Back to: HOME > Archives & MSS > Modern Manuscripts Collections > David Urquhart Papers Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets III 6: COMMERCE: [1814-] - [1857-] (one 1754).1. Anderson, William. Observations on a New Mode of Stacking Corn, Peculiarly Adapted to Wet Seasons. Edinburgh: John Dick. [1816]. 35 p. 2. Christie, Robert. Report to the Sub Committee Appointed by Committees of Twenty- One of the Wards of Police of the City of Edinburgh. [Edinburgh]. [1831- 2]. 70 p. 3. Committee of the Commissioners of Supply for Lanarkshire. Report of a Committee of the Commissioners of Supply for Lanarkshire; Appointed to Enquire into the Procedure by Which the Flairs of Grain for that County were Struck, for the Year 1816. Edinburgh. 1817. 64 p. 4. Committee Appointed by the Commissioners for the City Improvements, Edinburgh. Report. Edinburgh. 1830. 28 p. 5. Edinburgh Town Council. Contract of an Agreement for Building an Exchange in the City of Edinburgh, Between the Magistrates and Town Council, and Tradesmen. Edinburgh. 1754. 60 p and Appendix. 6. Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. Report of the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures, Incorporated by Royal Charter in the City of Glasgow, for the Year Ending 31st Dec. 1855. Glasgow. 1856. 11 p. 7. Herbert, H.A. M.P. A Few Observations Upon the Defects of the Savings Banks System, as Ilustrated by the Frauds Committed by the Actuaries of the County Kerry Banks. London. 1848. 19 p. 8. Mc Laren, Duncan. Report Regarding the Revenue and Expenditure of the Corporation of Edinburgh, on which the Recent Reduction of the Church- Seat Belt Rents, and the Abolition of the One Per Cent Assessment, were Founded. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. 1838. 41 p. 9. Manchester Foreign Affairs' Association. The British North American Fisheries. No publication place given. [1857-]. 8 p. 10. North American Colonial Association Committee. Memoir on the Colonial Timber Trade, Presented to the Right Honourable, Sir Robert Peel, Bart. London. 1842. 27 p. 11. Sanderson, William. Description of a Melon-Pit, Employed at Alderstone, East Lothian. No publication place given. [1814-]. 7 p. 12. "The Scotsman." Advice to the Labouring Classes on the Best Means of Raising their Wages and Securing Themselves and their Families Against Want. Edinburgh: Adam Black. 1830. 16 p. 13. Viator. A Short Description and Explanation of the Advantages Arising from the Use of Patent Wooden Block Pavement. London. 1839. 12 p. |
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