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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets

III 26: TURKEY AND THE EAST: 1821- 76.

1. 1 MS list of pamphlets in III 26. Does not entirely correspond to the contents of this section. [F.F.U.?]. n.d. 4l.

2. [D.U.] The Affairs of Serbia. Reprinted from the British and Foreign Review No. XXXI. London. 1843. 48 p.

3. D.U. The Military Strength of Turkey. From MSS. Entitled "The Ottoman Empire Under Abdul Medjid," Written in 1852. London: Diplomaic Review Office. 1868. 16 p.

4. D.U. The Occupation of the Crimea. An Appeal From Today to Tomorrow. London: Trubner and co. 1854. 32 p.

5. D.U. The War of Ignorance a Prognostication. London: Trubner & co. 1854. 43 p.

6. Anonymous. Advantages of the Establishment of a National Bank at Constantinople. No publication place stated. [1836-]. 22 p.

7. Anonymous. Fragments of Ante- Historic Terma. I.- The Arians Identified with the Scythians. II.- The Hyksos, Identified with the Turks. London Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange. 1858. The pamphlet has "Not Published" printed on it. 43 p.

8. Anonymous. La Verite Sur la Question des Lieux- Saints, par Quelqu'un qui la Sait. Malta. 1853. In French. 31 p.

9. Anonymous. Remarks on the Present State of Turkey, Considered in its Commercial and Political Relation with England. London: James Ridgway. 1821. 20 p.

10. Anonymous. Three Letters on the Policy of England Towards the Porte and Mohamed Ali. London: John Murray. 1840. 63 p.

11. Britisn and Foreign Review or European Quarterly Journal. The Porte and the Pasha: Foreign Policy of England. London. 1841. 35 p.

12. Du Bocage, V.A. Barbie.. Suez et Perim Reponse a l'Article du Times du 7 Avril 1858. Paris: Amyot. 1858. In French. 30 p.

13. Dupin, Charles. Canal Maritime de Suez. Institut Imperial de France. Rapport a l'Academie des Sciences. Paris: Henri Plon. 1857. In French. 72 p.

14. Feer, Leon. La Puissance et la Civilisation Mongoles au Treizieme Siecle. Paris. 1867. In French. 40 p.

15. Glasgow merchants. Foreign Policy and Commerce. Speeches Delivered at a Dinner Given by the Commercial Community of Glasgow to David Urquhart, Esq. on the 23d of May, 1838. London: H.Hooper. 1838. 51 p.

16. Le Khiva. Paris. March. 1873. In French. 89 p.

17. Lange, Daniel Adolphus. The Isthmus of Suez Canal Question, Viewed in its Political Bearings. London: Richardson Brothers. 1859. 15 p.

18. The Levant Review of Literature and Science. No. V. July, 1861. [Constantinople]: R.F.Foote. 72 p.

19. Lyndhurst, Lord. The Eastern Question. The Substance of a Speech Delivered in the House of Lords, June 19, 1854. London: John Petheram. 1854. 32 p.

20. Moltke. Translation of the Appendix (Anhang) to Moltke's History of the Russo- Turkish Campaign, 1828-9. London. n.d. 16 p.

21. "Morning Herald." 18 May [1857-]. The Highways to the East. [1857-]. No publication place given. 11 p.

22. Munro- Butler - Johnson, M.P. The Turks: Their Character, Manners and Institutions, as Bearing Upon the Eastern Question. Oxford and London. 1876. 48 p.

23. Philigret, Capt. Canal maritime de Suez. Observations Hydrograhiques dans la Baie de Peluse. Paris: Henri Plon. 1857. In French. 82 p.

24. Pitzipio, J.G. La Question D'Orient Consideree Sous sa Vraie Face ou Memoires. Malta. 1852. 40 p.

25. Rotislav Fadeeff, General. Opinion on the Eastern Question. London. 1876. 104 p.

26. Skene, James Henry. The Three Eras of Ottoman History; a Political Essay on the Late Reforms of Turkey, Considered Principally as Affecting her Position in the Event of a War Taking Place. London: Chapman and Hall. 1851. 83 p.

27. Texier, Ch. Les Tribus Arabes de l'Irac- Arabi. Paris. [1860-]. In French. 21 p.

28. Vaillant, J.A. Turkie et Russe en Reponse a la Lettre d'un Anonyme. Paris. 1854. In French. 47 p.

29. Widermann, Dr Eduard and Hauff, Dr. Hermann. Reiser und Landersbeschreibungen der Altern und Neueften Zeit. Stuttgart and Tubingen: Berlag der J.C.Cotta'fchen Buhhandlung. 1837. In German. 114 p.


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