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NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.

Documents relating to Buttermere & Loweswater, Cumbria (Cumberland) in the Archives of Balliol College, Oxford

NB The present numbering follows a 19 th century system used in the Bursary – documents may not always be listed in chronological sequence.

J.1. Buttermere

1. Map of Oak Bank ND

2. Indenture of bargain and sale. Thomas Robinson to Thomas Wilkinson 1634

3. Bond – John Fisher to John Burnyeat 1685

4. Indenture of bargain and sale for Coldkeld. John Fisher to John Burnyeat 1685

5. Indenture of bargain and sale for Coldkeld. John Wilkinson to George Dawson 1702

6. Indenture of mortgage. John Wilkinson to John Fisher 1710

7. Indenture of bargain and sale. Peter Burnyeat to John Fisher 1711

8. Lease. John Wilkinson etc. to John Fisher 1711

9. Release John Wilkinson etc. to John Fisher 1712

10. Indenture of mortgage. John Fisher to John Wilson 1713

11. Bond. John Fisher to Peter Pearson 1713

12. Indenture of bargain and sale. Thomas Snedall to John Fisher 1742

13. Indenture of mortgage. Grace Harrison to Thomas Burnyeat 1756

14. Indenture of conveyance. John Harrison to Thomas Burnyeat 1765

15. Indenture of conveyance. Thomas Burnyeat to John Lumpton 1765

16. Manor of Loweswater etc. Admittance of John Fisher Jnr. 1810

17. Conveyance. John Bill to John Fisher 1815

18. Conveyance of the Ruddings. H. Muncaster to John Fisher 1823

19. Bargain and sale. John Fisher to Joseph Fisher, Gent. 1823

20. Indenture of release of dower, between Anne Fisher, John Fisher and Joseph Fisher 1824

22. Indenture of apportionment grant and release by way of mortgage, Joseph Fisher etc. to William Browne 1824

23. Indenture of conveyance. William Browne etc. to Thomas Smith 1835

24. Indenture of conveyance. Thomas Wilson etc. Thomas Smith 1835

25-37. Manor of Loweswater. Admittances 1807-1855

38. Requisitions of title. Smith etc. to Sproule etc. 1853

39. Conveyance. Adam Messer etc. to Joseph Collins 1853

40. Agreement for purchase of Oak Bank Farm. Joseph Collins to Joseph Banks (for Marshall) 1858

41. Customary Conveyance of Oak Bank. Joseph Collins to William Marshall 1859

42. Power of attorney – Richard Fearon to Thomas Jennings and Jonathan Fearon re Pottergill 1807

43. Agreement for sale of Pottergill. Richard Fearon and Joshua Bragg 1806

44-45. Admittance of Joshua Lucock Bragg 1807

46. Conveyance – Richard Fearon and Joshua Lucock Bragg 1807

47. Extract from counterpart lease, W.H. Marshall to Miss Frith 1920

48. Balliol College to Richard Fisher Bill, duplicate conveyance of Oakbank Farm 1959

49. Abstract of title re Potter Gill ND

J.2. Buttermere

1-27. 27 items 1588-1959, the last being the duplicate conveyance of Langthwaite Farm to Mrs Harries

1. Deed re Langthwaite from Richard Tolson to Robert Fisher 1588

2. Deed re rights in a stone quarry, to Lawrence Salkeld 1633

3. Indenture re Langthwaite between John Tollson and Richard Fisher 1695

4a-c. Bargain & sale, release re sale of half tenement at Longthwaite by John Tolson to Robert Pearson/Richard Fisher. 3 documents 1701 – 1706.

5a-b. Re Manor of Loweswater, Thackthwaite and Brackenthwaite. William Pearson to William Pearson his son. 2 documents.1702

6. Mortgage of customary premises at Langthwaite Green between Miss Betty Pearson &c to Miss Betty Stainton

7. Admittance of Betty Stainton as a tenant of the Manor of Loweswater, Thackthwaite and Brackenthwaite. 1798

8. Release and Bargain & sale of customary and freehold premises at Lanthwaite [sic] Green between William Pearson &c and Joshua Lucock. 1804.

9. Conditions and agreement for letting Langthwaite Green Farm from William Parker on behalf of William Marshall to Thomas Rowland. 1869.

As yet there is no itemised description of items 10-27.

J.3. Buttermere

1. John Tolean’s deed to Nicholas Ball 1598

2. William Pearson’s deed to Jonathan Bell 1614

3. Lease for a year. William Pearson to Joseph Wane 1784

4. Mortgage. William Pearson to Joseph Wane 1784

5. Indenture between John Fisher etc. and Grace Pearson etc. 1790

6. Lease for a year. William Pearson to Joshua Lucock 1804

7. Indenture of release between John Cass and John Sumpton etc. 1848

8. Indenture of conveyance. John Watson and Esther Sumpton etc. 1856

9. Agreement for partition of land. Trustees of the late William Marshall and John Grayson 1880

10. Conveyance. John Grayson to G.H. Marshall 1881

11. Map tracing of High Rannerdale n.d.

12. Copy lease of sewage easement for Rannerdale Cottage 1938

13. Surrender of lease easement for Rannerdale Cottage 1954

14. Counterpart lease easement for Rannerdale Cottage 1954

J.4. Buttermere

1-9. 9 items of date 1711-1959, the last being the duplicate conveyance of Netherclose Farm to Mr & Mrs Vicars.

J.5. Buttermere

1. 8 documents mostly 17 th/18 th centuries and an old schedule of deeds only found August 1991

2. Admittance of John Grayson 1874

3. Conveyance. G.H. Marshall to John Grayson 1881

4. Admittance of John Grayson 1892

5. Admittance of Abraham Grayson 1899

6. Admittance of John Armstrong 1910

7. Conveyance. John Grayson and others to W.H. Marshall 1910

8. Conveyance. The College to M.B. Jackson of Low Hollins Farm 1956

9. Balliol College and J.G. Mitchell to R.A. Storr. Duplicate conveyance of High Hollins Farm 1959

10. G.H. Marshall to Skelton Banks, conditions with agreement for letting High Hollins Farm 1885

11. Deed, John Tolsen to Richard Bell 1602

12. Indenture between John Tolsen and Richard Bell 1602

13. Copy of surrender of half of Hollings from Thomas Rudd to John Fisher. Thomas Rudd’s bond 1623

14. Thomas Rudd’s bond 1623

15. Indenture between Thomas Rudd the younger and John Fisher 1623

16. John Bell’s deed to John Fisher – Nether Hollings 1624

17. Indenture between Jane Stubb and Robert Stubb, lease High Hollins 1728

18. G.H. Marshall to Skelton Banks, agreement for letting Low Hollins 1885

19. W.M.W. Marshall and others to John Wren, agreement for letting Low Hollins 1934

20. W.M.W. Marshall and others to John Wren, agreement for letting Low Hollins 1934

J.6. Buttermere

1. Indenture of conveyance the Misses Wood and W.H. Marshall 1900

2. Agreement of tenancy, W.H. Marshall to George Hind 1923

3. Memorandum of tenancy, W.H. Marshall to George Hind 1923

4. Balliol College and J.G. Mitchell to Robert Folder, duplicate conveyance of Wilkinsyke Farm 1959

J.7. Buttermere

1. Agreement of tenancy. W.M.W. Marshall, etc. to Robinson Jackson 1931

2. Balliol College to Ronald P. Bell – Duplicate conveyance of Bowderbeck Cottage 1961

J.8. Buttermere

1-22. 22 items of date 1669-1808. Found in place unlisted August 1991

23. Abstract of the Title of John Watson 1824

24. Indenture between John Watson and John Marshall 1824

25. Agreement between John Marshall and John Watson 1825

26. Agreement between John Marshall and John Watson 1825

27. Indenture between John Watson and John Marshall 1824

28. Conveyance between Frederic John Reed and William Marshall 1867

29. Agreement between E.T. Parker and Nowell Richardson 1935

30. Balliol College and J.G. Mitchell to Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson and others duplicate conveyance of Croft House Farm 1959

31. Schedule of deeds re Croft House Farm

J.9. Buttermere

1. Balliol College and J.G. Mitchell to Mr. Falcon – duplicate conveyance of piece of land at Brackenwaite (Enclosure No. 279) 1959

2. Balliol College and others to J.E. Graves and G.L. Davidson, duplicate conveyance of land in Brackenwaite 1960

3. Richard Marshall and another to Howett Worster Ltd. Copy counterpart conveyance of Sealehill Hotel and closes of land in Parish of Brackenwaite 1931

4. Gondwall Tints – Thomas Brathwaite’s opinion ? 18 th cent.

5. Probate of will of Elizabeth Robinson of Brackenwaite 1587

6. Edward Herbert’s deed 1593

7. Thomas Purchase’s release to Robert Fisher 1597

8. John Wilkinson and Thomas Rudd to John Fisher 1597

9. Robert Tolsen to John Fisher 1602

10. Old Indenture ... Pearson ... 1611

11. Will of John Pearson 1611

12. Robert Tolson to Thomas Fisher 1616

13. Thomas Rudd to John Fisher 1617

14. John Bell to John Fisher 1624

15. Thomas Dixon to Robert Stubb 1627

16. Robert Stubbs the elder to Robert Stubbs the younger 1649

17. Copy of writ – Robert Stubbs against Robert Fisher 1652

18. R. Pearson to Robert Stubb the younger 1657

19. John Fisher to Timothy Fearon 1690

20. Robert Stubb to Robert Stubb his grandson 1714

21. William Pearson to John Pirt – Mortgage 1786

22. C.H. Prince and others to G.H. Marshall 1881

23. Deed of Exchange between F.J. Reed and G.H. Marshall 1881

J.10. Buttermere

1-31 all missing July 2003, probably handed over on sale.

1. Conveyance. W.M.W. Marshall and others to Balliol College 1937

2. Indemnity by the National Trust re. Croft House and Old Kingsyke Farms 1937

3. Indemnity by the National Trust re Croft House Farm 1937

4. Consent of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to purchase properties at Buttermere, etc. 1937

5. Purchaser’s requisitions on title. W.M.W. Marshall to Balliol College 1935

6. Observations on replies to Requisitions on Title 1935

7. Abstract of the title of W.M.W. Marshall 1935

8. Supplemental abstract of the title 1935

9. Supplemental abstract of the title 1935

10. Supplemental abstract of the title 1935

11. Certificate of official search of H.M. Land Registry 1937

12. Certificate of official search of the Clerk of the Cumberland County Council 1937

13. Certificates (3) of the official search of the Cockermouth Rural D.C. 1937

14. Certificate (copy) of official search of H.M. Land Registry 1937

15. Letter (copy) from Lloyds Bank Ltd. to Messrs. Horne and Birkett 1937

16. Cancellation (copy) of an entry of Land Charge Class C (iii) 1937

17. Extract from indenture of conveyance 1886

18. Observations on draft contract and replies thereto 1934

19. Requisitions on title. W.M.W. Marshall to the National Trust 1935

20. Statutory declaration of Edward Musgrave 1935

21. Statutory declaration of E.T. Parker 1935

22. Conveyance and release. Lord Leconfield to W.M.W. Marshall 1935

23. Conveyance. J.N. Size to W. Proctor 1936

24. Conveyance. W.M.W. Marshall to C.O.T Greenhow 1937

25. Conveyance. J.N. Size to Balliol College 1937

26. Certificate of official search of H.M. Land Registry 1937

27. Certificate of official search of the County Council of Cumberland 1937

28. Certificate of official search of the Cockermouth Rural D.C. 1937

29. Abstract of the title of J.N. Size 1937

30. Conveyance (draft) between W.M.W. Marshall (and others) and J.N. Size 1937

31. Receipts for the redemption of tithe annuities at Loweswater, Brackenwaite and Buttermere 1958

32. Conveyance: Balliol College to George L.P. Watson of Oak Bank House 1956

33. Conveyance: Balliol College to Walter Loat of land at Lanthwaite Gate 1957

34. Particulars of the sale of the Buttermere Estate (2 copies) 1959

36. Balliol College and J.G. Mitchell to George Heywood, duplicate conveyance of fishing rights in the River Cocker 1959

37. W.H. Marshall to W.S. O’Hanlon, copy conveyance of Hassness, Buttermere 1921

37 [sic]. W.H. Marshall to Workington Corporation, copy of grant of easement over commons etc. abutting on Crummock Lake. Not found July 2003. 1904

38. Conveyance, John Grindell and others to Walter James Marshall 1889

39. Conveyance, John Grindell and others to Walter James Marshall 1890

40. Plan of John Marshall’s estate at Buttermere 1838

41. Abstract of title of Henry Howard and others re Rigbank


15. Annotated OS map of the National Trust, Buttermere. 1/2500 i.e. 1 ;mile = 25 inches approx. Marked E.11.16. Roll. 50 x 60cm approx. Undated but mid 20th century.

34. Brackenwaithe. Photographic extract from an annotated O.S map re Tithe Redemption. 1:2500 Roll 40 x 70 cm approx.1940.

37. Annotated O.S. map showing the Buttermere Estate. 6 inches = 1 mile. Roll 60 x 100 cm approx.. ca 1930.

41a. Photographic extract, Tithe Redemption Map, Loweswater. Roll 35 x 50 cm approx. Previously numbered 41 in duplication of that number. 1843.

41b. Another map, Loweswater, related to 41a.Roll 40 x 60 cm approx.

43. Tithe Redemption maps, Brackenwaith, Buttermere. 3 in one Roll. ca 1940.

Items not in the Buttermere section of the main archive list

D.24.29a A letter of 1961 concerning the sale of Bowderbeck Cottage (Buttermere Estate) to R. P. Bell, and deeds thereon handed over to him.

Land Agent’s Files OBC 39 Buttermere Estate, 1949-1960

MBP 72a,b. Bowderbeck Cottage, Buttermere 1934-1963 and Bowderbeck Barn, Buttermere 1948-1961.

MBP 72c. Buttermere Estate papers 1952-1957.

MBP 72d. Buttermere Estate papers 1958-1960.

MBP 72e. Buttermere Estate: the Master’s file 1949-1959.

MBP 94a,b. Buttermere Estate 1934 and 1935.

MBP 95a. Purchase of Buttermere Estate 1934-36

MBP 104. Buttermere Estate 1936-1938.

MBP 114a-c. Buttermere Estate 1934-1940, 1940-1948 and 1949-1951.

MBP 163a. College Estates Committee Report on Buttermere, 1934.

MBP 184. A detailed schedule of deeds re the Buttermere Estate (see Formal Archives J).

- Anna Sander

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