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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets

III 17: ITALY: 1848- [1860-].

1. D.U. On the Italian War. Speech Delivered During its Continuance. To Which is Added a Memoir on Europe, Drawn Up for the Instruction of the Present Emperor of Russia. London: Robert Hardwicke. 1859. 40 p.

2. Anonymous. Austria and Italy. By an Anglo Italian. Late a Captain in the Venetian Army. London: Richard Bentley. 1851. 75 p.

3. Anonymous. L'Empereur Napoleon III et Italie. Paris: E.Dentu. 1859. 64 p.

4. Anonymous. Translated from the German. Germany and Italy. London. 1859: Robert Hardwicke. 30 p.

5. D'Azeglio. Austrian Assassinations in Lombardy. Edited by Fortunato Prandi. London: T.C.Newby. 1848. 82 p.

6. Gladstone, W.E. Two Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government. London: John Murray. Third edition. 1851. 58 p.

7. Gondon, Jules. L'Etat de la Question Napolitaine. Paris. 1857. In French. 108 p.

8. Lyndhurst, Lord. The Eastern Question. The Substance of a Speech Delivered in the House of Lords, June 19, 1854. London: John Petheram. 1854. 32 p.

9. Manchester Foreign Affairs Association. English Aid to Garibaldi, on his Invasion of the Sicilies. Is it Lawful and Just? Correspondence between the Manchester Foreign Affairs Association and Mark Phillips, Esq.; also Between the Former and R.P.Greg, Esq. Manchester: Wm. Bremner. [1860-]. 16 p.

10. Mazzini, Joseph. The Late Geonese Insurrection Defended. Parties in Italy: What are they? What Have they Done? London:Holyoake and Co. 1848. 44 p.

11. Miles- Thomas, Lord Beaumont. Austria and Central Italy. London: James Ridgway. 1849. Second edition. 1859. 56 p.

12. Montagu, Lord Robert. A Few Words on Garibaldi; an Answer to Numerous Letters from the Rev. Robert McGhee, Rector of Holywell, in Huntingdonshire. London: James Ridgway. 1861. 28 p. 2 copies.

13. Rimini, Baron Arthur De. The Truth Respecting Italy and Piedmont. Diplomatic Revelations by a Secret Agent of Count Cavour. Preceded by a Letter to Napoleon III, with Additional Notes. London: W.Jeffs. 1862. 41 p.

14. Tchihatchef, P De. Italie et Turque. Brussels: Auguste Schnee. 1859.

36 p. Damaged binding and incomplete pamphlet.


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