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Papers of David Urquhart : 1M - Correspondence


(bulk 1871-2, 1874-9). The letters in I M relate to Catholic efforts for social reform of attitudes rather than efforts for an improvement in the standard of living. Only IM 23 suggests an interest by D.U. in living and working conditions. D.U. was connected with two Catholic societies: the "Union de la Paix Sociale" established by Le Play (Le P.) and the "Oeuvre Apostolique" promoted by Abbe Defourny and Pere Jullion. The "Union de la Paix Sociale" was designed to bring about internal union in France. Both societies were in favour of encouraging the establishment of a "Law of Nations."

For other correspondence re "Law of Nations" see: I K and I L.

For pamphlets connected with Catholic efforts for social reform see: III 24.


In addition to discussing the "Union de la Paix Sociale" these letters are concerned with Le P's publications and other issues relating to the Catholic Church"; they also mention Defourny whose "Oeuvre Apostolique" is discussed in letters I M2.

For Le P. see also: I K5; I K6; I L1; I L6 20; I L7; I L8; I N1; III 24 3- 9 and VII 2 16- 19 and 34- 5.

For D.U.'s connections with the Catholic Church see: I K and I L.

The sequence of numbers written on the letters has been used. All items are in French unless otherwise stated.

0. 1 AMS. "Hospitality as a religious duty and political safeguard" by [D.U.]. n.d. In English. 5l.

Correspondence of Le P. with D.U. and H.U.

  • 1-3. 3 ALS from Le P. to D.U. and H.U. 29 May-19 Sept. 1871. 3l.
  • 4. 1 ML copy [incomplete] from [D.U.] to Le P. 26 June 1871. 1l.
  • 5-11. 6 ALS from Le P. to D.U. and H.U. 14 July - 24 [Oct.] 1871. 6l.
  • 13. 1 ALS [draft] from H.U. to [Azarian]. Montreux. April 1871. 3l.
  • 14. 1 MS "Commentarie de Mr Urquhart sur "Les principes fundementaire de la constitution de l'Angleterre." n.d. 2l. Enclosed: 1 MS "Constitution de l'Angleterre." n.d. 1l.
  • 15-22. 8 ALS from Le P. to [D.U. and H.U.] attached together. 16 Aug.- 30 Dec. 1872. 9l.
  • 23. 2 attached items:
  • 23a. 1 AMS. "Domestic industry." [D.U.]. n.d. In English. 12l.
  • 23b. 1 ALU [incomplete] from [C.D.Collet] to [D.U.]. n.d. In English. 3l.


For Defourny see also: I K1 14, 16- 17 and 26; I K5; I L5 1; I L6 14, 31 and 35; I L7; I L8; I M1; I N2; III 11 4 and III 15 15- 17.

For Jullion see also: I K1 23.

All items are in French unless otherwise stated.

  • 1. 1 printed copy of "Manners and the Pope" re Oeuvre Apostolique, "Diplomatic Review", July 1875. [D.U.] In English. 1l.
  • 2. 1 AML copy from D.U. to Cardinal Pitra. Switzerland. 19 May 1879. 1l.
  • 3. 1 ALS from Defourny to H.U. n.d. 1l.
  • 4. 1 AMS. "Conferences ecclisiastiques, droit cannonique droit public Chretien en matiere dirigiesse." [Defourny]. n.d. 1l.
  • 5. 1 AML copy from D.U. to Cardinal Franchi, Archbishop of Thessalonica. 19 May 1875. 2l. to D.U. and H.U.
  • 6. 1 ALS from Diedeisky. 17 Nov. [187?]. 1l.
  • 7. 11 ALS from Defourny. 25 May- 11 Sept. [1875]. 2 n.d. 14l.
  • 8. 1 ALS from Defourny. 6 July 1875. 1l. Enclosures: 1 ALS from Defourny to [H.U.] 12 May 1875. 1l; 1 ALU from Defourny to ? 27 Apr. 1875. 1l.
  • 9. 1 ALS from Lucrry to pope (Pius IX;). 22 Jan 1864. In Latin. 1l.
  • 10. 1 ALU from "Societe de oeuvre apostolique" to pope (Pius IX;). n.d. 1l.
  • 11. 1 AML copy from D.U. to Mgr. ? 6 Feb. 1873. 1l.
  • 12. 1 ALU from Defourny to [D.U.]. 8 Sept. 1875. 1l.
  • 13. 1 ALS from Defourny to [H.U.]. 25 Aug. 1875. 1l.
  • 14. 1 ALS from Jullion to [D.U.]. n.d. 1l.
  • 15. 1 AML copy from [D.U.?] to Jullion. 14 Jan [186?/187?] 2l.
  • 16. 1 ALS from Jullion to [D.U.]. n.d. 2l.
  • 17. 1 ALU [incomplete] from [Jullion] to [D.U.]. n.d. 1l.
  • 18. 2 attached items.
  • 18a. 1 ML copy from Cardinal Franchi to [H.U.] n.d. 1l.
  • 18b. 1 ML copy from Franchi to [D.U.]. 15 Oct. 1874. 3l.


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