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Papers of David Urquhart : 1G - Correspondence


1838- 87.


The F.A.C's were set up by D.U. in the 1850s to form foreign policy pressure group and to inform public opinion about foreign policy issues from 1853 onwards. They were based on organisations which D.U. initially formed in 1840 to channel interest in Chartism to other political issues. Key figures in the running of these committees were C.D.Collet, George Crawshay (G.C.), S.E.Rolland (S.E.R.) and John Johnson. The F.A.C.s opinions were expressed in the Free Press and the Diplomatic Review (edited by C.D.Collet) periodicals and series of publications produced by these papers.


In the previous organisation of the papers the letters in I G have been divided into places which are arranged in alphabetical order with a miscellaneous category at the end. This miscellaneous category may have been created when Gertrude Robinson wrote her biography of D.U. Some geographically close places have however been grouped together. For example letters relating to Halifax have been put under A for Ashton. Some material relating to Foreign Affairs Committees in certain areas has also been put into the miscellaneous section I G 24. Therefore to be certain of finding all the available letters relating to one area consult the index at the end of the catalogue. The division of material according to place means that the index has to be consulted to find about the most important figures who visited Foreign Affairs Committees around the country. There are letters to D.U., John Johnson (J.J.), A.E.Robinson (A.R.), C.D.Collet (C.D.C.) and other prominent F.A.C. members in most of the sections in I G; only the letters from these people have been listed. For a more detailed description of the contents of some of the sections in I G consult the original catalogue.


Correspondence of F.A.C. members is also to be found in other areas of the D.U. papers especially I J which contains correspondence relating to D.U.'s interest in foreign affairs. Section I L8 contains material relating to the visit of a F.A.C. contingent to the French Assembly since they were presented to the assembly by members of the Catholic Church. D.U.'s interest in the Catholic Church was closely bound up with his interest in foreign affairs so letters from people such as Poore and Singleton involved in F.A.C.s can be found in I L and I K.The correspondence of one important F.A.C. member, Major Poore is only found outside I G.


For G.C. see also: I C12; I J3 36; I J4 4; I J7 3; 1 J8 4; I K1 19 ;I L8; III 14; IV; VIII and IX.

For William Potter see also: I J1 4 and IV 5.

For S.E.R. see also: I F1; I J4 3; I J8 4; I J9 11a;

I L3 12, 32 and 45.

For C.D.Collet (C.D.C.) see also: I J4 3; I J7 3, IJ8 4;

I L3 40 and 43; I M1 23b; II Misc. 3.8; III 6 no.5; III 12 no.7; IV 1 no. 5; IV 2; V C3; IX and X 8 and 21.

For Poore see: I J9 11f; I K1 7- 12; I K2 12; I L0 21; I L3.


For copies of Free Press and Diplomatic Review and material published by the newspapers see: VIII.

For copies of Diplomatic Fly Sheets edited by C.D.Collet see: IX.

For printed pamphlets and papers relating to F.A.C.s see: III 6, 10, 17, 19 and 20; IV, and IX.

For posters relating to F.A.C's see: V C.




Ashton- Under- Lyme.

4 ALS. 2- 10 Sept. [1857]. 2 n.d.


Includes: from John Johnson: 1 ALS to D.U.

1 ALS to H.U.



2 ALS from George Demani to D.U. 16 and 18 Feb. 1857.



1 ALS from Noah Cooke to ? 22 Aug. 1855.



3 ALS. 1857 and 1 n.d.


I G1a: BIRMINGHAM: 1855- 74.

18 items: 16 ALS, 1 ML copy, 1 newspaper cutting.

Dates: 11 June 1855- 10 Aug. 1874. 1 n.d.


Includes: 2 ALS from Thomas Johnson to D.U. One of these encloses 1 ML copy of letter from Sir William Fite (M.P. for Bath) to T.Johnson and notes on "Interview with Mr Dunscombe in the vote room."

1 ALS from Thomas Johnson to H.U.

Newspaper cutting of letter from D.U. to Editor.

1 ALS from William Potter to [D.U.?].

1 ML copy from [Thomas Dean] to S.E.R.


For Birmingham F.A.C. see also: X 10a.


I G2: BOLTON: 1858- 67.


19 items: 10 ALS, 9 ML.

Dates: 3 Jan. 1858- 18 Oct. 1867. 1 n.d.


Includes: 1 ML copy from Joseph Crook (M.P. for Bolton) to W.Hilton (Secretary). 10 Dec. 1859.

1 ML copy from William F.Legh (M.P. for S.Lancs.) to Hilton. 12 Dec. 1859.

1 ML copy from J.Crook to Lord John Russell, Foreign Secretary. 15 Dec. 1859.

1 ML copy from J.Hammond, Foreign Office, to Crook. 24 Dec. 1859.

1 ML copy from William Hilton to Algernon Egerton (M.P. for S.Lancs.) 25 Dec. 1859.

1 ML copy from Hilton to Editor "Bolton Chronicle." 28 Jan. 1860. Includes correspondence of Hilton with Board of Trade.

1 ML copy from Thomas Holstead to Earl of Ellensborough. 9 June 1862.

For Bolton F.A.C. see also: I G24 2a.



1. Brighouse.

1 ALS from William Spence to C.D.C. 5 Mar. 1860.



2. Dewsbury.

3 ALS. 29 Apr.- 3 Nov. 1857.


Include: 1 ALS from C.D.C. to D.U.

1 ALS from John Cockburn and A.Robinson to D.U.


3. Gamesley (Derbyshire).

7 ALS. 5 Nov. 1857- 1 May 1862.


Includes: 1 ALS from J.Thornley to D.U. Including 1 ML copy from W.P.Thornhill, (M.P. for Suffolk West) to Thornley. 1 ML copy from Thornley to Thornhill.


4. Bately.

8 ALS. 27 Nov. [1857]- 31 Mar. 1866. 1 n.d.


Include: 7 ALS from T.W.Fenton.

1 ALS from J.J. to T.W.Fenton.

5. Gaythorn Committee.

2 items: 1 ALS, 1 MS copy of letter.

Dates: 14 Oct. 1858 and n.d.


For Gaythorn Committee see also: I G24 2a.


6. Doncaster.

1 ALS. 24 Dec. [1859].


I G4: BRISTOL: 1856- 8.

20 items: 18 ALS, 1 ALU, 1 ML copy.

Dates: 5 Mar. 1856- 21 July 1858. 4 n.d.


Correspondence of Charles Bartholomew.


For Barholemew see also: I G9.





8 ALS. 8 Dec. 1857- 24 Dec. 1858.


For Chorley F.A.C. see also: I G 24 2a.



10 ALS. 8 Oct.- 1 Dec. 1858.



3 items: 2 ALS, 1 ML copy.

Dates: 11 Jan. 1862. 2 n.d.







23 items: 21 ALS, 2 ALS enclosures, 4 ML copies.

Dates: 28 Dec. 1857- 18 July 1861. 1 n.d.


Includes: 1 ALS from A.R. to J.J. 24 Dec. 1857.

1 ALS from A.R. to ? 29 Dec. 1857.

3 ALS and 4 MS copies of letters written between John Wilson and Francis Crossley (M.P. for West Riding.) June - 23 July 1859; 2- 24 Dec. 1860.

4 ALS between J.Wilson and Editor, "Craven Pioneer."

1 ALS from J.Wilson to J.W.Dunlop (M.P. for Ayshire.) 31 Mar. 1860.

1 ALS from J.Wilson to Lord Kinnaid.


For Connoley F.A.C. see also: V C1.


Hallas Bridge.

4 ALS. 21 Dec. 1857- 1 May 1858.

Includes: from A.R. 2 ALS to D.U.

1 ALS to Buxton.

1 ALS to ?


Vicar's Croft.

1 ALS. 29 July 1859.


I G7: DUNDEE : 1860- 2.

17 items: 15 ALS, 1 ALU, 1 ML copy.

Dates: 19 Nov. 1860- 30 July 1862.


For Dundee see also I G24 2a.





6 items: 3 ML copies, 2 ALS, 1 ALU.

Dates: 13 Sept. 1856- 4 Feb. 1859. 2 n.d.


Includes: 1 ML copy from Earl Grey to G.C. 23 Nov. 1858.

1 ML copy from G.C. to Grey. 17 Nov. 1858.

1 ML copy from G.C. to J.J.


For Gateshead see also: II 14 5.



10 ALS. 23 Apr. 1860- 1 Oct. 1861.



1 ALS. 8 June 1862.


I G9: HUDDERSFIELD: 1857- 9.

11 ALS. 19 Dec. 1857- 5 Aug. 1859. 3 n.d.


Includes: 1 ALS from Charles Bartholomew to ? 22 Oct ?


I G10: KEIGHLEY: 1857- 76.

19 items: 17 ALS, 1 reproduction copy of letter, 1 MS.

Dates: 27 Sept. 1857- 28 May 1876. 3l.



Includes: 1 ALS from Jonas Wells to G.C. Annotated by G.C.

1 ALS from Francis Butterfield to Crossley, M.P.

1 ALS from Butterfield to Lord John Russell. 8 Oct. 1859.

1 ALS from A.R. to [H.U.]. 30 June 1874.


For Keighley F.A.C. see also: V C1 and 6.


I GII: LEEDS: 1859- 61.

28 items: 27 ALS, 1 ML copy of letter.

Dates: 4 Apr. 1859- 12 Sept. 1861. 1 n.d.


Includes: 1 ALS from F.S. Rawnsley to G.C..

1 ALS from D.U. to Duce. Mar. 1860.

1 ALS from D.U. to Rawsley. 19 June 1861.

1 ALS from Rawnsley to J.J. Enclosure: 1 ML copy of letter from Rawnsley to Lord R.Montagu. 1 Mar. 1861.

1 ALS from Murgatroyd Horn to ? 23 Jan. 1860. Enclosures: 1 ML copy of letter from Horn to Lord John Russell. 11 Jan. 1860. 1 ML copy of letter from John Russell to Horn. 20 Jan. 1860.





3 ALS. 2 July- 29 Nov. 1858.

Includes: 1 ALS from D.U. to ? 2 July 1858.


Idle Green.

21 items: 16 ALS, 4 ML copies, 1 ALU.

Dates: 2 Oct. 1857- 11 Aug. 1862. 4 n.d.


Includes: 1 ML copy from Murgatroyd Horn to T.M.Gibson, M.P. Board of Trade. 23 Nov. 1860.

1 ML copy from Horn to G.C. Enclosure: 1 ML copy from N.S.Calcraft (for T.M.Gibson) to Horn. 3 Dec. 1860.

1 ML copy from Horn to Gibson. 26 Dec. 1860.





2 ALS. 23 Oct. 1857 and 23 Apr. 1859.



5 ALS. 12 Aug. 1858- 9 Jan. 1863.


I G11c: VILLAGES NEAR LEEDS: 1857- 63.



1 ALS. 18 May 1857.



1 ALS. 12 Feb. 1862.


1 ALS. 21 Nov. 1859.



4 ALS. 29 Mar. 1859- 10 Apr. 1863.



3 ALS. 1 Dec. 1857- 4 Aug. 1863.



1 ALU from S.E.R. to D.U. 10 Sept. n.d.


For Bradford F.A.C. see also: V C1.


I G12: MACCLESFIELD: 1857- 85.

18 items: 13 ALS, 4 MS copies of letters, 1 ALS.

Dates: 1 July 1857- 10 Apr. 1885. 3 n.d.


For Zamoyski see also: I J4 3-4; I G24.

Includes: 1 ML copy from A.Robinson to W.Potter. 1 July 1857.

1 ALS from A.R. to ? 8 June 1859.

1 ALS from W.Oakes to J.J. Enclosure: "Macclesfield Observer" press cuttings re D.U. 28 Aug. 1861.

2 ALS from H.K.Mallen to Editor, "Macclesfield Observer." n.d.

1 ML copy from D.U. to W.Oakes 4 Apr. [1861-]

1 ALS from D.U. to ? re letter of apology to Count Zamoyski. 12 Apr. 1861.

1 ALS from D.U. to Chairman F.A.C.


For Macclesfield F.A.C. see also: X 19.


I G13: MAIDSTONE: 1858- 61.

17 items: 11 ALS, 4 MS copies of letters, 1 ALU, 1 MS.

Dates: 30 Mar. 1858- 7 July 1861. 1 n.d.


Includes: 1 ML copy from William Holmes to Lord Montagu. 26 Dec. 1861.

1 ML copy from Montagu to [Holmes]. 29 Dec. 1861.


I G14: MANCHESTER: 1855-1864.

74 items: 64 ALS, 3 ALU, 3 MS minutes, 1 MS.

Dates: 14 Aug. 1855- 14 Nov. 1864. 10 n.d.


Include: 1 ALS from D.U. to J.Buxton. 14 Feb. [185?].

10 ALS from J.J. to D.U. 4 Oct. [1857]- 9 Dec. 1858.

2 ALS from C.D.C. to J.J. 5 June 1857.

1 ALS from J.J. to ? 15 Sept. 1858.

1 ALS from John Hewitt to Richard Cobden.

1 ALS from A.R. to S.E.R. 7 June 1858.

1 ALS from J.J. to W.Ross.

1 ALS from T.A.Dean to Sir James Graham. 21 July 1858.

1 ALS [draft] from Joseph Foden to Normanby. 29 July 1859.

2 ALS from Normanby to J.Foden. 12 and 17 Aug. 1859.

1 ALS from Foden to Normanby. 12 Aug. 1859.

1 ALS from Foden to J.J. 9 June 1860. Enclosure: 1 ML copy of letter from Lord Carnarvon to Foden.

1 AMS "Mr Urquhart at Manchester." [Foden]. [185?].

1 ALS [unfinished] from Foden to J.J. Enclosure: 1 1 ML copy from Foden to John Pope Hennessey (M.P. King's Co.)


For Manchester F.A.C. see also: I G 24 2a; III 6 9; III 17 9; III 19 5; IV 5; V C3 and 7; VIII 2d and X 6 and 25.


I G15: NEWCASTLE- ON- TYNE: 1840- 62.

18 items: 13 ALS, 1 ALU, 1 MS copy of letter, 3 MS minutes.

Dates: 6 May 1840- 14 Mar. 1862. Bulk 1856- 62. 2 n.d.


Includes: 1 ALS from Cargill (W.C.) to D.U. 6 May 1840.

1 ALS [incomplete] from W.C. to Monteith (R.M.).

1 ALS from S.E.R. to ? 29 Dec. n.d.

1 ALS from G.Stobbart to S.Beaumont, M.P. 14 Mar. 1862.

For Newcastle F.A.C. see also: I G 24 2a and 4; III 10; III 20 4 and V D6a.


I G16: NOTTINGHAM, SWANSEA: 1855 and 1859- 62.



16 items: 15 ALS, 1 MS.

Dates: 21 June 1859- 28 Mar. 1862. 2 n.d.

Includes: 1 ALS from C.D.C. to A.Smith. 1 Feb. 1860.



1 ALS. 25 Aug. 1855.

I G17: PRESTON, CHESTERFIELD, MORELY: 1858-9 and 1887.



9 ALS. 16 Jan. 1858- 26 Dec. 1887. 4 n.d.


Includes: 7 ALS from W.Singleton.


For Singleton see also: I G14; I G24 2a; I L3 51; I N1.

For Preston F.A.C. see also: I G24 2a and V C7 and 8.



3 ALS. 22 Sept.- 28 Dec. 1858.



2 ALS. 21 Mar. 1858 and 14 May 1859.


I G18: SHEFFIELD: 1856-62.

20 items: 15 ALS, 4 MS copies of letters, 1 MS.

Dates: 1 May 1856- 13 Aug. 1862. 2 n.d.


Includes: 6 ALS from Isaac Ironside, Editor "The Sheffield Free Press." This paper became the organ of the F.A.Cs.

1 ALS from C.D.C. to [H.U.]. 30 May 1856.

1 ALS from G.C. to Ironside. 1 June 1856.

1 ML copy from G.C. to Mrs J[ohnson]. 30 Dec. [185?].

1 ML copy from G.C. to D.U. n.d.

1 ML copy from J.Shallcross to Lord Montagu. 16 Feb. 1862.

For Sheffield F.A.C. see also: I G24 2a.



18 items: 12 ALS, 5 MS copies of letters, 1 ALU.

Dates: 25 May 1859- 5 Apr. 1867.


Includes: 1 ALU from D.U. to S.Shield's F.A.C. 28 May 1859.

1 ML copy from Thomas Woodruff to H.Taylor, M.P. 11 Oct. 1859.

1 ALS from Thomas Woodruff to J.J. Enclosure: 1 ML copy from Robert Robson to H.Taylor.

3 ML copies from R.M.Richardson to R.Ingham, M.P. 16 Apr. - 30 Sept. 1862.

1 ALS from R.Ingham to Richardson. 3 Oct. 1862.

I G20: STAFFORD: 1847- 62.

17 ALS. 12 Mar.- 4 Oct. 1862.


Includes: 1 ALS from William Cardo to ? 12 Mar. 1847.


For Stafford F.A.C. see also: I G 24 2a and V C4.


I G21: STALYBRIDGE: 1857- 62.

17 ALS. 31 Mar. 1857- 16 Dec. 1862.


For Stalybridge F.A.C. see also: I G24 2a and II Misc. 3.8.


I G22: SUNDERLAND: 1861.

1 ALS [incomplete]. [1 July 1861?].




8 items: 7 ALS, 1 ML copy.

Dates: 3 May 1855- 21 Oct. 1862.


Includes: 1 ML copy from Winchester F.A.C. to Marquis of Exeter. 19 Mar. 1862.



1 ML copy from D.U. to Edward Walter. 19 Sept. 1855.



1 ML copy [incomplete]. n.d.


I G24: MISCELLANEOUS: 1838- 70 (bulk 1857- 62).


1. Matters concerning committees in general.


28 items: 19 ALS, 5 MS copies of letters, 2 ALU, 2 MS.

Dates: 1838- 1868. 2 n.d.


Includes: 1 MS. "Notes of the week". [A.R.]. 16- 19 Aug. [1857].

1 ALS from G.C. to H.U. re meeting with J.S.Mill. 8 May 1867.

1 AML copy from D.U. to W.Bishop.

1 ALS from D.U. to ? 22 May n.d.

2 ALS [1 draft] from H.U. to John Young. 11 Feb. 1861.

1 AML copy from D.U. Marked "Chamber of Commerce Circular."

1 AMS "Account of the formation of the Committees." D.U. 8 Apr. 1862

1 ALS from Thomas Dean to J.J. 22 Feb. n.d.

1 ALU from D.U. to Scott. 26 June 1862.

1 ALS from John Buxton to D.U. re meeting with Count Zamoyski. 16 Dec. 1861.


I G24 1 and 2 are divided by a printed invitation to a discussion of the Eastern Question with Ponsonby and M.P.s for 4 Mar. 1854.


2. Examples of D.U.'s methods of dealing with men.


18 items: 14 ALS; 2 ALU; 1 MS; 1 ML copy.

Dates: 1859- 62.


Includes: 1 ML copy from S.E.R. to Edward Beales. 11 Dec. n.d.

1 ALS from D.U. to Richardson. 11 Dec. 1862.

1 ALS from D.U. to Buxton. 3 June 1860.

2 ALS from J.J. to D.U. 29 Jan. and 20 Aug. 1859.

1 ALS from [J.J.] to [H.U.] 14 Oct. 1858.

1 ALS from Arch. Chisholm to R.Monteith. 25 June 1857.

1 MS. "D.U. on opinion and judgement." D.U. n.d.

1 ALS from D.U. to ? re Count Zamoyski. 9 June 1862.

2a. Examples of D.U.'s methods of dealing with men in the formation of his Committees.


Labelled [partly by H.U.] "Correspondence between Mr U. & Rae at the formation of the Dundee Committee... Letters from working men re Right of Search & proposed intervention in American Civil War."


For Zamoyski see also: I G12; I J4 3-4; III 11 7 and XI 3 11.


25 items: 11 ALS, 5 MS, 4 MS copies of letters, 3 ALU.

Dates: [Oct. 1842]- 7 Aug. 1870. Bulk 1859- 63. 6 n.d.


Includes: 1 AML copy from H.U. to Shallcross. 2 Feb. 1859.

2 ALS from D.U. to A.S.Rae. 7 and 13 June 1862.

2 AML copies from D.U. to ? 14 June 1862.

1 ALS from J.S.Mill to D.U. 16 Sept. 1866.

1 ALS from Joseph Foden to J.J. re visit of Count Zamoyski.

1 MS "Reports of the proceedings of the Foreign Affairs Committees during August 1859" for Manchester, Stockport, Stalybridge, Bolton, Preston, and Chorley. Includes: Forward by J.J. Copy of letter from Foreign Office to Idle F.A.C. re Turkish Treaty. Copy of letter from Queen to Stalybridge F.A.C. 13 Aug. 1859.

2 MS. Untitled F.A.C. reports for Manchester Gaythorn, Manchester, Newcastle on Tyne, Stockport, Sheffield, and Stafford.Includes: extract from letter from Stafford F.A.C. to J.Salt, M.P. and extract from letter from D.U. to "one of the Committees." Not completely identical in content. n.d.

1 ALS from C.D.C. to A.Smith. 8 Feb. 1863.

1 MS. "Monday 6th" later marked "Mr White 1842."

1 ALS from F.Carr to ? re D.U. and Potter. 14 Oct. 1857.

1 ALS from F.Carr (for D.U.) to ? re District meeting and Manchester Committee. 26 Sept. 1857.

1 MS. Untitled. [D.U.]. 1842.

1 ALS from A.R. to C.Jones. 7 Aug. 1870.

1 ALS from G.C. to H.U. 9 May n.d.

1 ALS from S.E.R. to H.U. 13 Apr. [1868?].

2 MS "Manchester Gaythorn Committee" minutes for period 20 Aug.- 25 Sept. n.d.

3. Letters on subjects connected with committees 1857- 67.


86 items: 57 ALS, 5 ALU, 20 ML copies, 4 MS.

Dates: 5 Feb. 1856- 24 Mar. 1869. Bulk 1852- 62; 1867. 6 n.d.


Include: 5 ALS from Thomas Johnson to D.U. and H.U. 5 Feb.- 12 May 1856. Mention letters to Lord Clarendon.

1 MS. "A.Robinson's report of the week ending Sept. 25th 1857." 1857.

1 ML copy from G.C. to Lord Stanley. 26 June 1858.

1 ALS from John Buxton to D.U. re visit of Buxton and G.C. to India Office. 22 Jan. 1858.

1 ALS from A.R. to D.U. 17 Mar. 1858.

1 ALS from S.E.R. to H.U. Tues. 13 Apr. [1858].

1 ML copy from D.U. to Major Bird. ? May 1859.

Series of ML copies. Contains: 1 ML copy from Lord John Russell to Earl Cowley. 7 Sept. 1860.

1 ML copy from Russell to Franc. 17 Sept. 1860.

1 ML copy from Russell to Cowley. 29 Oct. 1860.

1 ML copy from Cowley to Russell. 12 Sept. 1860.

1 ALS from Walker (Lord Carnarvon's secretary) to the Free Press. n.d.

1 ALS from [D.U. or H.U.] to ? 27 Feb. 1860.

1 ALS from Charles Jones to Lord Stratford de Redcliffe (S.C.) 14 July 1860.

1 ALS from John Hovelaw to J.J. 25 July 1860. Enclosure: 1 ML copy from W.E.Gladstone to J.Hovelaw.

1 ALS from C.Jones to Sir W.Ferguson. 5 June 1861.

1 ALS from J.J. to D.U. 6 Feb. 1861.

1 ALS from J.J. to D.U. Annotated by C.D.C. 5 Mar. 1862.

1 ALS from J.J. to Mrs Curtis. 1 July 1862.

1 ALS from J.J. to D.U. 1 July 1862.

1 ALS from William Clark to D.U. n.d.

1 ALS from J.J. to H.U. 24 May 1862.

1 ALS from C.Jones to J.J. re reply from Lord Carnarvon. Reply is not enclosed as letter suggests. 29 Apr. 1862.

1 ML copy from John Hovelaw to Duke of Manchester. 17 Feb. 1862.

1 ALS from R.A.Smith (for D.U.?) to J.Thornley. ? Apr. 1862.

1 ML copy from J.S.Angier to G.C. re Chinese memorial.

2 ML copies from ? to ? re Lord Derby's speech and debate on 17 Mar. 1862. 18 and 28 Mar. 1862.

1 ALS from Charles Jones to Lord Malmesbury. 9 May 1867.

1 ALS from S.E.R. to Edward Beales. 11 Dec. n.d.

1 MS. "Marylebone Committee Report." Unsigned. n.d.

1 ALS from A.R. to J.J. 30 Dec. 1857.

1 ALS from D.U. to A.R. 11 Dec. n.d.

1 ALS from S.E.R. to H.U. 5 Nov. [1858].

Correspondence relating to Free Press.

4. A dispute at Newcastle -Upon- Tyme. Intervention of S.E.R., J.J., D.U. and H.U.

11 ALS. 5 Sept.- 5 Oct. 1860.


Letters from Eliza Crawshay, George Stobart and S.E.R.


5. Correspondence re Turkish baths.

5 items: 4 ALS, 1 MS copy of letter.

Dates: 12 June 1860- 1 Oct. 1861.




Annotated by D.U. with amendments to addresses and additional names of F.A.C.s. Found at the bottom of the box. n.d.





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