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Papers of David Urquhart : III Pamphlets

III 7: CURRENCY: [1843?]- [1850-]. Bulk 1847.

1. Anonymous. A Correct Monetary System Essential to a Free Trade System. London: Effingham Wilson. 1847. 32 p.

2. Anonymous. The Gold Standard. London: J.Olliver and Letts son and Steer. 1848. 28 p.

3. Anonymous: Spectator. Paper Versus Gold Money; or a New System of Currency and Banking, to Render as Secure as Specie, and to Unite the Bank of England, Joint Stock and Private Banks in one Harmonious Plan... Part Second. Printed for private circulation: Pelham Richardson. [1843?] 27 p.

4. Anonymous: A Banker. A Plan for a Domestic Currency, Rendered Independent of the Foreign Exchanges and Measured in Standard Gold. London: Letts , sons and Steer. 1847. 14 p.

5. Anonymous. The Present State of the Currency Practically Considered; Proving the Justice and Necessity of Immediately and Effectively Revising the Currency Measures of 1819 and 1844. London: G.Biggs. 1847. 76 p.

6. Duncan, John. The Principles of the League Explained, Versus Sir R. Peel's Currency Measures and the Partial Remedy Advocated by the Scottish Banks, in a Speech Delivered at the City Hall, Glasgow, & August, 1847. London: J.Olliver. 1847. 16 p.

7. Enderby, Charles. The Fallacy of our Monetary System, as Deduced from its Author's Sir Robert Peel's Definition of a "Pound." London. 1847. 16 p.

8. Endersby, Charles. Our Money Laws the Cause of the National Distress. London: Pelham Richardson. 1847. Annotated by [D.U.] 55 p.

9. Gray, John. Committee of Enquiry into the Validity of the Monetary Principle Advocated in Gray's Lectures on the Nature and Use of Money. Edinburgh: A and C,.Black. 1849. 28 p.

10. Milner,T.H. On the Regulation of Floating Capital and Freedom of Currency. London: Smith, Elder and co. 1848. 113 p.

11. National Currency Reform Association. Principles and Objects of the National Currency Reform Association. [London. 1850-]. 24 p.

12. Simpkin, Marshall, and co. Publishers. The Currency Question. Currency Records; Being Extracts from Speeches, Documents, &c., &c., &c., Illustrating the Character and Consequences of the Acts of 1819 and 1844. London: Simpkin, Marshall and Co. [1847?]. 43 p.

13. Ward, William. Remarks on the Monetary Legislation of Great Britain. London: Pelham Richardson and J.Olliver. 1847. 73 p.


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