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Papers of David Urquhart : VI Books by DU

Many of the books have bookplates of D.U. or F.F.U. inside.


1. Ad Summun Pontificem ut Jus Gentium Restauretur, Viri Prostestantici Appellatio. London. 1869. In Latin. 113 p. Enclosure: 1 printed letter copy from D.U. to the Pope. Montreux. 1 Jan. 1869. In Latin. 1l.

2. Diplomatic Transactions in Central Asia. From 1834 to 1839. London. 1841. Pencil annotations. 240 p.

3. Diplomatic Transactions in Central Asia. From 1834 to 1839. London. 1841. 240 p.

4. Europe at the Opening of the Session of 1847. The Spanish Marriages and the Confiscation of Cracow. London. 1847. 168 p.

5. The Effect of the Misuse of Familiar Words on the Character of Man and the Fate of Nations. London: Trubner and co. 1856. 150 p.

6. The Lebanon: (Mount Souria). A History and a Diary. Vol. I. London: Thomas Coutley. 1860. 402 p.

7. The Lebanon. (Mount Souria). A History and a Diary. Vol II. London: Thomas Coutley Newby. 1860. Annotated in ink by H.U. 455 p.

8. The Pillars of Hercules. A Narrative of Travels in Spain and Morocco in 1848. Vol. I. London: Richard Bentley. 1850. 460 p.

9. The Pillars of Hercules. A Narrative of Travels in Spain and Morocco in 1848. Vol.II. London: Richard Bentley. Annotated in pencil. 464 p.

10. Progress of Russia in the West, North and South by Opening the Sources of Opinion and Appropriating the Channels of Wealth and Power. London: Trubner and co. 1853. Annotated: " My copy marked and corrected for reprinting." D.U. 311 p.

11. Reflections on Thought s and Things, Moral, Religious and Political. London: James Maynard. 1844. Bookplate of Frederic Baron Wolverton inside cover. 322 p. Bound with: Anonymous. England in the Western Hemisphere. The United States and Canada. London. [1844-]. 74 p.

12. The Spirit of the East. Henry Colburn. 1839. 432 p.

13. Turkey and its Resources, its Municipal organisation and Free Trade: the State and prospects of English Commerce in the East, the New Administration of Greece, its Revenue and Material Processions. Saunders and Otley. 1833. Annotated [not in the hand of D.U.] 328 p.

14. Wealth and Want: or Taxation as Influencing Private Riches and Public Liberty. London: John Olliver. 1845. 111 p.


15. Diary and notes in Greece. 1829. Enclosure: 1 AMS. [D.U.] 1l.

16. Commonplace book. Enclosures: 3 MS, 1 ALU, 1 ML copy. Includes 1 MS diary. [1858] and 3 n.d.



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