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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets

III 14: INDIA: 1838- 60.

1. D.U. The Rebellion of India. London: D.Bryce. 1857. Pencil annotations. 44 p. Missing cover.

2. Anonymous. The Euphrates Valley Route to India by a traveller. London:Edward Standfird. 1856. 83 p.

3. Anonymous. Memorandum of the Improvements in the Administration of India During the Last Thirty Years, and the Petition of the East India Company to Parliament. London: W.H.Allen and co. 1858. 129 p.

4. Crawshay, George. The Immediate Cause of the Indian Mutiny, as Set Forth in the Official Correspondence. London: Effingham Wilson. [1857?]. 28 p.

5. [Crawshay, George.] The Mutiny of the Bengal Army: a Lecture (from "Official Documents" Delivered by the Mayor of Gateshead, in the Hall of the Mechanics Institute, Wednesday, Nov. 4 1857. Gateshead: "Gateshead Observer." 1857. 12 p.

6. Crawshay, George. Proselytism Destructive of Christianity and Incompatible with Political Dominion. London: Effingham Wilson. 1858. 44 p.

7. East India Committee of the Colonial Society. Report of the East India Committee of the Colonial Society on the Causes and Consequences of the Military Operations in China. London: James Maynard and David Bryce. 1857. 67 p.

8. [Foreign Affairs Committees?] The Catastrophe of the East India Company. Includes correspondence of Crawshay. No publication details given. [1858-]. 24 p.

9. Howitt, William. The English in India. London: Longmans, Orne , Brown, Green, and Longmans. 1839. 99 p.

10. Montalembert, Le Comte de. Un Debat sur l'Indie au Parlement Anglais. London: W.Jeffs. 1858. In French. 117 p.

11. Rathbone, Colonel. Mr Disraeli, Colonel Rathbone and the Council of India. London: Charles Westerton. 1860. 88 p.

12. Westmacott, Capt. G.E. Indian Commerce and Russian Intrigue. The Present and Future Prospects of our Indian Empire. London: Henry Hooper. 1838. 83 p.


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