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Papers of David Urquhart : 1K - Correspondence


D.U.'s plans for a Law of Nations were closely linked to his support for the Catholic Church. Therefore the division made by the original catalogue between this section and I L (which deals with the Vatican Council) is somewhat artificial as both contain correspondence from prominent Catholics which discusses the role of the Catholic Church and information about the Eastern Church and the Vatican Council. Correspondence with Catholic figures which discusses the Law of Nations is also to be found in D.U.'s correspondence relating to Catholic Social Reform organisations in I M.

For pamphlets re Law of Nations see: III 15.

D.U. and H.U's writing was similar so some AML copies attributed to D.U. in this part of the catalogue may have in fact been copied by H.U. who appears to have played an important role in her husband's work.


1. H.Stanley to D.U. and H.U.

8 ALS, 1 ALU.

Dates: 9 Aug. 1866- 26 Nov. 1868. 10l.

2. Correspondence with Bishop of Orleans, Felix Dupanloup.

4 ALS, 1 ML copy from Dupanloup to D.U.

3 ALS from D.U. to [Dupanloup.]

1 MS. Reads: "Original letters of the Bishop of Orleans to Mr Urquhart printed in the Diplomatic Review for March 1870, with the reply and the two letters of Mr U to the Bishop of February 1870." In handwriting of H.U.

Dates: 18 July 1867- 15 Jan 1870.

All the letters are in French.

3. 1 LS from D.U. to Mermillod. 3 Nov. 1867. In French. 1l.

4. 1 MS re Catholic Church. [D.U.]. n.d. 4l.

5. 1 ALS from Fanny Montgomery to D.U. 15 Feb. 1868. 1l.

6. 1 [A]MS. "Notes on legal authorities declaring the Law of Nations to be part of the law of England." [D.U.]. 1l.

from R.Poore.

7. 1 ALS to H.U. 8 Sept. 1867. 1l.

8. 1 ALS to Charles de la Barr Bodenham. [1869?]. 1l.

9. 1 ALS to Father Sweeney. 13 May 1869. 2l.

10. 1 AMLS copy to L.D. 1 May 1869. 1l.

11. 1 ALS to Dr Ullathorne. ? May 1869. 2l.

12. 1 ALS to H.U. 7 May 1869. 1l.

to [D.U.]

13. 1 ALS from [Mermillod]. 28 Oct. 1867. in French. 1l.

14. 1 ALU [incomplete] from [Defourny]. 9 Sept. 1868. In French. 1l.


15. 1 ALU [draft] from [D.U.] to Mgr. ? Montreux. 11 Oct. 1868. In French. Annotated with D.U.'s initials "Cette lettre n'a pas ete envoye." Written on reverse of the address sheet of a letter to D.U. 1l. Part of the letter has been removed.

from [Defourny to D.U.].

16. 1 ML copy [incomplete]. In French. n.d. 1l.

17. 1 ALS. 22 Aug. 1869. In French. 1l.

from [D.U.]

18. 1 ALU [draft] to Bishop of Henham. 16 Mar. 1869. 4l.

19. 1 AML copy [incomplete] to G.C. Montreux. ? Mar. 1869. 2l.

20. 1 ALS to L.D. Montreux. 6 Apr. [1869]. 4l.


21. 1 MS "From "Les Sources."" A.Gratry, Pietre de l'oratoire. 1862. 1l.

22. 1 ALS [draft] from D.U. to Baron Schroeder. Montreux. 11 Apr. n.d. 1l.

23. 1 ALS from Jullion to [D.U.]. n.d. 1l.

Correspondence of D.U. and D'Yvoire.

Items 24 and 25 are attached.

24. 1 ALS from B.T. D'Yvoire to D.U. 21 Aug. 1868. In French. 2l.

25. 1 ALS [draft] from D.U. to [D'Yvoire]. 21 Malagnau, Geneva. 23 Aug. [1868]. In French. 3l.


26. 1 ALS from Defourny to [D.U.]. 5 Aug. 1869. In French. 2l.

27. 1 MS " Conversation avec [Wm?] eveque sur l'evasion de deux eveques par le concours de l'ambassadeur de France." [D.U.] 7 May [1866]. In French. 1l.

from D.U.

28. 1 ALU [draft] to ? Mar. 1871. 12l. In French.

29. 1 ALU [draft] to Dr Maupied, contributer to Le Play's review La Reforme Sociale. Chalet des Melezes, St Gervais. 14 June 1871. 2l.


30. 1 ALS [draft] from H.U. to ? re a diplomatic college. n.d. In French. 2l.

31. AML copies headed "Tribunal for war address to the French Assembly." 24 Jan.- 1 Feb. 1872. 1 n.d. 4l.

32. 1 ALS from [Pays Errolyn D' le Gensley?] to [D.U.]. n.d. In French. 2l.

33. 1 AMS "Conference ecclesiastiques (Programme). Droit cannonique. Droit public chretien en matiere de guerre." [D.U.]. In French. 1l.

34. 1 AML copy from [D.U.] to Margerie. Montreux. 1 Dec. 1870. 2l.


17 items: 9 MS copies of letters, 8 ALS.

Dates: Oct. 1868- 15 Sept. 1869. 3 n.d.

Letters between D.U., Monteith, Denbigh (L.D.), Poore and H.U. Correspondence of D.U., Charles Jones, Monteith and L.D. with Father Rudolph Suffield. The authors and recipients of some of the letters have not yet been identified. Some of the letters are in French. Suffield opposed D.U.'s proposals for the establishment of a Law of Nations and left the Catholic Church to become a Unitarian.

For Father Suffield see also: I L3 32;III 15 24 and III 22 1.

BOX 16


All items are in French unless otherwise stated.

from D.U.

1. 1 ML copy to Veuprethi Pacha. 79, Via Sistina. 3 Nov. [1869]. 1l.

2. 1 ML copy to Sultan (Abdulaziz). Montreux. [November 1876]. Annotated "Dictated to R.Butler Johnstone at Grand Trait Montreux... The last thing my beloved husband ever wrote" by H.U. Another copy at: I C14. 2l.

3. 1 ALU [draft] to Franchi. Montreux. 8 July 1876. 1l.

4. 1 ALS [draft] to [Manning]. [Montreux]. 3 Mar. [1876]. In English. 1l.

5. 1 AML copy to D.S.Victor. Montreux. 22 Mar. 1876. 1l.


6. 1 AMS "Extract" re Russia. [D.U]. n.d. 1l.

7. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to Count de Chambord. Montreux. ? Jan. 1874. 2l.

8. 1 ALS from H.U. to [Lady Waldegrave]. 29 Aug. 1876. In English. 2l.

from [D.U.]

9. 3 attached items:

9a. 1 ALS [incomplete] to ? 2 Jan. [1876]. 1l.

9b. 1 AML copy [incomplete] to Mermillod. 8 May 1876. 1l.

9c. 1 AML copy [incomplete] to Mermillod. 25 Mar. 1875. 1l.

10. 1 ALU [draft] to "Ridacleur de l'Assemblee nationale." 26 Jan. 1874. 13l.

11. 3 attached items: paper wrapped around mentions that on p6 of 11a reference is made to a MS gift from the Sultan to D.U. which is said to be in the Bodleian Library.

11a. 1 ALU [draft] to [Comte de Chambord]. [1874]. 13l.

11b. 1 AML copy to ? 13 Feb. [1871- 2]. Mentions presentation of petition to the French Assembly. 3l.

11c. 1 AMLS copy to ? Montreux. 26 Nov. 1873. 2l.

12. 1 ALU [draft, incomplete] to [Manning]. 16 Nov. 1874. In English. 19l.

items 13- 15 were found tied in a bundle.

from Rustem Pacha (R.P.)

13. 1 ML copy to H.U. 3 Dec. [1868]. In English. 2l.

14. 1 ALS to H.U. 4 Mar. 1868. 2l.

15. 5 ALS to [D.U.]. 5 Jan.- 17 Mar. 1868. 7l.


16. 1 AMLS copy from D.U. to Mr. de l'Cherva. Montreux. 24 Dec. 1874. 1l.

17. 1 ML copy from Hassoun, Patriarch of Constantinople to [H.U.]. 16 Aug. 1872. 1l.

18. 1 ML copy from Alexander, Archbishop of Thessalonica to Franchi. 12 June 1871. 5l.

19. 1 ALU from ? to D.U. 9 Feb. 1870. 1l.

from [D.U.]

20. 1 ALU to [Le P]. St Gervais. 12 Oct. [1869]. 1l.

21. 1 ALS to Dr.Maupied. [Chalet des Melezes, St Gervais]. 1l.

22. 1 ALU to Count [Homperch]. St Gervais. 2 Oct. 1869. 2l.


23. 1 ALS from H.U. to ? [writing illegible]. Hotel de la Metropole. 16 June [1869]. In English. 1l.

24. 1 AML copy [incomplete] from D.U. to Azarian. St Gervais. 30 Aug. 1869. 1l.

25. 2 ALS from R.Monteith to [D.U.]. 7 and 10 Aug. 1869. The letters are attached. In English. 4l.

26. 1 ALS from [D.U.] to Baron Warsburg. ? Feb. 1869. In English. 3l.

27. 1 ML copy from R.P. to D.U. 19 Jan. 1868. 1l.

28. 1 ALS from Azarian to [D.U.]. 1869. 1l.

29. 1 ALS from Monteith to H.U. 28 Feb. 1876. In English. 1l.

30. 2 ALS from H.U. to Monteith. St Gervais. 7 July 1875 and 16 Aug. 1876. In English. 5l.

31. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to ? 28 Nov. [1869]. In English. 1l.


For F.Collet see also: I K6 2 and 9; I L0 3; I L2 18;

I L6 3 and 6; I L7.

All items in French unless otherwise stated.

from [ D.U.]

1. 1 AML copy to Dr Hoemmner. Montreux. 12 May 1873. 3l.

2. 1 AML copy to Comte Schener. Montreux. 18 Jan. 1874. 4l.

3. 1 AML copy to ? Montreux. 20 Jan. 1874. 4l.


4. 1 ALS from F.Collet to D.U. 27 Jan. 1874. 1l.

5. 1 MS copy of letter from D.U. to Dr Hoemner. Montreux. 12 May 1873. 3l.

to [D.U.]

6. 1 ML copy from Eugene Bishop of Basel. 5 Apr. 1873. 2l.

7. 1 ML copy [incomplete] from F.Collet. 6 June 1874. 1l.

8. 1 ML copy [incomplete] from ? 5 Apr. 1873. 1l.

9. 1 ALS from Hassoun, Patriarch of Constantinople. 26 Jan. 1874. 1l.

10. 3 ALS from F.Collet to D.U. 28 July- 16 Dec. 1873. 3l.

11. 1 ALS from Bishop Basel. 5 Aug. 1873. 1l.


12. 2 AMLS copies from D.U. to [Lachat]. 19 July and 15 Aug. 1873. 8l.

to [D.U.]

13. 1 ML copy from F.Collet. 16 Dec. 1873. 1l.

14. 1 ALS from [Nime Mumberss?]. 20 Jan. 1874. 1l.


For Le P. see also: I K5; I K6 2; I L6 20; I L7; I L8; I M1; I N1; III 24 and VII 2.

For Parkinson see also: I L7 26- 9.

For Defourny see also: I K1; I L5 1; I L6 15, 31 and 35; I L7; I L8; I M1 and 2; I N2; III 11 4 and III 15 15- 17.

17 items: 9 ALS and 1 ML copy from Le P. to D.U.

1 ALS from Parkinson to H.U.

4 ALS from Defourny to H.U.

1 ALS from Defourny to son of D.U.

1 MS. "Sur le restauration des traditions qui, dans les temps ont donne la prosperire aux grandes nations." [Le P.].

Dates: 23 Feb. 1875- 19 Mar. 1876. 1 n.d.

All items are in French except the letter from Parkinson.


For Breda see also: I L6 35 and III 24.

9 items: 5 ALS, 2 ALU, 1 ML copy, 1 MS.

Dates: Dec. 1871- 24 Jan. 1872.

Letters between D.U., H.U. and Breda.

Also: 1 ALS from Collet to D.U. 15 Jan. 1872. 1l.

1 MS F.Collet and D.U. [D.U.] Annotated by [Le P.]. 1l. Dec. 1871.

All the letters in this section are in French.


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