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Papers of the Morier Family - Class M: Modern notes on the Moriers

Class M, Box 1

1. 5 modern papers on Hajji Baba and the Moriers.

  • 1. 05.1970. "Who was Hajji Baba?" - Article in Notes and Queries by Arthur J Weitzman, Northeastern University (3 pp).
  • 2. "The Birth of Hajji Baba: As seen through the letters of James Morier" - paper by Alice Wemyss (Hon Mrs F H Cunnack) (13 pp).
  • 3. 14.12.13. TS extract from a letter by JJM to CM, from Tehran (1 p).
  • 4. Letter to a Mr Bevan about the Moriers from another branch of the family (2 pp).
  • 5. 1995 Hajji Baba and Mirza Abul Hasan Khan - A Conundrum, by Henry B McKenzie Johnston, (4 pp).

2. 1815-44 TS extracts from the letters of CM, DRM and RBDM, with 1 MS letter by RBDM, 1843 (83 pp).

3. 11 sets of A5 notes by Alice Wemyss (later the Hon Mrs F H Cunnack) for her book on the Moriers, Fighting with the Pen (with luggage labels from a trunk which held the original archive).

  • 1. 18th and 19th Century Turkey (49 pp).
  • 2. 18th and 19th Century Smyrna (89 pp).
  • 3. Letters from CM to IM, 1787-90 (69 pp).
  • 4. Napoleon in Egypt (134 pp).
  • 5. Lord Elgin in Constantinople (69 pp).
  • 6. El Arish (91 pp).
  • 7. After El Arish (59 pp).
  • 8. Heliapolis and after (78 pp).
  • 9. The Abercromby Expedition (93 pp).
  • 10. Peace of Amiens (28 pp).
  • 11. Précis Morier letters 1803-07, from DRM, JJM, JPM and IM (106 pp).

Class M, Box 2

1. TS of Alice Wemyss's book Fighting with the Pen: the adventures of James and David Morier in Persia and Turkey during the Napoleonic Wars (339 pp).

2. TS of chapter 12 and incomplete footnotes from Fighting with the Pen (67 pp).

3. Corrected TS of chapters 2-12 from Fighting with the Pen (204 pp).

Class M, Box 3

1. TS of chapters 2-3 and footnotes from Fighting with the Pen (77 pp)

2. TS of chapters 2-10 from Fighting with the Pen, (234 pp).

3. Notes from the original catalogue of the Morier Papers by Mrs Cunnack, and H B McKenzie Johnston, with notes on the family history of the Moriers and La Fontaines by DRM's great grandson, Geoffrey Whitall (136 pp).

- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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