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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets


1. D.U. An Appeal Against Faction, in Respect to the Concurrence of the Present and the Late Administrations, to Prevent the House of Commons from Performing its Highest Duties. To Which is Added an Analysis of Count Nesselrode's Despatch of the 20th Oct. 1838. London. 1843. 56 p.

2. D.U. The Invasion of England. London: Free Press office. 1860. 15 p.

3. D.U. Naval Power Suppressed by the Maritime States. Crimean War. London: "Diplomatic Review Office." 1874. 32 p.

4. D.U. Editor. Reminiscences of William IV. Correspondence Between Lord Ponsonby and Mr. Urquhart. 1833 to 1836, London: Diplomatic Review office. [1875]. 96 p.

5. Anonymous. An Appeal to the Landed, Manufacturing, Trading, and Professional Interests of Great Britain, Exhorting them to Insist Upon the Immediate Redemption of the Public Debt. London. 1833. Annotated "Robert Stuart Esqre. M.P." 23 p.

6. Anonymous. A Few Cursory Remarks Upon the State of Parties, During the Administration of the Right Honourable Henry Addington. By a Near Observer. London: J.Hatchard. Sixth edition, corrected. 1803. 84 p.

7. Anonymous. Hints Addressed to the Inhabitants of Edinburgh, and Others, in Prospect of His Majesty's Visit. By an Old Citizen. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute, Manners and Miller, Archibald Constable and Co., William Blackwood, Waugh and Innes, and John Robertson. 1822. 32 p.

8. Anonymous. Hints from Hamburg Respecting the Stade Duty. A Pamphlet Advocating the Interests of British Trade to Germany. 1839. 22 p.

9. Anonymous. A Historical Account of His Majesty's Visit to Scotland. Part Second. [Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd]. 105 p.

10. Anonymous. A Historical Account of His Majesty's Visit to Scotland. Part Third. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. 111 p.

11. Anonymous. A Plain Answer to the Misrepresentations and Calumnies Contained in the Cursory Remarks of a Near Observer. By a More Accurate Observer. London: John Stockdale. Second edition. 1803. 83 p.

12. Anonymous. La Prusse et les Traites de Vienne. Paris: E.Dentu. 1861. In French. 47 p.

13. Anonymous. Question of the Danubian Principalities. Jersey. 1857. 148 p.

14. Anonymous. What a Congress Can Do. London: Robert Hardwicke. 1860. 16 p. Damaged sewing.

15. Associations Internationales de Secours aux Militaires Blesses. Le Congres et le Traite de Geneve Aout 1864. [1864-]. Third edition. 105 p.

16. Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Sub Committee. Remarks on the Report of a Sub- Committee, Appointed by the Council of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, to Obtain Information Respecting Sarawak and Sir James Brooke's Proposals in Reference Thereto. Birmingham. Feb. 1859. Appears to be C.D.Collet's copy. 11 p.

17. Blanc, Louis. Lettres sur l'Angleterre par Louis Blanc. Deuxieme Serie. Paris: A.Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & co. In French. 396 p. Damaged stitching. Enclosure between p 328 and p 329: 1 MS. "Memoires de Lord Ponsonby adresse a la Reine sur les perfidies du government Anglais envers la Turquie." In French. 4l. Enclosures between p 396 and p 397:

  • 1 MS. "Letter de Lord Ponsonby a M. Urquhart." [D.U.] [1866- 1877]. 1l.
  • 1 MS. Macclesfield silk weavers. [F.F.U.?]. n.d. 1l.

18. Cargill, William. An Examination of the Origin, Progress, and Tendency of the Commercial and Political Consideration Against England and France, Called the "Prussian League." Newcastle. 1840. 50 p.

19. Chiefala, Nicolas Avis du Capitaine Nicolas Chiefala, Grec de L'Ile de Zante. au Public, Dedie a la Nation Anglaise. Paris. 1837. 61 p.

20. Chisholm Anstey, Thomas. Plea of the Unrepresented Commons for Restitution of Franchise. An Historic Enquiry. London: William Ridgway. 1866. 143 p.

21. Congreve, Richard. Gibraltar: or the Foreign Policy of England. London: John W.Parker and son. 64 p.

22. Dumortier, M.B.C. Translated by Charles White. Belgium and the Twenty Four Articles. Brussels. 1838. 85 p.

23. D'Haussonville, Comte O. Deux Episodes Diplomatiques. Extrait de al Revue des Deux Mondes Livraison du 15 Mai 1862. Paris. 1862. In French. 56 p.

24. "Eclectic Review." The Whole Truth of the Spanish Marriages. London: James Madden and John Ollivier. 1847. 40 p.

25. Fyler, George. Speech of George Fyler, Esq. (Barrister at Law) to the Electors of South Shields, on Monday, June 14, 1841. Newcastle- Upon- Tyne. 1841. 16 p.

26. Gladstone, W.E. The Vatican Decrees in their Bearing on Civil Allegiance: A Political Expostulation. London: John Murray. 1874. 72 p.

27. Kelso Chronicle. Report of the Proceedings at the Dinner at Melrose, in Honour of Archibald Douglas, Esq. of Adderstone, Nov. 3, 1834. Kelso. 1834. 47 p.

28. Lindsay, W.A. Pedigree of the House of Stewart. [1971]]. 1l.

29. Liverpool Albion. How is the Queen's Government to be Carried On? The Problem Solved by the Restoration of the Privy Council. Six Essays Reprinted from the "Liverpool Albion." London. 1866. 27 p.

30. Normanby, Marquis of. The Congress and the Cabinet. London: John Murray. Second edition revised. 1859. 48 p.

31. Parish, Henry Headley. England in 1839; with Particular Reference to her Diplomatic Position. London:Hatchard and Son. 1839. 75 p.

32. Polypus. All the Talents; A Satirical Poem in Three Dialogues. London: John Joseph Stockdale. Seventh Edition. 1807. 81 p.

33. Smith, Toulmin. Local Self Government Un- Mystified. A Vindication of Common Sense, Human Nature and Practical Improvement, Against the Manifesto of Centralism Put Forth at the Social Science Association, 1857. London: Edward Stanford. 1857. 128 p.

34. Steinbuchel, Anton von. Neueste Dampfschiffart von Wien Nach Trapezunt Oder die Grosse Donaustrafse Zu Zinem der Reichen Ursitze des Asiatischen Welthandels. Vienna: Gedruckt und im Verlage bey Carl Gerold. 1838. In German. Annotated: "D. Urquhart Esq. with Prince Lubomirslu's best respects." 125 p.

35. [Symonds, W?] Report to the Lieutenane- Governor, the President , and the States of Jersey, on the Subject of a Harbour for Defence and Safety on the Island of Jersey. [1847-]. 32 p.

36. United Parishes of Westminster. Facts (Founded Upon Parliamentary Returns) Illustrative of the Great Inequality of the taxes on Houses and Windows, Shewing How Unjustly and Oppressively They Bear Upon the Middle and Industrious Classes. London. 1833. 36 p.

37. Vetus. The Letters of Vetus, From March 10 to May 10, 1812. London: T.Cadell and W.Davies; Sherwood, Neeley, and Jones. 1812. 73 p.

38. Vetus. The Letters of Vetus. Part II. From No. VII. to XV inclusive: Being those which were Published Between the 1st July, and the 10th November, 1812. London: T.Cadell and W.Davies; Sherwood, Neeley and Jones. Nov. 1812. 168 p.

39. Whitty, Edward M. The Governing Classes of Great Britain. Political Portraits. London: Trubner & co. 1854. 218 p

40. Wraxall, N.William. Translated from French. The Correspondence Between a Traveller and a Minister of State, in October and November, 1792; Preceded by Remarks Upon the Origin of the Present War; as Well as Upon the Political Position of Europe, in October, 1796. London: J.Debrett. n.d. 81 p.


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