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Papers of David Urquhart : V Printed posters

Headings and parts of the posters in bold typeface have been quoted to provide a guide to the contents of each poster. Details of place, date and speakers for meetings advertised have also been recorded. Some of the posters are damaged and torn.

For posters see also: IV.


1. "To the operatives of Sheffield [letter from D.U.]... 3 July 1841" letter from D.U. and "Speech of David Urquhart Esquire at the hustings on nomination day: Wed, June 29 [1841]. Annotated and cut around. 49 cm.

2. Similar to V A1. 51 cm.

3. "To the electors of the borough of Sheffield... Fontine Hotel, Sheffield, 9 June 1841." Annotated by [D.U.] and sent to Pringle Taylor. 45cm.


1. "To the independent burgesses of the borough of Stafford [letter]...4 Sept. 1847... [extract from] "Aix la Chapelle Gazette"... 25 Feb. 1849." Post mark and seal on reverse. 38 cm.

2. "To the electors of Stafford [from D.U.]... Stafford, 23 Feb. 1849." Appears to have been sent to Miss Curtis. 34 cm.

3. "To the burgers and electors of the borough of Stafford... [letter from] John Shallcross. 24 July 1860, Stafford." 38 cm.

4. "To the independent and free Burgesses and electors of the borough of Stafford...D.U. Stafford. 2 Aug. 1847." 45 cm.

5. "To the worthy and independent burgesses of the borough of Stafford...D.U. 28, Portman Sq. 24 June 1847." 45 cm.

6. "Stafford election . Friday , July 30 1847. State of the Poll, one o'clock." Annotated by D.U. 28 cm.

7. "The Queen's letter. Lord Palmerston detected and dismissed... To the burgesses and electors of the borough of Stafford... John Shallcross... 30 July 1860." 45 cm.


1. "The Bulgarian atrocities. Protest of a conference of the Foreign Affairs Committees of Keighley, Bingley, Shipley, Bradford, Connoley, Glusburn and the New Road Side, held at Keighley, September 17th 1876." 114 cm.

2. "The money aspect of the petition against the Declaration of Paris." The poster advertises sessions for signing a petition on 10 and 11 July [1865?]. 114 cm.

3. "The English people intentionally starved both by treaties and taxes. On Sunday July 25th 1858, Mr Robinson of Manchester and Mr Collet of London will address the people of Howarth at Dipples." 20 cm x 23 cm.

4. "How can those who are not Christians themselves convert pagans to Christianity?.... Mr Urquhart to the Secretary of the Stafford Foreign Affairs' Association... Riverside. Oct. 3 1856." 38 cm.

5. "The difference between a Polish Poland and a Russian Poland. Considerations submitted by the deputation from the Foreign Affairs Committees... Signed on behalf of the Deputation: J.T.Harlow, C.T.Jones, David Rule, John Young... 17 July 1861." 45 cm.

6. "Russian atrocities in Central Asia... Issued by the Keighley Foreign Affairs Committee." 76 cm.

7. "Lord Palmerston and the Afghan forgeries, from the Manchester Examiner and Times of March 21st 1861... Issued by the Preston Foreign Affairs Association." 50 cm.

8. "Shall there be peace at any price because the hucksters and Quakers and disappointed placemen.. Issued by order of the Preston F.A.A." Also advertises a "Lecture and discussion class [for] January 20th 1878." 100 cm.


1. "St. Martin's Hall, Longacre. On Tuesday, December 19th 1854, Public Meeting will be held to take into consideration the Austrian Treaty in connection with the introduction of foreign troops into England. The meeting will be addressed by David Urquhart, Esq. and by other gentlemen." Annotated on reverse: "N.B. This meeting did not take place." 75 cm.

2. "Russian Congress at Brussels on the Laws of war... Petition ... to the Commons..." involving C.Jones. n.d. 38 cm.

3. "Turkey nobly defiant of her aggression and Europe crouching to emasculate her... [Address to D.U. by] your faithful friends and late constituents. Stafford, Sept. 14, 1853." 44 cm.

4. "The foreign policy humbugs again! Cardo and the renegade Chartists... Oct. 31, 1840." Sent to James White.

5. "The flag of Circassia. At a public dinner given by the Commercial Community of Glasgow on the 23rd of May, 1838, to David Urquhart, Esq. that gentleman in responding to the toast of "Circassia" spoke as follows." 39 cm.

6. 2 attached items.

  • 6a. "Reorganisation through public property: the nation (or state) the proprietor.... The workmen and Unitarian Communists." Annotated [by D.U.]: "For the advanced minds at Newcastle- Upon- Tyne." [1857-]. 15 x 19 cm.
  • 6b. "Sketch of a British Constitution; Through a Dictator; Property Public." [1857-]. 40 cm.

7. Similar poster to V 4 3. Cut to 32 cm.

8. "Stafford Mechanics Institution. A lecture on Domestic industry will be delivered in the National School- Room on Wed. eve., Jan. 17th by David Urquhart, Esq., M.P." Damaged. Sent to Miss Sinclair. 1846. 33 cm.


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