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Papers of David Urquhart : XI Miscellaneous

XI consists of part of the contents of a box labelled by E.V.Quinn (Librarian): "Urquhart papers. Miscell. to be correctly placed" and empty folders found with the collection in which documents appear to have been originally placed. The following items have all been restored to the place in the collection where they were described as being in the original catalogue or where they obviously belong: index book to section IV, VII 1, VIII 2h, VIII 2i i, VIII 2i ii. The rest of the contents from the box never appear to have been catalogued. At the bottom of the box was a piece of paper with "Urquhart J (Cont.) and 2 notebooks" written on it.

XI 1: LEGAL DOCUMENTS: 1731- 1854.

1. Commission of D.U. as Secretary to the Embassy at Constantinople. Windsor Castle. 3 Oct. 1835. Signed William IV. No seal is attached but where the seal was originally is evident. 1l. Parchment. 34 x 55 cm.

2. "Settlement on the marriage of David Urquhart Esqre. with Miss Harriet Fortesque." Signed and sealed by D.U. Harriet Angelina Fortescue and Thomas William Filgate. Trustees of Thomas William Filgate and David Ross. 4 Sept. 1854. Writing on reverse by James Neall Mac Neill. 4l of parchment sewn together. 60 x 66 cm.

3. Saisine in favour of Alexander Fraser of the [two] possessions of the lands of Cullicoden. 29 Mar. 1723. Signed Hugh Dallas "Nottar publick." 8 May 1723. 1l. Parchment. 45 x 68 cm.

4. Saisine in favour of Roderick MacKenzie for land formerly owned by Thomas Murray. 3 Apr. 1731. Signed Alexander Baillie deputy to "Nottar publick."22 Apr. 1831. 1l. Parchment. 59 x 65 cm.

5. Saisine in favour of H. Hunter. 16 Apr. 1751. In Latin. 1l. Parchment. 46 x 76 cm.


1. Contents of one pocket of the folder.

1a. Letters held together with a leather band and buckle. 11 items: 6 ALS with seals or ink stamps, 1 ALS without a seal or stamp, 4 ML copies, 1 letter in unopened addressed envelope. Date: The 4 ML copies are of letters either dated or received in 1863. It has not been possible to date the letters in Arabic. Language: 7 ALS and 1 unopened letter in Arabic. 3 ML copies in French, 1 ML copy in English. English comments written at the bottom of 2 ALS.

  • 1 ALS from "the Circassian Beys: Alkas Bey, Ibrahim Bey
  • Johmail Mohamed Dia" according to writing in English at the foot of the letter by [H.U.]
  • 1 ALS from [Hassan].
  • 1 ML copy from Circassian deputies to [D.U]. 1863. 1l. Enclosure: 1 MS. "Notes of what passes between [Yusuff] and Mehmet Pasha. Jany. 6th 1863." In handwriting of H.U. 2l.
  • 1 ML copy from [D.U.] to the Circassian Deputies. 12 Jan. 1863. In French. 1l.

1b. Rest of the letters in the pocket. 14 Items: 7 ALS, 3 [ALU], 3 MS, 1 reproduction MS. Dates: [1827]- 1833. For 8 items the date has not yet been ascertained. Language: 3 ALS, 3 [ALU], 3 MS and 1 MS reproduction in Arabic.

  • 3 letters wrapped together: 1 signed and stamped MS. [Passport from police 1827.] 1l.
  • 1 ALS from [El hadj mir Fracon to D.U. Covering paper with address. 1 MS translation. In French. 1l.
  • 1 ALS from [Dustin Efendi Stambulli] to D.U. ? Date not yet ascertained. In Arabic. 1l.
  • 1 ALS stamped from ? to ? Annotated: "Offical recommmendation for Mr D.U." [1829]. In Greek. 1l.

2. Contents of the second pocket of the folder. 16 items: 10 ALS, 2 ADS, 1 MS, 1 unopened addressed envelope,1 empty wrapper, 1 plan. Dates: 1 [c. 1835] and 1 [1848]. The dates of the other items have not yet been ascertained. Language: All in Arabic.

  • 1 envelope. Sealed and unopened. Addressed in Arabic. Annoatated "Recommendation from [Mustalph?] Reschid of D.U. a great friend of Turkey, just appointed Sec. of Embassy." [c. 1835].
  • 1 MS. In Arabic. Annotated "Submission of Agni Bey" by [H.U.]. The date has not yet been ascertained. 1l.
  • 1 hand drawn coloured plan. Annotated in Arabic. Date not yet ascertained. 1l.
  • 1 empty wrapper. labelled "Turkish letter."
  • 1 ALS. Annotated: "1848 Wasmic Pacha Governor of Sidon (?) to [Constanl.] in answering to letter telling him to let Daoud Bey [D.U.] pass..." . 1l.

XI 3: 1 MS LETTERBOOK: 1835- 7.

Annotations inside front cover. 282 p. All copies are in the hand of D.U. and are from D.U. unless otherwise stated. Some of the letters are annotated and some appear to be draft versions. The book also contains notes about letters received.

  • 1. 1 ML copy to Ponsonby [J.P.] 14 Aug. 1835.
  • 2. 1 ML copy to Achmet Pacha. 12 Aug. 1835.
  • 3. 1 ML copy to J.P. 20 Aug. 1835.
  • 4. 1 ML copy to Achmet Pacha. 28 Aug. 1835.
  • 5. 1 ML copy to J.P. 16 Aug. 1835.
  • 6. 1 ML copy to Mons. B. at C[onstantinople]. [1835].
  • 7. 1 ML copy to Nourir Effendi. 31 Aug. 1835.
  • 8. 1 ML copy to Mettenich. 30 Aug. 1835.
  • 9. 1 ML copy to Halil Pasha. 1 Sept. 1835.
  • 10. 1 ML copy to Sir Herbert Taylor [H.T.] Bittern. 6 Sept. 1835.
  • 11. 1 ML copy to Count Zamosiki. Windsor. 15 Sept. 1835.
  • 12. 2 ML copy to W.F.Strangways [W.F.S.] Grafton St. 14 and 23 Oct. 1835.
  • 13. 1 ML copy of extract to Achmet Pasha.
  • 14. 2 ML copy to J.P. Grafton St. 4 and 14 Dec. 1835.
  • 15. 3 ML copy to H.T. Grafton St. 20 Dec. 1835.- 7 Jan. 1836.
  • 16. 1 ML copy to Backhouse [J.Bh.] [7 Jan.- 9 Sept. 1836].
  • 17. 1 ML copy to W.F.S. 9 Sept. 1836.
  • 18. 1 ML copy to W.F.S. 7 Dec. 1836.
  • 19. 1 ML copy to MacNeil. Jakidigik. 9 Oct. 1836.
  • 20. 2 ML copies to H.T. Maltepe and Kouron Chesme. 24 Oct. 1836 and 31 Jan. 1837.
  • 21. 1 ML copy to W.F.S. Kouron Chesme. 6 Feb. 1837.
  • 22. 1 ML copy of letter from J.A.Longworth to D.U. 2 Jan. 1837.
  • 23. 1 ML copy to H.T. Kouron Chesme. 6 Feb. 1837.
  • 24. 1 ML copy to J.H. Kouron Chesme. 6 Feb. 1837.
  • 25. 2 ML copies to J.Bh. 27 and 30 Jan. 1837.
  • 26. 1 ML copy to J.P. Maltepe. 24 Oct. 1836.
  • 27. 1 ML copy to N.F.S. Kouron Chesme. 9 Feb. 1837.
  • 28. 1 ML copy to W.F.S. 15 Feb. [1837].
  • 29. 1 ML copy to J.Bh. Kouron Chesme. 15 Feb. 1837.
  • 30. 1 ML copy from J.P. to D.U. 8 Nov. 1836.
  • 31. 1 ML copy to W.F.S. Kouron Chesme. 11 Mar. 1837.
  • 32. 1 ML copy to Westmacott. Kouron Chesme. 11 Mar. 1837.
  • 33. 1 ML copy to James Murray. 11 Mar. 1837.
  • 34. 1 ML copy to Prince Czartoryski. Constantinople. 15 Mar. 1837. In French.
  • 35. 1 ML copy to McNeil [Mc N.] Kouron Chesme. 22 Mar. 1837.
  • 36. 1 ML copy to Murray. Kouron Chesme. 28 Mar. 1837.
  • 37. 1 ML copy from Charles Blunt [C.B.] to D.U. 10 Mar. 1837.
  • 38. 1 ML copy to H.T. Kouron Chesme. [1837].
  • 39. 1 ML copy to J.H. Kouron Chesme. 2 and 3 Apr. 1837.
  • 40. 1 ML copy from J.[B/Rovil]. 3 Apr. 1837.
  • 41. 1 ML copy to W.F.S. Kouron Chesme. 3 Apr. 1837.
  • 42. 1 ML copy to Pam. Kouron Chesme. 4 Apr. 1837.
  • 43. 1 ML copy to J.Bh. Kouron Chesme. 4 Apr. 1837. Enclosures:
    • Inside front cover: 1 ML copy from D.U. to James Hudson [J.H.] Kouron Chesme. 6 Feb. 1837. 1l.
    • 1 ALU from H.U. to ? [1877-]. 11l
    • 1 newspaper cutting. In German. Between p85- 6. 1l. 1 sketch in pencil. [D.U.] Between p239- 40. 1l. Items found in the same envelope: 1 ML copy from [Mr J/F/T] to D.U. 26 Jan. 1842. 1l.
    • 1 ML copy from H.T. to D.U. 7 Mar. 1842. 1l.
    • 1 MS. Paris Sept. 5th 1840. Interview. Mr Urquhart. M. Coletti. [H.U.] [1840]. 3l.


Obtained from Balliol library's cooperation in "The Disraeli Project" (1975).



6 folders. Labelled [by H.U., D.U. and F.F.U.


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