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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets


1. Acting Committee to the Standing Committee of West India Planters and merchants. Report. London. 1848. 41 p.

2. Anonymous. Letter from Legion to the Right Honourable E.G. Stanley, &c. &c. &c. Secretary of State for the Colonies, Upon his Scheme for the Abolition of Colonial Slavery. London: Hatchard and sons. [1834?] 32 p.

3. Anonymous. The Many Sacrificed to the Few; Proved by the Effects of the Sugar Monopoly. London: Henry Hooper. 24 p.

4. Anonymous. Plan for the Safe and Profitable Conversion of the Colonial Slaves into Free Labourers. [London]. n.d. 24 p.

5. Anonymous. Some Remarks on Mr. Stanley's Proposed Bill for the Abolition of Colonial Slavery. [London]. 16 p.

6. Condier, Josiah. Wages or the Whip. An Essay on the Comparative Cost and Productiveness of Free and Slave Labour. London. 1833. 89 p.

7. Cropper, James. A Vindication of a Loan of $$$ 15, 000, 000 to the West India Planters. London. 1833. 16 p.

8. Fowell Buxton, Thomas. The Remedy. London. Marked "This edition is not to be published." [1835-]. Signed by the author. 152 p.

9. Harewood, Earl of; Selkirk, Earl of; Watson Taylor, G. M.P.; St Vincent, Viscount; Robinson, G.R. M.P.; Gould, Nathaniel. M.P.; Harman, Jeremiah; Young, George Frederick; Irving, John. M.P.; Hibbert, George, Carrington, George; Saltoun, Lord; Hyde East, Edward; Lascelles, W.S. M.P.; Ellice, Russel Ellice, Dundas, Robert. M.P.; reay, Lord, Colville, Andrew; Ward, William; Copeland, Alderman. M.P.; Nicholson,; Sinclair, George. M.P.; Rae Reid, Sir John; Burge, William; and Bright, Henry. Proceedings at a Public Meeting of Persons Interested in th Preservation of the British West India Colonies Held at the City of London Tavern, the 5th April, 1832. London. [1832]. 50 p.

10. Hopkirk, J.G. An Account of the Insurrection in St. Domingo, Begun in August 1791, Taken from Authentic Sources. Edinburgh: William Blackwood. 1833. 59 p.

11. House of Lords Select Committee. Evidence Upon Oath Touching the Condition and Treatment of the Negro Populations of the British West India Colonies. Part I.- Island of Jamaica. London: Ridgway. 1833. 96 p.

12. Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Standing Committee. Report of the Standing Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, Jamaica, Upon the Present Condition of that Colony; the causes of its Depression; and the Remedil Measures Necessary to Restore its Prosperity. London: Cowie, Holland and co. 1847. 23 p.

13. Martin, R.M. The Sugar Question in Relation to Free Trade and Protection. Annotated "With the compliments of the author." London: J.B.Nichols and son. 1848. 21 p.

14. The Mauritian. [Bath. 1845]. Part of the edge has been cut away removing the date. 14 p.

15. Parliamentary Committees on Colonial Slavery. The Danger of Delay and the Safety and Practicability of Immediate Emancipation, From the Evidence Before the Parliamentary Committees on Colonial Slavery. London: Agency Anti Slavery Committee. 1833

16. Zuleta, Pedro de. An Address to the Merchants, Manufacturers, and traders of Great Britain. London. 1844. 66 p.


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