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Papers of the Morier Family - index to catalogue A-M

Entries in bold text signify letters written by the person referred to, as opposed to letters concerning them.

Abercrombie, Sir Ralph: C2.6.20, C2.7.14, D1.2.3,9

Aberdeen , George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of: E17.1.1,K1.1.12, K3.5.1-6, E3.4.69, E10.3.16

Acland, L: G7.4.27

Acland, Mary: E20.6.44

Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke: E20.6.45, F1.1, G7.4.27

Adair, Robert: E2.4.22, E2.2.13,18, E2.4.5, N4.6

Addington, E A: E20.6.72

Addington, H: E18.1.3

Adelaide , Queen: K2.7.1

Adze, John (?): H5.5.18

Ailesbury, Lady: K3.1.21-22

Albania : see the Morea

Albert, Prince: K1.4.12, K2.7.27, K3.3.15

Alexander I, Tsar of Russia: G2.4.17, G3.1.1

Ali Pasha: C2.1.24a, E19.3.3, E1.1.27,33, E1.2.10

Andrew, Anne: E20.6.42

Angoulême, Duc de: G1.3.20

Arundell, Mary: G6.4.31,33,45-52

Austria : and British subjects, E17.1.5-11; and Switzerland, E11.1.18-23, E12.1.45-47, E14.1.4, E14.3.12; and Prussia (1866), H5.5.1


Bac, Ferdinand: N7.8.13

Backhouse, John (Permanent under secretary, Foreign Office,

1827-42): E10.1.1a, E10.6.4,6-9, E15.7.7

Baden-Baden Conference (1861): K5.1.45-51

Bailey, A: H5.3.39

Baker, Anthony: E2.4.21

Banda, Sophie d'Ochaudo de la: E15.8.30

Banley, E: E20.6.46

Barbaud, James: A1.5.21

Baring, F: E10.1.18a

Barker, Anna: E20.6.48

Barnett, S A: E20.6.91

Beauchamp, Lady C D: E20.6.64

Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 7th Duke of: K3.6.22

Beaufort, Rosa E: E20.6.80

Belamy, (Notaire): E20.4.13

Belgium : 1831 uprising, E10.3.41, G4.2.21,28, G4.3.25

Bentinck, Lord George: K1.1.3-10

Berigny, Vicomte de: E15.4.13

Berri, Charles, Duc de: E5.2.1,19-20, G1.3.7-8,10

Berton, Général: E6.1.3

Besada, J: E5.3.10

Bevan, A: E20.6.55

Bidwell, John: E10.6.1-3,5, E14.3.18

Birley, E H: N7.5

Blanchehildgard, M: E20.6.86

Blantyre , Lord: N7.8.5

Blennerhasset, Rowland: H5.5.44

Blonay, B de: E14.4.46

Bombelles, de (Austrian ambassador to Switzerland): E13.4.1, E14.3.1, E14.4.24,28,37,E16.1.3-6, E11.1.28,29, E11.2.19-21, E12.1.17

Boodle, Charlotte: E20.6.39

Booth, Lionel: E20.6.41

Bougenhadt, de: E20.6.81

Boyle, Eleanor Vere: E18.2.50

Braithwaite, F: E20.6.54

Bridges, Nathan: E20.6.75

Bright, John: K3.1.1-7

British South Africa Company: H6.1.8-13, H6.2.11

Brougham, Lord: K1.1.2, K3.5.25

Brühl, Comtesse de: K2.7.25-26

Bryew, Sister Mary (?) F: E20.6.6

Buchanan, James (US President): K4.4.1

Buckinghamshire, 4th Earl of (Lord Hobart): N5.1

Bunsen, Chevalier de: E15.7.14-20

Burgoyne, J F: K1.6.1

Byng, F: K3.6.15


Cambridge , George, Duke of: K1.3, K2.7.10

Cambridge , Princess Augusta of (Duchess of): K2.7.5-9, 15-22, K2.1.19

Campbell, George: E20.6.78

Campbell, Dr James D: F1.2

Campbell, S: G7.5.17

Canning, George: E3.4.68, E7.4.25, F1.3.32, G3.2.27, G8.2.8

Canning, Lady: G8.3.27

Canning, Louisa: E20.6.52

Canning, Stratford (Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe): E20.6.68, F1.3, E3.1.10, 20, E4.5.2, E19.3.2, F2.2.2,4

Caradoc, John Hobart (later 2nd Baron Howden): E8.2.6

Carduch (?), Edward: K1.6.2

Caroline, Princess of Wales: A1.10.4-5,7, G1.3.31-32

Cassilis, Lord: K1.7.9-11, K2.4.8

Cassilis, Lady: K1.7.12, K2.4.9-12

Castlereagh, Lord: C3.2 3, E4.5.8, E6.1.12, E6.2.37,39

Catholic Question: B2.7.23-25, E9.2.2, E9.3.18, K4.2.12

Caivaging (?): E14.3.30

Cavaignac, Godefroy: K5.2.4-5, K5.6.45, K6.7.13

Chabannes la Palice (family): J1.6

Chabannes, Alfred de (second son of Anna de Chabannes): J1.6.17c,20a,33

Chabannes, Anna, Marquise de (sister of Clara Morier): J1.6.3-4,6-8,10,16-16a,17a,34, K6.3.38

Chabannes, Antoinette de (wife of Alfred de Chabannes): J1.6.21-22,30

Chabannes, Elisabeth (Mimi) de (eldest daughter of Anna de Chabannes): J1.6.9,13,18,26-28,30a,32,35-36

Chabannes, Emma de (fifth daughter of Anna de Chabannes): J1.6.17b,20,23,39

Chabannes, Frédéric de (eldest son of Anna de Chabannes): E20.6.82 (?), J1.6.19

Chabannes, Jean Frédéric, Marquis de (husband of Anne de Chabannes): E4.4.51

Chabannes, Octave de (youngest son of Anna de Chabannes): E20.6.36,J1.6.24-25,31

Chad , G W: E18.2.47

Chambord , Henri, Comte de: K6.5.27,29, K5.1.40, K5.7.18

Changarnier, Nicolas: K5.7.24,34,47

Charles X: E8.1.29, E10.2.22 ; trial of ministers, E10.1.7,16, G4.2.25,35 (see also France, 1830 revolution)

Cheesbrough, J: E17.2.43a

Chelmsford , Frederick Thesiger, 1st Baron: K1.6.3

Chelsea, Lord: K3.2.5-7

Chenevix, Comtesse: E20.4.1-5,7-9, E20.4

Cherton, Marie Barbe: E20.4.11-12

Chesterfield , George Stanhope, 6th Earl of: K3.6.23

Chevalier, le (Koliades): F1.4

Cholera: E10.3.63a, E10.4, E11.1.13, F2.10.6,20, G4.3.21,31,35,37-38,40

Christei, Mary: E20.6.21

Christey, A M: K3.6.4

Clanwilliam, Lord: E16.5.6

Clyde , Lord: K1.6.4

Cockerell, Rev P: E20.6.26

Coleman, M: E18.2.52

College of Surgeons : E6.3.7-10

Collingwood, Admiral: I1.3.12

Commission of Deposit, Liquidation and Arbitration (Paris, 1815-1818): E4.1, E4.5.8, E5.3.9, E6.3.1, E7.4.22, E8.2.25, G2.3.33

Condé, Prince de: G1.1.30

Congress of Vienna, see Vienna, Congress of

Conroy, Sir John: K2.7.30

Constant, Professor Maurer: E15.7.8-13

Constantinople: A1.3-5,7-9, D1.4-5, G8.3; crime, G8.3.27; expulsion of British, A1.5.4,8,19,20,22, A1.6.9-10; French mission to, F1.5.1; Sultan of, G8.3.49, K5.4.26

Consulate (British in Paris): E4.1.2, E5.3.23, E6.3.12, E7.4.24, E9.1.23a, E9.2.7, E10.1.18a, E10.3.64, E10.5-6, G3.1.3,8, G4.2.33, G4.3.2b,5,26,33,37

Coppinger, J: E20.6.71

Corfu : E1.1.52, E1.2.17, E2.3.13,15

Cork , Mayor and Corporation of: K1.6.5

Croker, J W: K3.3, K4.2.36

Cumberbatch (family): G8.3

Cumberbatch, Abraham Carlton (nephew of Anna Morier): E20.3.2, G8.3

Cumberbatch, Charlotte (sister of Anna Morier): G8.3.50

Cumberbatch, Charlotte (niece of Anna Morier): G8.3.51-53

Cunningham, Anna: E20.6.8


Dalling, Lady: K3.1.19-20

Dalmatia (1806): C3.1.18, E1.3.10

Dalrymple, S: N7.5

Dardanelles , British mission in, 1808-09: E2.2-3, N4.6

Davis, R H: E20.6.66

Dawkins, S H: E18.2.46

Dawson, J: K3.6.1

Dawson, Mrs (née Peel): K2.3.21

Décoppet, Louis (?): H4.1.64-65

Del-Bianco, Paolina: E20.6.97

Dendrino, Chancellor of Corfu: E2.3.13,15

Denmark (1864): A2.3.21,35, F1.3.48,50, K2.1.42, K3.6.18

Derby , Edward Stanley, 14th Earl of (see also Lord Stanley): K1.5.1-14, K3.5.12, K6.1.1

Devonshire , William Cavendish, 6th Duke of: K3.2.1-4

Disraeli, Benjamin: K1.1.13, K3.5.7-10, K2.1.21,26, K5.4.4, K6.5.35

Dod, Rev J: E15.8.22-27

Dottin, A: G8.2.13,32,35

Dottin, W: G8.2.21a,30,34,36-41

Doughty, Beatrice: E20.6.16

Douglas-Hamilton, Laura: E20.6.13

Douglas-Hamilton, Nina: E20.6.15

Drum-Jervois: K1.6.6

Drummond, C A: G7.5.38

Duchâtel, Comte Charles-Marie: K7.2.18-19,21,30

Duchâtel, Comtesse: K7.2.20,22-29,31-32

Dugdale, W S: E15.8.31


East India Company: A2.2.20, E6.1.12, F2.10.8

Edgeworth, Maria: E5.2.32,34, G1.3.18

Egypt : Ottoman expedition against General Kléber, (1800), C2.6, N2.3; negotiations with Britain, (1807), E2.1.33-35

Elgin , 7th Earl of: C2.5.20, C2.6.11-12,17, C2.7.13, E2.1.30, I1.3.2, J1.4.11

Ellice, Marion and Agatha: K5.1

Ely, Lady: K1.4.14

Enghien, Duc d': G1.1.30

Exeter , Lady: K3.1.15-18

Eyre, M E A: E20.6.77


Fatio, S: E10.1.5

Faulkner, Anna: E20.6.4

Fazakerley: E13.3.1.

Fellenberg, Emmanuel de: E14.4.44

Fenonnays, de la: E9.2.7a

ffolliott, John: E20.6.63, H5.3.36

Fischer (Avoyer): E14.3.42, E16.5.1, E17.2.46

Fleming, H: K3.2.11-12

Foster, Sir Augustus: E13.1.11-12

Fould, Achille: K5.2

France: E4-10, G1-4, K5-7; allied troops in, E4.5.9; anti-monarchists, E5.2.46, E5.4.3; colonies, E5.3.1, E9.2.7a; commerce, E5.3.21-22, E6.1.13, E6.3.13-14,16, E7.1.24, E7.3.11a, E9.2.13, E10.5.31, E11.2.25, G4.3.1,6; consulships, E5.1.6,8; Egyptian expedition, C2.6; Franco/Prussian war, K5.4.45; Jacobins, G1.3.21; monarchists, K4.1.12; National Guard, E6.4.19; navy, C2.1.15,17, C2.2.17, E1.2.5,19, J1.3.18; property system, E10.3.63a; religion, E10.5.21, E6.4.13, E7.2.11; 1830 revolution, E10.2, G4.2.28; 1848 revolution, H5.3.6-7; Rhenish provinces, K3.6.18; relations with Spain, E6.3.2,11, G2.2.7,11,14,20; relations with Switzerland, see Switzerland; Toulon, F2.1.2, J1.3.18, J1.6.1

Frederick, Emperor of Germany: H6.2.1

Frere, Bartholomew: A2.2.1-6, F1.5

Freudenreich, Eugénie de: E20.6.31, G6.4.46, H1.5.a-b

Froweun, Hugh: H6.3.5.3


Galliera, Duchesse de: K5.3

Germany : defence, E15.7.20 (see also Switzerland)

Gibraltar : E2.1.23

Giuliani, Vincenzo: E15.7.21-27, G7.5.39

Gladstone, William Ewart: K3.5.13-14, K5.1.36

Glutz, M J: E11.5.8-9

Gordon, R: E17.2.12

Gordon, Sir Robert: E10.1.1

Grange, J M de la: E7.4.22

Granville, 1st Earl: E11.1.18-19, E12.2.5,8, E13.2.6, E15.4.1,9,11,14-15

Granville, Lady: K3.1.10-14

Grassalkovitch, Princess: K6.6.10-21

Greville, Charles: K3.4.1-3

Grey, C: E18.1.2a

Grey, Charles, 2nd(?) Earl: K3.5.15

Griffith, H (surgeon on RMS Tartar): H6.2.12

Guizot, François-Pierre: E17.1.4,K5.4, K3.4.4, K3.6.2, K5.6.22, K5.7.28, K7.2.14


Hall, Saghan: E14.3.22

Hamilton, Terrick: A2.2.10-11,21, F2.1

Hamilton, William: E18.1.55

Hanover, Ernest Augustus, King of: K1.1.11, K2.7.22, K5.5

Hardinge, 2nd Viscount: K1.5.17-20

Hardinge, 3rd Viscount: K1.5.21

Hartley, John: E16.3.77

Hayley: E20.6.2

Hayley, B: E20.6.69

Heldritt, de: E17.2.35b

Henderson, Emily: E20.6.5

Hepburne, Jane Lindsay: H1.1.g

Hess, Bourgmestre JJ: E14.3.35, E15.6.4

Hill, E: E10.2.62

Hoare, William H: E20.6.38

Hobart , Lord (see under Buckinghamshire)

Holiwell, E: E20.6.98

Holland , Francis: E20.6.49

Holland , Lady: K3.1.8-9

Holland , S: E20.6.7


India : F2.4.6-7; British army in, K1.1.14, K1.5.4,15-16, K1.6.19

Inglis, Sir R H: E10.5.30, E17.6.60

Italy : D3.2.1, E5.4.4, E15.4.3, K5.1.37, K5.4.25


Jenkinson, Captain: E17.3.41

Jenkyns, R (Master of Balliol): E16.3.71, E18.1.11

Jersey , Lady: K4.1

Jervois, Lucy: E20.6.30

Johnston, Cochrane: E7.4.17 (see also Malta, Order of)

Jones, (family): G8.1-2, G8.2.26,53-54, L1.1, N7.7 (see also related families, the Arundells, Cumberbatches and Dottins)

Jones, A: E20.6.29

Jones, Charlotte: E18.2.34, E20.6.3

Jones, Elizabeth (mother of Anna Morier): G8.1

Jones, Henry (brother of Anna Morier): G8.2.8,12,27

Jones, Henry (son of the above): G8.2.10

Jones, John A (brother of Anna Morier): G8.2.1,7,11,28

Jones, Robert Burnet (father of Anna Morier): G8.2.2-6, N2.2

Jones, Thomas Henry (nephew of Anna Morier): G8.2.9

Jones, Sir Harford: F2.2, D1.6.9,18, D1.7.6,11, E2.3.8, E3.1.14,20, F2.6.1-2, F2.7.4, F2.9.3,9

Jowett, Benjamin: E20.6.27


Kaufmann, M de: H6.3.1

Keble, John: F1.1.3-4

Kennedy (family): K2.4

Kent, Edward, Duke of: E4.5.5-6

Khan, Jafer Ali: E2.3.39

Khan, Mirza Abul Hasan: L2.2.4, D1.6.13,17, D1.7.2,6, D2.4.12-13,15, D2.5.1, E2.4.17,21, F2.10.6-7,11,18-19, M1.1.5

Kinnaird, Lady (later Lady Newburgh): K1.7.13, K2.5

Knight, H Gally: F2.3

Krudeur, Mme de: E20.6.93


Lafayette, Marie-Joseph, Marquis de: E7.2.25

Lamb, Sir Frederick: E11.1.20-22,26, E11.2.1a, E11.5.17, E12.2.4,10,14,19, E12.3.7-9, E13.2.5, E14.3.4, E14.4.49,51

Landaman, le: E14.3.38

Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of: E18.2.15, K3.5.16-17

Laurence, Euphemia: E20.6.47

Lear, Edward: F2.4

Ledoux, Sabine: E20.4.10

Lee, Edward: J1.7

Lee, John: A2.3.36

Lee, Sarah: J1.7

Levecon: E15.7.2,4

Liechte, Rosarie: E20.6.95

Leissier, H C de: E20.6.33

Lieven, Princess: K5.6, K5.7, K6.1, K6.2, K4.3.3, K5.1.11,14

Lindegren, John: E8.2.29

Liston, Sir Robert and Lady: A2.2.7-9, E4.5.2

Lockheart, Carolina C: E20.6.11

Lockheart, James: E20.6.10

Londonderry , Lady: E18.2.48

Long, G M D: E20.6.23

Long, W: E20.6.22

Louis XVIII: G2.3.24

Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III): in Switzerland, E15.4.1,8-15, E15.5.21,23, G6.3.31,35; in France, K5.1.5-7,18-21,31,39, K5.2.2, K5.4.3,40,65; and Britain, K4.2.27, K5.1.18,25-26,43-44; Coup d'etat, K5.6.59, K5.7.63-64, K7.2.15-18; as Emperor, K6.1.2-3,11,14,45, K6.4.7; and Italy, K5.1.37, K5.4.25; and the Presidency, K3.2.12, K3.6.4, K5.2.2,5-6,14, K5.6.41,45, K5.7.10,13,21,24,26,34-35,41,57,62, K6.4.6, K6.7.13; and Switzerland, K5.1.26; unpopularity, K3.3.23-24, K3.6.3, K5.6.70, K6.5.17

Lousada, Mary G: E20.4.37

Ludolf, Count Constantine: F2.5

Luternaunée, H de: E18.1.52

Lyndburn, Lord: K3.5.18


Macbean, Mary Amelia: E20.6.85

Mackinnon, Mynie: E20.6.51

MacTaggart, Anne: E20.6.52

Magenis, Arthur: E16.5.2, E17.1.9-10

Mahon , Lord: E14.3.2,5,24

Maihton, P (?): E15.8.32

Mallet, General the Baron de: E20.6.88, N.7.5

Mallet, Louis (Sir): E20.6.20

Mallet, M S de: E20.6.92

Malta : A1.5.4-5, E1.1.13; Order of, E7.4.11-14

Marie, Princess of Wied: H6.2.3

Marner, Elizabeth: E20.6.24

Marriott, W: N7.8.10

Martini, Nicolas: H6.3.6

Martry, Alex: E20.6.18

Mary Adelaide, Princess: H6.1.4

Massingherd, Julia: E20.6.34

Melville, Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount: G3.2.15

Merivale, Parry: E20.6.61

Metternich, Prince: E11.1.12, E15.6.5, E16.1.9, K5.1.17, K5.6.45

Middell, Ellen: E20.6.1

Mildmay, Augusta St John: E20.6.90

Mildmay, C A St John: N7.5

Mintzinguer, Baronne de: K6.4.1-3

Montalembert, Charles, Comte de: K6.6.1-2, K5.4.19

Montebello , Duc de: K6.7.13-14

Morea, The: E1-2, C3.1, N3.2-3, N4.4-6; Black Sea, E3.2.6; independent Albanians, E1.2.36; Ioannina, E1.1.27, E1.2.9-10,23.25, E1.3.18,23 (see also Ali Pasha); Levant consuls, E1.1.23, E1.2.24; Olympus, E3.2.6; Russian invasion, E1.1.23; Suliotes, E1.1.33, E1.2.10; Thessaly, E1.3.18

Moreau Dejormès, A: E10.5.25-26

Morier, family: L1.1

Morier, Lady Alice: H5.4.20-28,31, H5.5.34-38, H6.3-4, N11.9-13, N12.1-9

Morier, Ann Mary (Maria): I1.2, L1.2, L2.2.5-6

Morier, Anna: G1-7, H5.1-2, N7.6-7, N7.8.8-9; death, E18.2.24-27; in Paris, G1-4; in Switzerland, G4.4-G7.4

Morier, Anne Elizabeth (Leila): H3.1-3, N8.3-7, N9.6

Morier, Basil: E20.6.65

Morier, Clara Elizabeth (Tolla): I1.1, L1.2, L2.2-7

Morier, David Richard (DRM): E1-17, H5.1-2, L1.4.6-11, N4.3-N7.5, N7.8.4,6,12; and the Chenevix Legacy, E20.4; in the Dardanelles, E2.2-3, N4.6; death, E20.6; dismissal (1847), E17.5.1-6, E18.1.1-2,3, G7.5.33, G8.3.11,14-16; in the Morea, E1-2, N3.3, N4.4-5; in Paris, E4.1-10.3; in Persia and Pera, E2.3-3.2, E19, N4.8, E17.1-2, M2-3; in Switzerland, E10.4-E17, N6.3, G5.5.13; in Turkey, N4.3, E6.1.4; at the Congress of Vienna, E3.3-4, E4.1-2; written work: "Observations on Christian Politics", N5.3; "What has Religion to do with Politics?", N7.1, G8.2.10; "A few words on the Eastern Question", N7.5; Photo the Suliote, E20.5, N6.8

Morier, Dorothea (Dora): H1-2.5, N8.2,6

Morier, Elizabeth Clara (CM): B1-3, L1.3

Morier, Emily Cecilia (Cis): H3.4, N9.1,3

Morier, Emily Maria (Emily): I1.1, L1.2, N14.5

Morier, Greville: D3.3.36-36,47, N4.1-2

Morier, Harriet: D3.3

Morier, Horatia: C3.3.37-39,41

Morier, Isaac (IM): A1-2, L1.4.1,9, N1.2, N7.8.1

Morier, James Justinian (JJM): D1-3, L2.2.2-3, N2.4-N3.6, N7.8.2-3; in Mexico, D2.6.3-4,6,13, D2.7.3,10, D3.1.6, N3.5, B2.5.16, B2.6.5;

death, D3.3.35-37, E18.1.19-24; in Persia, D1.6-D2.2, L2.2.2-3, N2.6, N3.4, M2-3; in Smyrna, D1.1-4; written work, Hajji BabaD2.6.1-2,10, E7.2.35, F2.10.10-11,13, L2.2.4, M1.1; Hajji Baba in England, L1.2.3,5; 1st book of travels, D1.7.1, D1.8.16; 2nd book of travels, D2.3.19, D2.4.4, E4.4.9,28, E4.5.9; Zohrab the Hostage, D3.2.7c,7e, B3.3.3,13, E12.4.23

Morier, Jean Philipe: A2.2.26

Morier, John Philip (JPM): C1-3, D1.2.3, L1.4.2-5, N2.3;in Dresden, C3.2; in the Morea, C3.1, L1.4.2-5, E1.3.5,7; in Pera, L2.2.1; in Norway, C3.2.1-2; with the Ottoman army, C2.5-7, D1.2.3, N2.3; in Smyrna, C2-5

Morier, Kitty: C3.3.40,42

Morier, Mary Henrica (Rix): H1-2.6

Morier, R: E20.6.32

Morier, Robert Burnet (RBDM): E20.6.17, H4-5, H6.3.7, M1.2, N7.8.11, N8.11-12, N9.4-7, N10, N11.1-8; in Germany, H5.4.8-18, H5.5.2-15,20-21; at Oxford, H5.1-3; in Portugal, H5.5.16,25-30; Queen Victoria's opinion of him, K2.1.19; at school, H4; in Vienna, H5.4.1-2, H5.5.1

Morier, Victor: H6.1-2, N12.8-9, N7.5, N13.1

Morier, Victoria: H6.3-4, N12.10-11, N13.1

Morier, William (WM): I1.3-7, L2.1, L1.4.13-16; and the Duke of Clarence, B2.7.2, L1.2.4-5, L1.4.11-12

Mortimer, E: E18.2.23

Mose: D2.6.10

Moster, D S: E17.2.35a

Moulton, M F: E18.2.45

Müller, Theodor: E15.7.28

Muralt, Bourgmestre de: E14.4.38,48, E15.7.29-31


- Katrina Wilson, Modern MSS Asst, 1994

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