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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets


1. Bindon, Dr Samuel. Some Notices of Manuscripts Relating to Ireland in Various Languages Now to be Found in the Burgundian Library at Brussels. Dublin: James McGlashan, James Duffy. 1847. 32 p.

2. Dublin Corporation of the Repeal of the Union. A Full and Revised Report of the Three Days Discussion in the Dublin Corporation on the Repeal of the Union with Dedication to Cornelius Mac Loghhlin, Esq. and an Address to the People of Ireland by Daniel O'Connell, M.P. Dublin: James Duffy. 1843. 220 p.

3. Fortescue, Right Hon. C.P, M.P. Five Speeches on Irish Questions. London: Robert John Bush. 1874. 109 p.

4. Haughton, Edward. Hot Air Baths. Abstract of a paper read at a Sectional Meeting of the Royal Dublin Society. Reprinted from the Freeman's Journal of 27 Mar. 1858. Dublin. 4 p.


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