris.
  • 45. 16.11.48. Close race between Louis Napoleon and Cavaignac for the Presidency; Metternich thinks Prussian monarchy will fall.
  • 50. 21.08.49. Good news from Hungary.
  • 54. 23.09.49. King Louis Philippe resigned to staying in Britain.
  • 58. 21.10.49. Paris very uneasy.
  • 59. 02.11.49. "le coup de théatre, avant le coup d'Etat".
  • 61. 20.11.49. Lord Normanby and the British very unpopular.
  • 65. 25.12.49. Possible change in law on people's representatives holding diplomatic posts for 6 months only.
  • 67. 28.01.50. Wide concern at illness of Thiers.
  • 70. 20.02.50. Louis Napoleon losing popularity; concern over Greek Question.

7. 1850-52 70 letters to Lady Alice from Princess Lieven, from Paris. Images online here.

  • 2. 07.04.50. "Reds" likely to lose if there is a battle; tensions between Légitimistes and Orléanistes.
  • 4. 21.04.50. Cowardice of Assembly.
  • 5. 28.04.50. Refuting Wellington's accusation of being anti-English; latest election.
  • 6. 08.05.50. Paris uneasy.
  • 7. 12.05.50. Public indignation over Greece; the "reds" won't fight until the vote is over.
  • 8. 19.05.50. Great tension; "God knows what will happen!".
  • 9. 26.05.50. Danger avoided; the reds won't fight.
  • 10. 06.06.50. Vote of 3 millions wanted for the President.
  • 12. 18.06.50. Assembly may refuse to vote the money.
  • 13. 27.06.50. Vote passed, but Louis Napoleon not happy.
  • 14. 01.07.50. General delight at Peel's speech.
  • 15. 07.07.50. Peel's death.
  • 18. 14.08.50. Popularity of the Comte de Chambord.
  • 20. 07.10.50. Ominous events in Germany.
  • 21. 13.10.50. Louis Napoleon in trouble.
  • 23. 24.10.50. Germany, "that is the great question!".
  • 24. 02.11.50. Battle between Louis Napoleon and Changarnier.
  • 25. 09.11.50. Various political intrigues; war coming between Germany and Austria.
  • 26. 17.11.50. Anxiety over above war; Louis Napoleon makes a good impression.
  • 28. 01.12.50. Guizot pleased by Louis Napoleon.
  • 29. 02.12.50. Awkward situation with the King of Prussia; rumours that there might be a new French empire.
  • 34. 04.01.51. Louis Napoleon quarrelling with everyone; Changarnier gets an ovation in the Assembly.
  • 35. 08.01.51. Louis Napoleon's triumph; Duchesse d'Orléans thinks that she's won.
  • 36. 18.01.51. Political agitation.
  • 37. 26.01.51. As above.
  • 41. 22.02.51. Monarchist splits to Louis Napoleon's advantage.
  • 47. 04.05.51. Dialogue between Changarnier and Persigny.
  • 52. 08.06.51. Thiers's admiration (for the Great Exhibition), makes him more anti "libre échange" than ever.
  • 57. 22.07.51. Thinks Louis Napoleon is the only possible president.
  • 62. 26.11.51. Important speech by Louis Napoleon.
  • 63. 03.12.51. Doesn't dare say what's happening for fear of imprisonment.
  • 64. 28.12.51. Louis Napoleon trying to restore order after his coup.
  • 65. 12.01.52. "Society very much divided".
  • 67. 12.02.52. New elections and new ministers.
  • 69. 04.03.52. Most aristocratic chamber since Louis Philippe.

Class K, Box 6

1. 1852-57 79 letters to Lady Alice from Princess Lieven, from Paris and Brussels. Images online here.

  • 1. 21.03.52. Public admiration for Derby's speech.
  • 2. 10.04.52. Louis Napoleon handing out money on the Civil List.
  • 3. 23.04.52. No real change politically.
  • 11. 21.11.52. Louis Napoleon to be Emperor; no one is very interested.
  • 14. 25.01.53. Unpopularity of Louis Napoleon's marriage.
  • 15. 08.03.53. Approval for the Empress.
  • 23. 23.11.53. Rumours of war between France and Britain.
  • 25. 13.12.53. Protocol of Vienna; hopes for peace and subduing of the Turks.
  • 26. 28.01.54. Britain is the only one who wants war.
  • 27. 27.02.54. Princess has gone to Brussels in despair.
  • 29. 23.04.54. Preparations for war.
  • 38. 18.11.54. Horror at the Crimean War.
  • 39. 24.11.54. As above.
  • 40. 03.12.54. As above.
  • 45. 28.02.55. Emperor going to Crimea; general dismay.
  • 46. 10.03.55. Hopes for peace after death of Tsar.
  • 47. 21.03.55. Dispute between Berryer and Maquart.
  • 57. 21.09.55. Fears Crimea is "une guerre sans fin"; hostility of British press ("contre nous", could be either France or Russia).
  • 64. 20.01.56. Everybody except the British happy at news of peace from Russia.

2. Undated 55 letters to Lady Alice from Princess Lieven, with 4 papers.

  • 1. 01.57. Printed copies of Ralph Sneyd's "Notice of the late Princess Lieven; A la manière du Duc de St Simon", corrected by Lady Alice.
  • 3. Comments on above by Lady Alice.
  • 4. Original copy, given by Lady Alice to the Philobiblon Society.

3. 1850-79 39 letters to Lady Alice from the Orléans family, including Princesse Isabeau, the Duchesse d'Orléans, Duchesse de Chartres, Queen Marie- Amélie, Comte de Paris, Duc and Duchesse d'Aumale, and Louis d'Orléans. Images online here.

4. 1839-51 12 letters to Lady Alice from Lord and Lady Sandwich and the Baronne de Mintzinguer (probably lady in waiting to the Grand Duchess of Baden).

  • 2. 14.05.39. Riots in Paris.
  • 3. [09.01.?] Life of a chanoiness in Germany.
  • 6. 22.10.51. Strength of Louis Napoleon's party.
  • 7. 05.11.50. Speculation on Louis Napoleon's power; an Empire seems unlikely.

5. 1855-77 41 letters to Lady Alice from Madame Thiers, with 5 from Louis Adolphe Thiers, from France.

  • 10. 26.08.70. Thiers foresaw war with Germany; his immediate plans.
  • 17. 25.05.72. Criticism of Louis Napoleon.
  • 18. 08.10.72. Thiers hopes a change of ministry will satisfy the moderate Right.
  • 27. 20.10.73. Worries over the Right and the Comte de Chambord; the vote on France becoming a Republic.
  • 28. 02.07.73. Actions of Assembly and Government.
  • 29. 25.11.73. Comte de Chambord.
  • 31. 06.07.75. Assembly trying to extend its existence.
  • 32. 21.10.75. Confidence of Bonapartists.
  • 33. 22.11.75. Actions of the Assembly.
  • 34. 17.12.75. Result of elections.
  • 35. 12.09.76. Elections to Senate; Thiers's approval of Beaconsfield's speech on the Orient, Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Question.
  • 37. 03.01.77. Thiers occupied with the Eastern Question.

6. 1846-62 21 letters to Lady Alice from various correspondents from France, including the Comte de Montalembert, Duc de Valancay, M de Jacquville, M Gudin and Princess Grassalkovitch.

7. 1848-52 21 letters to Lady Alice from various correspondents from France.

  • 4. [ c52] Letter from V E (?) at the beginning of the Empire; military parade and the desire for war.
  • 13. 01.12.48. Letter from the Duc de Montebello; he doubts if Louis Napoleon has a majority; assesses Cavaignac's chances of the Presidency.

Class K, Box 7

1. 1836-74 33 letters to Lady Alice from various correspondents on social subjects, from France.

2. 1848-71 32 letters to Lady Alice from various correspondents from France, including M and Mme de Vatry, Comtesse Paul de Ségur, and Comte and Comtesse Duchatel, with a packet of used envelopes.

  • 13. [28.09.?] Letter from the Comtesse Paul; general amazement about the Manifeste Legitimiste.
  • 14. 18.10.50. Letter from the Comtesse Paul; Molé's party "pale blue", Guizot trying to form a party; jealousy of Thiers and the Duc de Broglie.
  • 15. 11.11.50. Letter from the Comtesse Paul; thinks the President may try a coup d'etat.
  • 16. 26.01.51. Letter from the Comtesse Paul; Louis Napoleon revenging himself on parliament; the hostility towards him.
  • 17. 02.10.51. Letter from the Comtesse Paul; plans for a coup d'etat, the popularity of Joinville.
  • 18. [ 48] Letter from Comte Duchatel; Louis Napoleon's chances.
  • 22. Letter from Comtesse Duchatel; riots in Paris.
  • 25. Letter from Comtesse Duchatel; French dislike of Palmerston.

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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