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Documents relating to Stoodleigh and Braunton, Devon, in the archives of Balliol College, Oxford

NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.

C.18. Stoodleigh and Braunton

1. Robert Bradford (for Balliol College) to Thomas Wright, lease of messuage 1699

2. Balliol College to Abel Gammon 1719

3. Balliol College to John Venner 1762

3a. “A Plan of an Estate, call’d Thorn’s lying in the Parish of Stoodley in the County of Devon, belonging to Balliol College Oxford” by Robert Leave. Exeter. 66.5 x 50.5 cm, vellum. Scale 13 chains = 5.5 inches. With a table of field names and areas, a plan of the central farmstead and the names of owners of contiguous land (Tidbold, Webber, Davy, Bowden). 1770

4. Balliol College to William Venner 1783

5. Balliol College to William Venner 1804

6. Balliol College to C. Venner 1823

7. Balliol College to C. Venner 1823

8. Balliol College to Thomas Harris, lease of farm at Lobbphilip 1792

9. Balliol College to Richard Dyer, lease of farm at Lobbphilip 1813

10. Balliol College to Richard Dyer, lease of farm at Lobbphilip 1813

11. Balliol College to Richard Dyer, lease of farm at Lobbphilip 1820

12a. Robert Bradford’s letter concerning rents of Thorne 1699

12b. Robert Bradford’s letter concerning rates of Thorne 1702

13. Particulars of property at Braunton, with plan 1881

14. Particular of Thorn’s farm, Stoodley 1857

15. Papers relating to Stoodley and Braunton 1849-62

16. Schedule of old deeds relating to Thorne 1654-1725

17. Papers on Stoodleigh and Thorne Farm 1853-64

18. Balliol College and T.H.P. Tucker, lease of land at Braunton 1890

19. John Pearce’s report and valuation. Missing July 1990. 1910

20. Plan of Thorn Farm. Listed without date. Not found Aug. 1981 ?1911

21. Plan of Thorn Farm. (Ordinance Survey). Not found Aug. 1981. 1911

22. Balliol College to G.C. Channing. Missing July 1990. 1911

23. Report on sale of Thorn Farm 1921

- Anna Sander

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