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The Annual Report of the Fellow Archivist 2005

This is the twenty-fourth Annual Report under the arrangements approved by the College in 1981.

The revised second edition of the College History is now available from the College.

The most important event of the year was the appointment of Anna Sander as Lonsdale Curator for 4 years from October 2004, on a 50:50 Archive-Library basis. I am glad to report that she is doing an absolutely terrific, imaginative and helpful job in the Archives. She has written what follows.


170 accessions have been logged on the new Accessions Register database since October 04). Notable acquisitions include:

  • Accn 05/009. The Dutch neighbours of the Chalet deposited a CD of more than 100 excellent digital photos of the Balliol reading party, summer 2004.
  • Accn 05/031 Dame Gillian Wagner deposited her correspondence with the Master and Fellow Archivist along with Sir Anthony Wagner's (Balliol 1927, Hon. Fellow) manuscript study of Balliol heraldry.
  • Accn 05/040 Mr (Dr?) Michael Keir deposited typescript copies of numerous Chapel Sermons by Sir David Lindsay Keir during his Mastership (1949-65)
  • Accn 05/139 & 141 Mr Myles Glover (Balliol 1949) deposited letters addressed to his father, Mr Cedric Steward Glover (Balliol 1911). Writers include Russell Meiggs, Ernest Walker, Thomas Strong, Spencer Compton, Edward Heath, NS Talbot and Humphrey Sumner.
  • Accn 05/149 Sir Michael Burton, QC, (Balliol 1965) deposited the JCR Presidents’ Book from the 1960s.
  • Accn 05/169 Sir Colin Lucas (Master 1994-2001) deposited a late C19 framed cartoon of John Farmer playing the organ with Benjamin Jowett looking on.


250 enquiries have been received since October 04; about 20% came from within College, 22% from external academics and the rest from private individuals. Most of these had to do with family history and a few with house/local history.


The new A3 scanner has been used to create more than 2000 images since October 04. These are often used to respond to enquiries instead of photocopies. Many sport photo albums, matriculation photos 1949-2004, the Sladen photograph albums and the Chalet Books (1891-1996) have been digitised; much of this work was done during the Easter Vacation by Chris Wright (2nd yr Chemistry) and Michaela Bronstein (2nd yr English).


At the request of Lady Kenny, JHJ gave a guided tour and lecture to the Hertfordshire branch of the Oxford Society on Saturday 16 April 2005.

We hope to continue to employ students during vacations, and increased awareness and use of the archives by all Balliol people is welcomed and encouraged.

Enquiries about the archives can be directed to Anna by post or by email at
Enquiries about living old members should be directed to the Development Office.

- John Jones and Anna Sander

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Updated 11.viii.14
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