Back to: HOME > Archives and Manuscripts > Collections > Summary Catalogue > Estates Documents relating to St Lawrence Jewry, London, in the archives of Balliol College, Oxford NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.B.19. London, St. Lawrence Jewry1. Balliol College to Simon Campe, lease of messuage near the Church of St. Lawrence 1439 2. Balliol College to William Jacson, lease of the tithes 1549 3. Balliol College to Edward Saxilby, lease of the Parsonage 1551 4. Balliol College to John Wolley 1588 5. Balliol College to John Wolley 1588 6. Balliol College to John Wolley 1590 7. Balliol College to John Wolley 1590 8. Balliol College to Sir John Wolley, licence 1594 9. Balliol College to Francis Neve, licence 1612 10. Balliol College to Francis Neve, lease 1613 11. Balliol College to Francis Neve, lease 1613 12. Balliol College to Francis Neve, lease 1613 13. Balliol College to Francis Neve, licence 1613 14. Balliol College to Oliver Neve, lease 1637 15. Balliol College to Oliver Neve, lease 1637 16. Balliol College to Oliver Neve, lease 1637 17. Balliol College to Oliver Neve, lease 1653 18. Balliol College to Oliver Neve, lease 1653 19. Balliol College to Oliver Neve, licence 1653 20. John Oliver’s plan 1695 21. A plot of ye Vicar’s House of St. Laurance. Detailed and precise 18th cent. 22. W. Armstrong’s survey 1791 23. Balliol College and Oliver Neave, lease, copy 1670 24. Correspondence with the City of London and others re the Parsonage, Guildall corn rent etc. ca 1680-1795 20*. Balliol College to Oliver Neave 1660 21*. Balliol College to Oliver Neave (mutilated) 1670 22*. Balliol College to the City of London 1706 23*. Balliol College to the City of London 1722 24*. Balliol College to the City of London 1738 25. Balliol College to the City of London 1738 26. Balliol College to the City of London 1752 B.20. London, St. Lawrence Jewry1. Balliol College to the City of London 1778 2. Balliol College and the City of London, agreement 1792 2b,2c. Act for carrying into execution the agreement (printed – 2 copies) B.20. 2b was missing July 1990. 1792 2d,2e. Further copies of the Act (printed) 1792 2f. Bill for amending the Act 1819 3. Mrs. Sarah Scott’s will (she died 15 March 1750). Donation to Vicars of St. Lawrence Jewry. Not found July 2003. 1750. 4a. St. Lawrence Jewry, assessment of tithes 1794 4b. St. Lawrence Jewry, assessment of tithes 1845-6 5. St. Lawrence Jewry, assessment of tithes 1846-7 6. St. Lawrence Jewry, assessment of tithes 1849,50 7. St. Lawrence Jewry, assessment of tithes 1852,53 8. St. Lawrence Jewry, assessment of tithes 1853,54 9. St. Lawrence Jewry, assessment of tithes (see MBP 339) 1845-56 10. St. Lawrence Jewry, Bill and Act for relief of incumbents in London, with other papers 1803-45 11. St. Lawrence Jewry, account of tithes, and miscellaneous papers 1840-63 12. St. Lawrence Jewry, account of tithes, and miscellaneous papers 1841-62 13. St. Lawrence Jewry, account of tithes, and miscellaneous papers 1848-64 14. St. Lawrence Jewry, account of tithes, and miscellaneous papers 1850-66 15. Agreement made between the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the College for the extinguishment of the tithe rate 1947 B.22. London, St. Lawrence JewryImages of items 1-20 and 22-28 can be viewed online here. 0. Correspondence of 1991 with N Vincent concerning docs in, inter alia, B.22. 1. Grant of the Church of St. Lawrence-Jewry, with rents, etc. from Robert, Abbot of St. Sauve, Montreuil, to John de St. Lawrence. Photograph in D.24.6. Kept in B.20. box 2 of 2. ca 1190 x 1203 2. Amalric, Abbot of St. Sauve, to William, clerk 1218 3. Abbot of St. Sauve to William Facet 1224 4. William Briwer and John de St. Laurence Aug. 1214 x Jan. 1221 5. John, Prior of St. Sauve, to William Facet, sale and grant of the soke of St. Wynwale in London 1247 6. Eustace, Bishop of London and William Facet (or la Feyte), institution of the latter to St. Laurence Jewry 1223 x 1228 7. William Facet to Henry Facet, lease of soke of St. Winwale 8. William Facet to Henry Facet, lease of soke of St. Winwale 9. Henry le Affeyte to Hugh de Wykhambroke, grant of house and garden ca 1290 10. Hugh de Wykhambrok to Henry le Affeyte 1287 11. Henry le Feyte to Hugh Wyehambroke, grant of the soke of St. Wynewale, etc. ca 1285 12. Warner, of St. Sauve, procuratorial letter to John the Prior 1247 13. Henry le Affeyte to Hugh de Wykhambroke, grant of house and garden ca 1290 14. Robert, Prior of the Hospital of St. Mary Elsynespitell, London, to Rector of Church of St. Laurance, acquittance 1382 15. Hugh de Wykehambroke to Hugh de Vienne – the soke of St. Wynewalle and rents 1286 16. Hugh de Vyenne’s grant to Balliol College, of soke, etc. 1294 17. Edward I’s licence to Hugh de Vienne 1295 18. Hugh de Vyenne to Balliol College, of soke and rents 1294 19a. Balliol College, acquittance for tithes 1526 19b. Bishop of London to Balliol College, impropriation, copy, 1550 1295 20. Bishop of London to Balliol College, impropriation, original 1295 | face, 11.7 MB .jpg | dorse, 4.9 MB .jpg | 21. Dean of St. Paul’s, confirms preceding grant 1295 22. Dean of St. Paul’s, confirms preceding grant 1295 23. Balliol College to William de Warkenethby 1296 24. Thomas, Bishop of London and Balliol College 1310 25. Balliol College to William de Bodham 1312 26. Prior of St. Bartholomew, London, and Balliol College, acquittance 1347 27. Richard de Nottingham, executor of William de Wythes, and Balliol College, acquittance 1349 33. Balliol College and Bishop of London, the appropriation of St. Lawrence 1366 34. Balliol College (Ham. Askham, etc.), concerning the appropriation of St. Lawrence Jewry 1397 30. Prior of St. Mary’s Hospital, Byschepisgate, acquittance 1391 31. Balliol College to Robert de Wombewell, lease of Church, tithes, etc. 1395 32. Balliol College to Robert de Wombewell, lease of Church, tithes, etc. 1395 33. Richard III’s licence to assign messuage and garden to Robert Wombwell 1397 34. Richard de Notyngham’s surrender of lands and rents to Balliol College 1397 35. Balliol College to Robert de Wombewel, lease of Church, etc. 1403 36. As 35? with similar seal: mutilated 37. Balliol College to John Waltone, lease of messuage, garden, etc. 1414 38. Robert Wombewell and John Harwell, decree. This is in fact a visitatorial decree. Photograph in D.24.6. 1415 38a. A partial transcript of B.22.38 by M.H. Keen with a completed transcript by K. Plöger and disc of same. Not found July 2003. ca 1985 and 2002 39. Richard Collyng, Vicar of St. Laurence, and Balliol College 1419 40. Balliol College and Richard Collynge, lease of profits, etc. 1419 41. William Bishop of London and Balliol College, appropriation of St. Lawrence Jewry 1426 42. Warner, Abbot of St. Laurence, Montreuil, to William Facet, confirmation of grant of soke, lands, rents, etc. ca 1247 43. William Bishop of London and Balliol College, copy of certificate 1426 44. Balliol College to Richard Collyng, lease of Church, etc. 1430 45. Balliol College to Robert Roke, Vicar, lease of Church, etc. 1439 46. Balliol College to Robert Roke, Vicar, lease of Church, etc. 1449 47. Balliol College and Robert Roke, on proving the title of the College to the Church of St. Lawrence Jewry, etc. 1450 48. Richard Luke, Vicar, declaration of 1458 49. Henry La Fafayte to Hugh de Wychambroc, confirmation of grant 1285 50. William Johnson and John of Lee, obligation to Balliol College 1482 51. Balliol College and William Grosyn, lease of tithes, etc. 1496 52. Abbot of Walden and St. Lawrence Jewry, acquittance for tithes 1430 53. Balliol College to William Brogden, grant of house and £20 1550 53b. William Brogden to Balliol College, bond 1550 54. Richard, Dean of St. Paul’s, grant of appropriation of St. Lawrence Jewry copy ca 1550 1295 55. Balliol College to John Waltone, lease of messuage etc. 1397 56. William Grocyn, resignation of Vicarage of St. Lawrence Jewry 1517 56b. Balliol College and William Nostradamus, mutilated 1458? 57a. Richard II’s licence to Balliol College, as B.22.33 (copy ca 1500) 1397 57*. Balliol College to Tho. Sanderson, presented to Vicarage 1594 58. Richard II’s licence to Balliol College, as B.22.33 (copy ca 1500) 1600 59. Balliol College and John Sayer, lease of tithes, etc. 1690 59b. St. Lawrence Jewry – schedule of rates of tithes 1694 59c. St. Lawrence Jewry, award for settling the tithes. 59b and 59c are one item 1694 60 Decree (copy) re St. Lawrence Jewry rent, mentioning John Wycliff as Master of Balliol, 1360. Mounted in glass. Photograph: D.24.4. 1360 61. Act of Parliament for settling tithes on Balliol College 1692 62. Balliol College and City of London, on vesting ground near the Guildhall in the Corporation etc. 1892 62*. Balliol College and City of London, vesting ground near Gioldhall 1792 63. Concerning preceding agreement, B.22.62 ca 1817 64a. Balliol College and City of London, case of 1817 64*. Expenses in passing Act of Parliament for St. Lawrence Jewry 1695,6 65. William White, Vicar, answer ca 1695 66. Schedule of St. Lawrence Jewry writings, B.22.1-33 67. Schedule of St. Lawrence Jewry writings, B.22.34-61 68. Abstract of deeds relating to the impropriation of St. Lawrence Jewry. Not found July 2003. 1694 Other recordsStatutes 2. Copy of the 1507 Statutes made in 1627, pages numbered from 1 starting about a quarter of the way through. Preceded by ... a page of printed material with scribbles re St. Laurence Jewry on it. B.23. 32. Balliol College and Parishioners of St. Lawrence Jewry, lease (copy, 1659) 1649 D.13. 3a. Inhabitants of Lawrence Jewry to Balliol College, acquittance 1349 E.7. 14. Parker described this item as: “Confirmation of the appropriation of Abbotsley: John de Wyclyf attached to answer Nicholas Marchaunt. 1360” but a note in 16a by a Miss Faith gives it as “Memorandum of a suit in the Court of Common Pleas brought against John de Wyclif for unlawful destraint on a tenement in St. Lawrence Jewry, London. 1360” 1360 Patronage Papers 13. 1934 Proposed exchange of correspondence with Solihull and St. Lawrence Jewry Patronage Papers 19. 1935 Balliol contributes to repairs, reference St. Lawrence Jewry Patronage Papers 52. St Lawrence Jewry [File (i) 1894-1896] 1894-1896 Proposed union of benefices, St. Lawrence and St. Mary Magdalene, full report from Eccles. Comm. Patronage Papers 53. St Lawrence Jewry [File (ii) 1907-1940]
Additional Patronage Papers 1. St Lawrence Jewry
Additional Patronage Papers 2. St. Lawrence Jewry 1944-1964.
Additional Patronage Papers 7. Miscellaneous Papers Concerning St. Lawrence Jewry And Colchester Parishes 1946-1956.
Additional Patronage Papers 12. Registration Of Ecclesiastical Patronage 1988.
Additional Patronage Papers 13. A copy of The Sphere 12/1/1952 containing a special article on the Bishop of London’s scheme for City churches. Annotated by FLM Willis-Bund on p56, contradicting the assertion that Balliol had consented to the reassignment of the patronage of St. Lawrence Jewry to the Corporation. MBP 339. Impropriate Tithe/Corn Rent file, St. Lawrence Jewry 1908-1949, but also including a full Tithe Assessment for the Parish for the year September 1845 – September 1846 with the names and addresses of all occupants (in a marbled notebook bearing an Archives label B.20.9). MBP 365. Papers re Quit & Corn Rents 1900-1980. Of particular interest are documents re the ‘Corn’ Rent paid by the Corporation of the City of London. This rent, actually 500 bushels of wheat @ the best price as certified by the Clerks of the Market in Oxford + 4/- pa is in respect of part of the Guildhall site formerly St. Lawrence Jewry Parsonage property. It still (2001) brings in more than £2000 pa. Several certificates of the Clerks of the Market are included. See also MBP 339 etc. MCOP 59/2. St Lawrence Jewry MISC 206. Papers concerning archaeological investigations at the London Guildhall Yard site 1988-1994, whereon Balliol had property in mediaeval times (between the Church of St. Lawrence Jewry and the Guildhall, on the west side of the Yard), and beneath which Roman Londonium’s amphitheatre was discovered. PHOT 13 Views of the ruined church of St. Lawrence Jewry ca 1950 |
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