Back to: HOME > Archives & MSS > Modern Manuscripts Collections > David Urquhart Papers Papers of David Urquhart : 2C - Manuscripts II C: TURKEY AND THE EAST.For MS re Turkey see also: I C which contains some MS and II Misc. For Turkey see also: I C and III 26. II C1: TURKEY AND THE EAST 1811- [1870?].1. Statistical tables relating to Turkish Treaty of Commerce. 12 items: 6 MS tables [2 reproduced copies], 4 MS, 1 AMS [by D.U.], 1 ML copy. Dates: 1825 and 1832. 10 n.d. Statistical tables and 1 MS are for 20 Mar. 1811; 1824- 6 and 1831- 2 Some items in French, German and Greek. 2. 1 AMS [draft] re Ibrahim Pacha. [D.U.]. Jan. 1833. 3l. 3. 2 AMS on Austrian Treaty. [D.U.]. 14 July 1839 and [1841-]. A page 499 is mentioned at the top of 1 MS; this may refer to one of D.U.'s books. Include: 1 newspaper cutting of article re Austrian Treaty. [4 Nov. 1841]. 8l. Sewn together inside hardback cover. Part of 1 MS has been cut away. 4. 1 MS. "Memoir addresse au government [Fivie ?] sur le traite de commerce de 1838." Jan. 1850. In French. 6l. 5. 1 AMS re Eastern Trade. [D.U. 1830-]. 28l. 6. 1 MS. "English aid to Turkey." Re conversation between D.U. and Namia Pacha. [Jan.- Feb. 1854]. 6l. 7. 1 AMS. "Precis de la question d'Orient." St Clair. [1868- 9. Presented to Napoleon III Sept. 1869]. In French. 11l. 8. Copies of official Turkish papers. [1870?]. 8a. MS copies of telegrams:
8b. 1 MS receipt belonging to D.U. Signed [V.Raboffeny?]. 9 Feb. 1829. 8c. 4 MS copies of telegrams from S.E.Khalil Bey to Aali Pacha, Grand Vizier and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Constantinople. Vienna. 21- 27 Sept. [1870]. In French. 6l. 8d. 1 AMS re Russian vessels on sea of Argos and 1856 Treaty. [D.U. 1856-]. 1l. II C2: TURKEY AND THE EAST 1828- 62 (two 1791).1. 1 ALU [draft] from [D.U.] to ? re commercial tour (involving places other than Turkey and the East). London. ? Aug. 1833. 3l. 2. 1 ALS from ? [signature illegible] to [D.U.]. Includes trade statistics relating to Russia. Annotated in pencil by D.U. 26 Oct. 1862. In French. 4l. 3. 5 MS tables of trade statistics [2 reproductions]. 1 annotated in ink. Dates: It is uncertain whether the years for which statistics are given on these documents are the years in which they were compiled. Statistics are given for the period 1831- 4. 2 n.d. The statistics relate to Teheran, Black Sea, Constantinople and Alexandria. 4. 1 ML copy from [D.U.?] to ? re Moldavia, Wallachia and Bulgaria. [D.U.?]. [1829-]. 1l. 5a. 1 MS "Notice sur le commerce de Salonique." 18 Sept. 1834. In French. 1l. 5b. AMS re travel and trade in Turkey, Greece and Salonica. [D.U.] n.d. 15l sewn together. 6. 1 ALU from ? to [D.U.?]. 7 Aug. 1834. Includes statistics re French grain trade. In French. 1l. 7. 1 AMS [draft]. "Information gathered in great part from General Major Gurgens who is appointed commandant of the lines of the South East part of Russia and commands an army of 40 000 men." [Wm. Eton]. [1791?]. 1l. 1 AMS [draft]. "Information collected in several conversations with Professor Lacksman- a counsellor of the college of mines (with the rank of colonel.) [Wm. Eton]. 1l. 8. 1 AML [draft] from [Clyrt Christin, M.A.Black and Co., Inv. Patison, and Keeight and CO.?] to J.Ponsonby. 1l. 9. 1 printed copy of letter from [J.Taylor, Cotton Broker] to Editors, "Liverpool Mercury." Annotated in ink. 16 July 1828. 1l. 10. 1 ALU [draft] from [merchants of Aleppo] to John Browring. 14 Apr. 1838. 2l. 1 AMS re letter from British Mercantile Houses in Aleppo to Ponsonby in 1838. [D.U.]. 2l. 11a. 1 MS "[Tradinction?] du [Bougourssldy?] addresse aux deux Caimaeans par S.C. Chekib Effendi commissaire extraordinaire de la sublime porte en Lyons." n.d. In French. 4l. 11b. 1 MS copy of 11a. In English. 6l. |
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