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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets


III has been divided into sections by subject area by the original catalogue. Any pamphlets by D.U. are listed at the beginning of each section. The other pamphlets in the section are arranged in alphabetical order.

Some of the pamphlets have D.U.'s name or dedications to D.U. written inside.

III 1: ARCHAEOLOGY: 1800- 47. 3 n.d.

1. Birch, Samuel. Notes Upon an Egyptian Inscription in the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris. From the "Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. Vol.iv. New Series." n.d. 35 p.

2. Birch, Samuel. Observations on the Newly Discovered Fragments of the Statistical Tablet of Karnak. From the "Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. Vol. VII. New Series." n.d. 21 p.

3. Birch, Samuel. Observations on the Statistical Tablet of Karnak. From the "Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. Vol. ii. New Series." n.d. 57 p.

4. Commission of Arts. Report of the Commission of Arts to the First Consul Bonaparte on the Antiquities of Upper Egypt ." Translated by Ripaud, Librarian to the Institute of Egypt. London: J.Debrett. 1800. 104 p.

5. Gensius, Guil. De Inscriptione Phoenico- Graeca in Cyrenacia Nuper Reperta ad Carpocratianorum Harensis Pertinente Commentatio. 1825. In Latin. 30 p.

6. Glibbon, George, late U.S. Consul at Cairo. Ancient Egypt. Tenth Edition. New York and Baltimore: Wm. Taylor and Co. January 1847. 70 p. Part of cover missing.

7. "El Sevilliano" Noticia Historica de los Principales Monumentos Artisticos de Sevilla Formada por los Editores de "El Sevilliano". Seville. 1842. In Spanish. Annotated by [D.U.]. 92 p.

8. Smith, Lieutenant R.M. On Recent Excavations at Cyrene. From the "Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, Vol. VII. new Series." n.d. 22 p.


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