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Papers of David Urquhart : 2C - Manuscripts

II: MISCELLANEOUS MS: [1830]- [1859-].

1. 1 AMS. " On Colour. At influencing taste in the individual and character in the nation." [D.U.]. n.d. 35l.

2. 1 AMS. " Horse." [D.U.]. 52l.

3. Commerce. For pamphlets on commerce see: III 6.

  • 3.1. 1 AMS. Tobacco. [D.U.]. 5l.
  • 3.2. 1 ALS from John E.A. De Beauvoir to D.U. re formation of committee to obtain information re tea in Assam. 18 Dec. 1838. 1l.
  • 3.3 1 MS table in Greek. n.d. 8l sewn down middle.
  • 3.4. 6 MS tables of commercial statistics for Salonica, Smyrna, Trebizond, Odessa, Genoa, Leghorn, Venice, Trieste, Tunis, Tripoli, and Algiers. 2 signed by Charles Blunt, 4 unsigned. For the period 1830- 6. 2 in French. 10l.
  • 3.5. 1 AMS. "Cotton, spinning, dyeing, tanning...Extracts from my journal in Albania." [D.U.?] [1830]. 3l.
  • 3.6a. 1 AMS. "Memoir pour servir a l'Histoire Mont Athos." Pere [Bracoriner Mg?] Bil du Roi. Reverse annotated [by D.U.]: "notes on trade routes from England & India to Central Asia. Notes on production of hemp." n.d. 1l.
  • 3.6b. 1 AMS. Hemp. [D.U.]. n.d. 1l.
  • 3.6c. 1 AMS [incomplete] re trade routes. [D.U.]. n.d. 1l.
  • 3.6d. 1 MS in shorthand. [D.U.?]. n.d. 1l.
  • 3.6e. 1 [AMS incomplete]. [D.U.]. In French. 1l.
  • 3.7 1 AMS signed by D.U. "Turkey and its precious materials." [1830-]. 1l. 1 AMS. "Precious metals Turkish & c." [D.U.] [1836-]. 7l.
  • 3.8. 4 ALS from Carnarvon to Abel Andrews [Stalybridge Foreign Affairs Committee] re Newfoundland Fisheries. 10 July- 12 Nov. 1858. 4l. 1 MS note [by C.D.Collet] wrapped around the letters reads: "Newfoundland fisheries correspondence. Free Press August 12- 1858 October 27- 1858 November 24- 1858. Reprint on the efforts of the Committee Free Press January 26 1859." [1859-]. 1l.
  • 3.9. 1 ALS from [James Hudson] to D.U. Enclosure: 4 pieces of silk thread. 9 July 18??. 1l. 1 sample of silk and one cocoon from [Count] Bronski. 1 MS note attached. [1850]. 1l. 1 AMS. "Dying brown and black." [D.U.] n.d. 1l.

4. Currency. For pamphlets on currency see: III 7.

  • 4.1. Printed matter re currency. Accompanying piece of paper refers to 4.1 as "letters connected with the Portfolio." 5 items: 4 printed papers, 1 newspaper cutting. Dates: 1837- [1844-]. 2 n.d. Includes: 1 newspaper article. The commercial crisis and the Bank Charter Act. By Cargill.
  • 4.2. 1 AMS. "Motto. The interference with the [ev?] of money with a view to the alteration of prices bring about the death of [v?] and great men and the convolution of states." n.d. [D.U.] 7l.
  • 4.3 1 AMS. "Currency." [D.U.]. n.d. 51l.


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