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Papers of David Urquhart : 2B - Manuscripts


No section II A exists in the original catalogue; this is because the numbers II B and II C have been used because their contents are on the same subjects as that of I B and I C. II contains some letters in addition to manuscripts.

For additional manuscript material see also: VI 15- 16.

II B: GREECE: 1821- 36 (bulk 1827- 31).

For manuscripts on Greece see also: I B which contains some MS as well as letters; II Misc. and VI 15 for D.U.'s diary from his period in Greece.

For Greece see also: I B and III 13.

Information provided about manuscripts in Greek which has been placed in square brackets has been mainly derived from annotations on the reverse of the manuscripts.

II B1: GREECE 1827- 30

1. Documents regarding the Greek revolution. All manuscripts are in Greek unless otherwise stated. Items 1a- 1h were found tied together.

  • 1a. Cut out extract from autograph letter from [D.U.] to ? n.d. In English. This letter is used to label this section of letters. 1l.
  • 1b. 1 MS. [Disturbances at Salamis]. 1829. 1l.
  • 1c. 1 ML copy from [garrison of Lepanto to the government. June 1829.] 1l.
  • 1d. 1 AMLS copy from [Ponerpoulos? to ? re protocol.] 22 [May] 1829. 1l.
  • 1e. 1 ML copy from [Rumeliot officers to President of Argos. Mar.] 1830. 1l.
  • 1f. 1 MS [contains: 1 ML copy from Dawkins to President. 18 May 1829. Protocol. 22 Mar. 1829. 1 ML copy from President to Dawkins. 1829.] 6l sewn together.
  • 1g. 1 MS copy of [correspondence of the Panhellenision and the President relative to the Assembly of Dec., Jan., and Feb. 1828 and 1829.] 5l.
  • 1h. 1 newspaper cutting of Hasting's despatch to Lord Cochrane. [1828]. In English. 1l.
  • 1i. 1 MS [note given by Venio and Capt. Thomas for the formation of the navy. 10 Dec. 1829.] In French. 1l.
  • 1j. 1 MS [account of 18 huillions expended by the Commissariat. 1828.] 1l.
  • 1k. 1 MS [Rumeliots and the President. 1828.] 1l.
  • 1l. 1 ML copy [from ? to Commissariat respecting the attack on the President. Oct. 1828.] 1l.
  • 1m. 1 ALS from Cochrane to President. 6 Dec. 1828. In French. 2l.
  • 1n. 1 ML copy [from Bekiraga to Ibrahim- Pacha re movements of Greeks. 23 June 1827.] 1l.
  • 1o. 1 ML copy from Capodistrias and Iscanfsy (Secretary of State) to [Cochrane. 4 Dec. 1828]. In French. 1l.
  • 1p. 1 MS [Remarks of the Geronnia on the Protocol of 3 Feb. 22 Apr. 1830]. 2l.
  • 1q. 1 ALS from Le Blanc to ? 21 Aug. 1827. In French. Letter in Greek on reverse. 1l.
  • 1r. 1 printed copy of letter from J.Dawkins to Capodistrias. 1 Aug. 1821. In Greek and French. Annotated in Greek. 1l.
  • 1s. 1 MS [Order of Aegean tribunal respecting Consuls.] 30 Oct.1829. In French. 1l.
  • 1t. 1 MS containing copies of letters [relating to General Church's resignation. 1829.] Attached: 1 newspaper cutting of Church's letter to Assembly of Greeks. 1829. In English. 1l.
  • 1u. 1 ALS from [Commission of accounts to President. 26 Mar. 1830]. 1l.

2. 2 LS from Capodistrias and [Fricoupi?] to C olonel Charles Gordon Urquhart (C.G.U.) [21 Feb. 1828?] In French and Greek. 2l.

3. 1 LS from Capodistrias to D.U. 30 Nov. 1828. In French and Greek. 1l.

4. General orders at Salamina H.Q. 17 items: 10 AMS signed, 3 AMS, 1 MS, 1 printed map, 1 newspaper cutting, 1 letter in Arabic. Dates: 22 Apr.- May [1827]. 3 n.d. Mainly AMS headed "General Orders" signed by R.Church. For Church see also: I B1 11; I B3 1viii; I B3 5ii; II B1 1t and II B2 2 and 5.

5. Orders to C.G.U. at Karabusa. 8 items: 6 ALS, 2 ML copies. Dates: 24 Jan.- 1 Mar. 1828. For C.G.U. see also: I B1 8; I B3 1 iv and vi; I B3 2 and II B1 2. It is possible that other papers in I B and II B have derived from C.G.U.

  • 6 ALS from Commodore F.Staines to C.G.U. re piracy. 24 Feb.- 1 Mar. 1828.
  • 1 ML copy from Capodistrias to Marcondi Bernieri Commandant of Grabuza. 24 Jan. 1828. In French. 1l.

6. 1 MS [on wells?]. Signed by Capodistrias and [Fricoupi]. In Greek. 1828. 1l.

7. 1 MS [Firman to Greek Islands]. 1836. In Greek. 1l.

8. 1 AMS [draft] re Ibrahim Pacha. [D.U.]. n.d. 3l.

9. 1 printed Arabic document. Appears to be some sort of table. n.d. 1l.

II B2: GREECE:1827- 31

(one 1821, one 1825, 5 items 1833- 6).

1. 1 MS. "Plan de la position des Grecs et du Port Piree." [D.U.?]. n.d. 1l. 37 x 47 cm.

2. Bundle of manuscripts headed "Coliopuklo's victory over the Arabs . Invitation and the Salonites to return home and their answer- Orders of the day of Genl. Church." 5 items: 3 MS in Greek, 2 newspaper cuttings. Date: 1827. 1 n.d. The items appear to have been put together under the heading by D.U.

3. Various papers.

  • 3a. 2 MS re Greek currency and trade. [1 AMS by D.U.] [1829] and 2 n.d. In Greek and English. 3l.
  • 3b. 1 AMS re Turkish empire. [D.U.]. 1l. items 3b- 3k were found tied together.
  • 3c. 1 ALU from [D.U.] to Colonel ? [1829]. 1l.
  • 3d. 1 ML copy from[Londosde to the government. 15 May] 1829. In Greek. 1l.
  • 3e. 1 MS [Powers given to their representatives on 4th March by Unifiolonghia?, Calavrequeta? and Salona and Corinth. June 1829.] In Greek. 2l.
  • 3f. 1 printed MS [Circular of Spiliadis respecting the National Assembly of Argos. 20 [May 1829]. In Greek. 1l.
  • 3g. Journal des Travaux de l'academie de l'industrie, agricole, manufacturiere et commerciale.... Paris. Mar. 1831. Annotated "Parallels French and English" by D.U. In French. 2l.
  • 3h. 1 MS. In Greek. 1l.
  • 3i. 1 ALS. In Greek. 1l.
  • 3j. 1 MS [Constitution franked and confirmed to Greece]. [1817?]. In Greek. 1l.
  • 3k. 1 AMS re [French economy]. [D.U.]. n.d. 1l.

4. Greek Loan and Greece after independence.

  • 4a. 1 ML copy [incomplete] from Col. Luke to D.U. May 1833. 1l.
  • 4b. 1 AMS. "Greece." [D.U.]. 30 Oct. 1835 and 27 June 1836. 6l.
  • 4c. 1 AML copy from D.U. to W.Fox Strangways. 30 Oct. 1835. 1l.
  • 4d. 1 LS from D.U. to ? 29 Oct. 1835. 2l.
  • 4e. 1 ALU [incomplete] from D.U. to ? 27 June 1836. 4l.

5. File of material relating to Greece. Annotated "Greece 1831. To be gone through carefully" [by D.U. or H.U.] The file containing mainly letters resembles those in I B4.

  • 5a. 1 MS Report of interview with the Grand Vizier on the Greek negotiations. [D.U.] ? Dec. 1831. 3l.
  • 5b. 1 AMS [reaction against the President. D.U. 1831]. 1l.
  • 5c. 1 ALU [incomplete] from [D.U.?] to J.Hudson. n.d. 1l.
  • 5d. 1 ALU [draft] from D.U. to Todivy. 31 Mar. 1834. 2l.
  • 5e. Correspondence between [Church] and [D.U.] 4 items: 2 ALS, 1 ALU [draft], 1 AML copy [incomplete]. Dates: [1831].
  • 5f. From David Ross of Bladensburg (D.R.B.) to D.U. items 5f- 5h are attached. 6 items: 3 ALS, 3 ALU (one partly cut away). Dates: 12 Feb.- Aug. 1831. 1 n.d.
  • 5g. 1 AMS re Greek economy. [D.U.]. Annotations re Greek currency on reverse. n.d. 2l.
  • 5h. 1 ALU from [D.R.B.] to D.U. 2 Apr. 1831. 1l.
  • 5i. 1 ALS from Thomas MacGill to D.U. 30 May 1831. 2l.
  • 5j. 1 ALU from ? to D.U. n.d. 1l.
  • 5k. 1 ALU [incomplete] from ? to D.U. n.d. 1l.
  • 5l. Articles kept inside a folded piece of paper marked "Commerce." Some relate to Greek and Maltese economies. 10 items: 6 AMS, 1 ALU, 2 printed "Supplements to the Malta Gazette", 1 newspaper cutting. Dates: 1821- 1831. 7 n.d.
  • 5m. 1 AMS. "Notes on Parliamentary papers." n.d. [D.U.] 3l.


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