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Papers of David Urquhart : 1E - Correspondence

I E: CHARTISM: 1838- 40; 1853- 9

(one 1847; one 1841- ; one 1912-).


D.U. was not involved in mainstream Chartism and was against the use of "physical force." The letters in I E contain information about Chartism as D.U., Lt. Colonel Pringle Taylor (P.T.) and others being anxious about the more radical elements sought to monitor the movement's progress through a number of "missionaries" or agents.


For P.T. see also: I D2; I J1; I J 6b; I L0 17; III 2 4 and V A3.

For William Cargill (W.C.) see also: I G 15; I J 6, I L0 17; II Misc. 4.1. and III 12 18.

For David Ross of Bladensburgh (D.R.B.) see also: I C1 18; I C3; I F1; I L0 17; II 5 and XI 1 2.

For R.M. see also: I F1; I G 15; I G 23 2; I J4 2- 4; I J 6; I K2; I K3 25 and 29- 30; I L2 6-7; I L3 4-5; I L6 17 and 41; I L8; III 15 nos. 19 and 20 and VII 2 27.


I E1: CHARTISM: 1839- 40


1. 1 MS reproduction of letters, accounts of interviews and "Missionary Reports" by D.U.'s agents relating to Chartism. n.d. [1840-]. Some pencil annotations. "Contains inserted an original letter by D.U." is written at the beginning of the reproduction; this may be I E1 3. 87 p.

The items reproduced are numbered as follows.


1. Copy of letter from P.T. to the Marquis Anglesey. 22 Sept. 1839.

Extract of a letter from D.R.B. to ? giving an account of the Chartist organisation. n.d. [1839- 40].

National Subscription [list]. n.d. [1839- 40].

2. Copy of letter from ? to ? Reply to letter I E1 3. [1839].

3. Extract of a letter from [Cameron] to ? Beaudesert. 9 Nov. 1839.

4. Copy of letter from P.T. to Lord Melbourne. 10 Nov. [1839].

5. Copy of letter from P.T. to the Home Secretary, Marquis of Normanby. 11 Nov. 1839.

6. Copy of letter from D.U. to P.T. 2 Dec. 1839.

7. Memorandum by P.T. Attached to letters I E1 8- 9. 13 Dec. 1839.

8. Extract from a letter from ? to Mary Anne. Said [by compiler of this pamphlet of letters] to be from the commander in chief of the Chartists in the North to a female for the information of another influential Chartist leader. 2 Dec. 1839.

9. Extract from a letter from [Dr. Taylor] to Mary Anne. 8 Dec. 1839.

10. Copy of letter from P.T. to the Mayor of Southampton. 23 Dec. 1839.

11. Copy of a letter from [Cameron] to ? Beaudesert. 22 Dec. 1839.

12. Copy of a letter from P.T. to [Cameron], addressed to Beaudesert. 12 Jan. 1840.

14. Copy of letter from P.T. to Normanby. 30 Dec. 1839.

15. Copy of letter from P.T. to Normanby. 18 Jan. 1840.

16. Copy of letter from a missionary for the suppression of Chartism to P.T. 29 Dec. 1840.

17. Copy of letter from P.T. to Normanby. 20 Jan. 1840.

18. Copy of letter from Anglesey. 27 Jan. 1840.

19. Copy of letter from Anglesey to P.T. Reply to I E1 18. [1840].

20. Copy of letter from P.T. to Sir William Follett. 29 Jan. 1840.

21. Extract from a statement made by Dr. Bryce of Liverpool before the Mayor and town clerk of Liverpool and forwarded to the government. n.d.

22. Copy of letter from D.U. to P.T. 19 Dec. 1839.

23. Copy of letter from D.R.B. to P.T. 29 Dec. [1839]. Date amended to 20 Dec.

24. Copy of letter from D.U. to P.T. 20 Dec. 1839.

25. "Notes made of some points of the conversation alluded to in the two preceding letters." [Conversation between D.U. and "Dr. J." at Carlisle].

26. Extract of a letter from D.J. to an influential person among the Chartists.

27. Note taken of a conversation between a missionary and one of the leading Chartists in Birmingham.

28. Note of conversation between Mr J.W. and a Chartist leader.

29. Extract from a letter from D.R.B. to ? n.d.

30. Extract from a letter from a merchant of Glasgow to ? Jan. 1840.

31. Extract from a letter from Capt. Thomas Pottinger. n.d.

32. Extract from a letter from missionary to ? Dec. 1839.

33. Extract from a letter from another missionary to ? 27 Dec. 1839.


Missionary Reports (pp61- 84).

The authors are not stated although from the title given to I E1 2 it appears that they are operatives. The reports are numbered as follows:

1. 9 Oct. 1839. Birmingham.

2. n.d.

3. 5 Nov. 1839. Birmingham.

4. 6 Nov. 1839. Birmingham.

5. 28 Nov. 1839. Manchester.

6. 2 Jan. 1840. Birmingham.

7. 15 Jan. 1840. Edinburgh.

8. 16 Jan. 1840. Edingburgh.

9. 22 Jan. 1840. Edingburgh.


2. Reports of operatives.

Copy of pages 61- 84 of I E1 1 containing items I E1 31- 3 and I E1 Missionary Repots 1- 9. Annotated in ink. 24 p.


3. 1 ALS from D.U. to F.A.Bell . 17 [Mar. 1839].

Reverse: 1 ALU from [Bell] to D.U. 9 Oct.1839. 1l.


4. 1 MS "Journal" for 15- 22 Dec. 1839. [George Fyler]. The "Journal" is similar to extracts from a Journal at: I L0 7 and 17. Annotated "I have made the experiment - I have put it into practise & have found its effect" and signed by W.C. on the final page. 8l.

Contains a record of following correspondence and conversations: i. Copy of letter from Westrup to J.White. 16 Dec. 1839. p1- 3.

ii. Account of conversation of Dr.J and Mr.J. 20 Dec. [1839]. p3- 4.

iii. Copy of letter from D.R.B. to P.T. 20 Dec. 1839. p 9- 10.

iv. Account of conversation of D.U., W.C., Fyler and D.R.B. 21 Dec. [1839]. p 17- 21.

v. Account of conversation of D.U., D.R.B. and W.C. W.C. Sunday [Dec. 1839]. pp21- 6.

v. Account of "Sunday evenings' conversation" involving W.C., Cadogan, D.U., Fyler and D.R.B. W.C.


For Fyler see also: III 12 25.


4a.1 ADS "Journal of Dec. 15 to 22nd/ 39." G.F. [George Fyler]. Reads: "N.B.- By Mr Urquhart's desire- I have to say- he has not had time to read over this week's journal- this memo to be kept with it." Appears to have been attached to I E1 4. 1l.


4b.Photocopy of 4.


I E2: LETTERS RELATING TO CHARTISM: 1838- 41 (one 1847 and one 1912-).


The numbering sequence of the original catalogue has been retained. This accounts for gaps in the numerical order. Where items included in the original catalogue have been marked missing or have been discovered to be missing they have been included in the list with their description from the original catalogue and marked MISS.


1a. 1 MS of committee for "Printing and reprinting works for the enlightenment of the labouring classes." P.T. 21 Oct. 1839. 1l.

1b. 1 ML copy from W.C. to [F.Marx]. 2 June 1841. [Shorthand/ code] writing on reverse dated 8 June [1841]. 1l.

1c. 1 MS copy [incomplete] of letter from Cagill to White. 26 July 1840. 1l.


from W.C.

2a. 1 ALS to P.T. 8 Mar. 1840. 11.

2b. 2 attached items:

1 ALS to D.U. 21 July 1841. 1l.

1 ALS [carbon] from W.C. to Monteith (R.M.) 14 Feb. 1841. 4l.

2c. 1 ALS to D.U. 12 May 1840. Annotated in ink. 1l.



2d. 1 ALS from D.U. to White. 7 Dec. 1840. 1l.

2e. 1 ALS from W.C. to D.U. 15 Mar. 1840. 1l.

2f. Photocopy of part of I E2 2b. 4l.


3a. 1 AMS "Important letters relating to Chartist period." [F.F.U.] This MS list of letters in I E2 appears to have provided the basis of the original catalogue for this section. [1841-]. 5l.

3. 1 ALS from Bill Bogle (for Glasgow Committee of Merchants) to ? 1 July 1839. 1l.

6. 1 ALS from W.C. to D.U. 19 Jan. 1839. 3l.

7. 1 ALS from Cadogan to P.T. 5 May 1840. 1l.

9. 1 ALS from Attwood to W.C. 15 June 1840. 1l.

10. 2 ML copies written together. 2l.

10a. 1 ML copy from P.T. to Wellington. [1839- 40]. 1l.

10b. 1 ML copy from Wellington to P.T. 18 Jan. [1839- 40]. 1l.

11. 1 ALS from Forster to D.U. 12 May 1839. 1l.

12. 1 ALS from P.T. to M.U. 5 Jan. 1839. 1l.

13. 1 ALS from Cadogan to R.M. 18 Aug. [1840]. 1l. Damaged.

14. 1 ALS from R.M. to ? 4 Aug. 1840. 1l.


from W.C.

15. 1 ALS to R.M. 7 Aug. 1840. 1l.

15a. 1 ALS to White. 6 Aug. 1840. 1l.



16. Attwood re meetings about French affair. Cardo, Collins and Lowry with him in Manchester. MISS.

17. W.C. re Lowry's conversion. MISS.

18. 1 ALS from Davidson to R.M. 21 July 1840. 1l.

19. How formation of committee at Newcastle. MISS.

20. 1 ALS from Davidson to ? 16 July 1840. 1l.

21. 1 ALS from W.C. to D.U. 12 July 1840. 1l.

25. 1 ALS from T.Attwood to D.U. 8 Aug. 1840. 1l.

26. 1 ALS from Davidson to D.U. 24 Aug. 1840. 1l.

27. R.M. from Newcastle. MISS.

28. 1 ALS from C.Hilson Brown to D.U. 1 Oct. 1840. 1l.

Includes: 1 ML copy from Falconer, Provost of Port Glasgow, to Hilson Brown. 19 Sept. 1840.

31. 1 ML copy [incomplete] from W.C. to ? 17 Feb. 1847. 1l.

32. 2 ALS from D.R.B. to P.T. 3 and 13 May 1840. 2l.

34. 1 ML copy [incomplete] from Bell to ? 13 Mar. 1840. 1l.

35. 1 ALS from White to D.U. 7 Aug. [1839- 40]. 1l.


from W.C.

36. 1 ALS to R.M.. 11 July 1840. 1l.

36a. 1 ALS to P.T. 16 July 1840. 1l.

37. W.C. report of Cardo being drunk at Manchester. MISS.



38. 1 ALU from P.T. to Sir William Follet. 4 July 1840. 1l.

39. 1 ALS from [Wardrop/Harrop] to ? 20 Apr. 1840. 1l.

40. 1 ALU [incomplete] from ? to P.T. 10 June Sun??? 1l.

42. 1 ALS from Fred.A.Bell to D.U. 25 Dec. 1838. 1l.

43. 1 ALS from [N.Fellein/H.Felkin?] to D.U. 24 Dec. 1838. 1l.

44. Bell from Glasgow wishes to be kept informed of D.U.'s movements. MISS.

46. 1 ALS from R.M. to D.U. 16 Feb. 1839. 1l.

47. 1 ALS from John Foster, Secretary Hull Chamber of Commerce, to D.U. 16 Oct. 1839. 1l.

48. 1 ALS from George Tyler to Sheppard. 25 Nov. 1839. 1l.

49. 1 ALS from F.Bell to H.Parish. 17 Nov. 1838. 1l.

50. 1 ALU from Sheppard to P.T. 27 July 1840. 1l.

51. 1 ALS from White to P.T. 27 July n.d. 1l.

52. 1 ALS [incomplete] from W.Sheppard to ? n.d. 5l.

54. 1 ALU [incomplete] from ? to P.T. 1840. 1l.

55. 1 ALS [incomplete?] from R.M. to Davidson. [30 Sept] 1840. 1l.


R.M. to Davidson.

56. 1 ALU. [Aug. 1840]. 1l.

57. 1 ALS. 2 June 1840. 1l.



58. 1 ALU from [Tyler?] to ? 27 Apr. 1840. 1l.

60. 2 ML copies from White to ? 24 and 25 Jan. 1840. 1l

61. 1 AMS. "Outline of history of Chartism." [F.F.U.

1912-]. 2l.


I E3: CHARTISM: 1853- 9.


1. 1 ML copy from [Langley] to D.U. 25 Oct. [1854?]. 2l.


from William Peplow.

2. 1 ALS to D.U. Friday night [1853?]. 1l.

3. 2 ALS to ? 11 and 21 Oct. 1853. 2l.

4. 2 ALS to D.U. Wed. and 14 Aug. 1853. 2l.



5. 1 ALS from [T.Attwood?] to Peplow. 2 Oct. 1853. 1l.

6. 1 ALS from Peplow to D.U. Sunday [1853]. 1l.

7. 1 ALS from H.U.Hudson to D.U. n.d. 1l.

8. 1 ML copy from S.Langley to [D.U.]. 26 Oct. [1853- 4]. 1l.

9. 1 ML copy from [F.Marx?] to Dr. Fischel. 23 Nov. 1859. Annotated on reverse. 2l.

10. 1 ALS from Peplow to [D.U.]. 10 Nov. 1853. 1l.

11. 1 ALU from [D.U.?] to ? 12 July n.d. 4l.



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