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Papers of David Urquhart : VII Other books, including books about DU and HU

Some of the books contain the bookplates of D.U. or F.F.U.


1. Finlason, W.F. Commentaries Upon Martial Law, with Special Reference to Regulations and Restraint. London: Stevens and sons. 1867. 287 p.

2. Hazlitt, William and Roche, Henry Philip. A Manual of the Law of Maritime Warfare. London: V.R.Stevens and G.S.Norton. 1854. 457 p.

3. Hely, L'abbe V. Etude sur le Droit de la Guerre de Grotius. Paris: F.Pichon. 1875. 268 p.

4. Houses of Parliament, three works sewn together:

  • A Collection of the Several Statutes and Parts of Statutes, Now in Force Relating to high Treason, and Misprision of High Treason. Edinburgh. 1746. 103 p.
  • A Form and Method of Trial of Commoners in Cases of high Treason, and Misprision of High Treason. Edinburgh. 1746. 39 p.
  • Additional Statutes Relating to High Treason, and Misprision of High Treason From 1709 to 1746. Edinburgh. 1746. 23 p.

5. Martens, G.F. von. Translated by William Cobbet. The Law of Nations: Being the Science of National Law, Covenants, Power & c. Founded Upon the Treaties and Customs of Modern Nations in Europe. London: William Cobbet. 1829. 468 p.

6. Martineau, Harriet. Corporate Tradition and National Rights: Local Dues on Shipping. London and Manchester: George Routledge & co. 1856. 161 p.

7. Maurice, Brevet- Lieutenant Colonel. J.F. Hostilities Without Declaration of War. London: H.M.S.O. 1833. 90 p. Enclosures: 1 AMS. "Notes on Hostilities." [D.U.] [1833-]. 1l. 1 ALS [incomplete] from C.D.C. to D.U. re the book. n.d. 1l.

8. Pratt, Frederic Thomas. Law of the Contraband of War. London: William G.Benning. 1856. Annotated: "Henry Sansbury Miliman from W.C.Field Pratt (nephew of the author)." 342 p.

9. Pratt, Frederic Thomas. Notes on the Principles and Practice of Prize Courts, by the Late Judge Story. London: William Benning & co. 1854. 286 p.

10. Tetens, Jo. Nichol. Considerations sur les Droits Reciproques des Puissances Belligerantes et des Puissances Neutres sur Mer, Avec les Principes du Droit de Guerre en General. Copenhagen: F.Brummer. 1805. 244 p.

11. Ward, Robert. A Treatise of the Relative Rights and Duties of Belligerent and Neutral Powers in Maritime Affairs: in Which the Principles of Armed Neutralities and the Opinions of Hubner and Schlegel are Fully Discussed. London: Diplomatic Review Office. 1875. 179 p.


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