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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets


1. D.U. Answer to Mr Cobden on the Assimilation of War and Peace. ALso Analysis of the Correspondence with the United States, Showing the Declaration of Paris to Have Been Violated by England and France. London: Hardwicke. 1862. Enclosure: 1 newspaper cutting. 1l. 64 p.

2. D.U. Appel d'un Protestant au Pape Pour le Retablissement du Droit Public des Nations. Paris: Charles Dounoi. 1869. In French. 97 p.

3. D.U. Correspondance Entre M.Urquhart et l'Eveque d'Orleans. London: "Diplomatic Review" office. 1870. In French. 24 p.

4. D.U. Desloation de la Chretiente par la Substitution de la Familiarite a la Politesse. London: "Diplomatic Review" office. 1871. In French. Annotated "Corrected copy." Enclosure: 1 MS between p 22 and 23. [D.U.] 126 p.

5. D.U. Desolation de la Chretiente par la Substitution de la Familiarite a la Politesse. London: "Diplomatic Review" office. Second edition. 1872. In French. Enclosure: 1 printed MS. "La Royaute et l'Etiquette". Appendix to "La Desolation de la Chretiente..." 126 p.

6. D.U. Duty of the Church of England in Respect to Unlawful Wars. A Letter to a Right Reverend Prelate. London: James Maynard. 1842. 33 p.

7. D.U. Effect of the World of the Restoration of the Canon Law; Being a Vindication of the Catholic Church Against a Priest. London: "Diplomatic Review" office. 1869. 78 p.

8. [D.U.?] Explication de l'Appel d'un Protestant au Pape. Geneva: Vve. Auguste Garin. 1869. In French and Latin. 35 p.

9. D.U. The Home Face of the "Four Points." London: Trubner and co. [1854-]. 31 p.

10. D.U. Le Patriarche Hassoun. Le Schisme Armenien, Dans ses Rapports Avec le Concile Ecumenique et les Decrets Synodaux sur la Guertre. Avec les Documents Deux Lettres de M.Urquhart. London: Diplomatic Review office. 1872. 80 p.

11. D.U. Retablissement du Droit Canon. Vindication de l'Eglise Catholique Contre un Dominicain. London: "Diplomatic Review" office. 1870. In French. 111 p.

12. Anonymous. Le Pape et le Congres. Paris: E.Dentu and Firmin Didot Freres. 1859. In French. 46 p.

13. Blue Books. Selections from the Blue Books as Materials for Study. London: Robert Hardwicke. 1856. 32 p.

14. Carne, M.Gaston de David Urquhart et les Droit des Gens... Extrait de la Reforme Sociale. Paris: Bureaux de la Reforme Sociale. [1877-]. In French. 7 p.

15. Defourny, M.P. Importance of the Pontifical Canons for Social Reform, and Especially for the Re-establishment of the Law of Nations. The Canonical Doctrine of Obedience. From Diplomatic Review, Apr. 1873. London: Diplomatic Review office. 15 p.

16. Defourny, M.P. Le Retablissement du Driot des Gens en Matiere de Guerre a l'Assemble Generale des Catholiques du Nord, a Lille. Grenoble: Bartier et Dardelet. 1887. In French. Enclosures: 1 printed article. "Mr. D.Urquhart on Diet and Health." From the Dietic Reformer, Nov. 1875. 1l. 1 printed article. "Manners and the Pope." From the Diplomatic Review, July 1875. [D.U.] 1l. 23 p.

17. Defourny, M. Trois Questions Capitales. Obeissance- Droit des Gens- Revanche. Alb. Larcher. 1872. 57 p.

18. Gladstone, W.E. Vaticanism: an Answer to Replies and Reproofs. London: John Murray. 1875. 128 p.

19. Monteith of Carstairs, R. Discours sur l'Effusion du Sang des Hommes et le Droit de Guerre. Lille. 1883. In French. 168 p.

20. [Monteith, R.] Finished by J.Monteith. Discourse on the Sheddding of Blood and the Laws of War. London. 1883. 169 p.

21. Pope and Vatican Council. The Papal Encyclical and Syllabus, Literally Translated from the Authorised Latin Text. Reprinted from the "Daily News." To Which is Added a Correct Translation of All the Dogmatic Decrees of the Vatican Council. London: Bradbury, Agnew and co. 1875. 47 p.

22. Ramiere, Le P.Henry. La Restauration du Droit des Gens. Lyons. Lecoffre fils et cie. sucesseurs. 1873. 47 p. Enclosures: 6 items: 6 ALS, 2 MS, 1 ALU. Dates: 8 June- [1873]. 2 n.d.

  • 4 ALS from Ramiere to H.U.
  • 1 ALS [draft] from H.U. to Ramiere.
  • 1 ALS [draft] from H.U. to Ramiere.
  • 1 ALS from Charles Jones to H.U.
  • 1 AMS. Speech of 1830. [H.U.]
  • Some items in French.

23. Ross of Bladensburgh. Memorandum on "Diplomatic Relations with the Vatican." Marked "Not for publication." London. [1886]. 14 p.

24. Suffield, Father Rudolph. Les Trois Theses du Pere Suffield (Dominican) sur le Droit des Gens, la Guerre, et le Pape. Includes correspondence of Suffield to Denbigh. London: Diplomatic Review office. 1869. In French. 59 p.


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