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Documents relating to St Margaret Pattens, Rood Lane, London, in the archives of Balliol College, Oxford

NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.

B.14. London, St. Margaret Pattens, Rood Lane

- links to images follow document descriptions

1. Milo Windesore and John Franklein to John Barwee and William Salman 1376 recto verso

2. John Pycard to Milo Windesore and John Franklein 1376 recto verso

3. William Barwe and William Salman to John Pykard, and others 1379 recto verso

4. William Baron to William Lemying and others 1459 recto verso

5. William Baron to William Lemying and others, power of attorney 1459 recto verso

6. Robert Kirkeham and others, power of attorney 1461 recto verso

7. William Lemying and others, power of attorney 1461 recto verso

8. William Lemying and others to Robert Kirkeham, etc. 1461 recto verso

9. Robert Kyrkeham and others to George Neville, Bishop of Exeter, the Bishop of Ely, William Lambton, etc. executors of R. Beaumonte 1462 recto verso

10. Robert Kyrkeham and others to George Neville, Bishop of Exeter, the Bishop of Ely, William Lambton, etc. executors of R. Beaumonte 1462 recto verso

11. Robert Kyrkeham and others to George Neville, Bishop of Exeter, the Bishop of Ely, William Lambton, etc. executors of R. Beaumonte 1462 recto verso

12. Executors of Robert Beaumont to Balliol College for masses to be said in the chapel of Balliol College 1462 recto verso

13. Robert Kyrkeham and others to the Bishop of Exeter and others 1463 recto verso

14. Robert Kyrkeham and others to the Bishop of Exeter and others 1463 recto verso

15. Walter Herberd to John Legden, receipt for rent 1472 recto verso

16. Balliol College to John Royse, to receive rents 1614 recto verso

17. Richard Mills and Balliol, order of the court concerning houses burned in the late fire 1688 cover p.1 p.2 p.3 p.4 p.5 p.6 p.7 p.8 p.9 p.10 p.11 p.12 p.13 p.14 p.15 p.16 p.17

18. Peter Otger and Abraham Otger – administration of goods 1685 & 1693 p.1 p.2 p.3

19. W. Lee and Mary Houlton to Balliol, surrender of ground whereon their houses were situate before the fire 1707 verso face upper face lower

20. Plan of house in Rood Lane. By D. Mumford. Detailed, 12 feet = 1 inch approx. 1795 left right verso

21. Plan of houses in Rood Lane. Noted as missing Aug. 1981, but 20 and 21 are probably one item

B.16. London, St. Margaret Pattens, Rood Lane

- images of documents B.16.19-33 can be viewed here.

1. Balliol College to John Castell 1688

2. Balliol College to John Castell 1688

3. Balliol College to Richard Sessions 1670

4. Balliol College to Peter Otger 1670

5. Balliol College to Joseph Chaplin 1708

6. Balliol College to Sir Joseph and Mr. T. Hankey 1738

7. Balliol College to Sir Joseph and Mr. T. Hankey 1738

8. Balliol College to Sir Joseph and Mr. T. Hankey 1738

9. Balliol College to Sir Joseph and Mr. T. Hankey 1738

10. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1752

11. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1752

12. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1752

13. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1752

14. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1767

15. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1767

16. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1767

17. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime 1767

18. Balliol College to John Mead 1767

19. Balliol College to David Pugh 1781

20. Balliol College to David Pugh (licence) 1781

20*. Balliol College to Thomas Stedman and assignment by Stedman to David Pugh 1781

21. Balliol College to Thomas Stedman 1781

22. Balliol College to David Pugh 1781

23. Balliol College to David Pugh 1781

23*. Balliol College to David Pugh (licence) 1781

24. Balliol College to David Pugh 1795

25. Balliol College to David Pugh 1795

26. Balliol College to David Pugh 1795

27. Balliol College to David Pugh 1795

28. Balliol College to David Pugh 1809

29. Balliol College to David Pugh 1809

30. Balliol College to David Pugh 1823

31. Balliol College to David Pugh 1823

31*. David Pugh to Balliol College, surrender of lease 1823

32. Balliol College to Arthur Ryder 1837

33. Balliol College to Arthur Ryder 1837

B.18. London, St. Margaret Pattens, Rood Lane

1. Balliol College to John Mound and Richard Crakenthorp 1473

1*. Balliol College to John Mound and Richard Crakenthorp, bond 1473

2. Balliol College to Andrew Johnson and John Mounde 1473

3. Balliol College to John Baker, etc., St. Andrew’s, Estchepe 1473

4. Balliol College to William Johnson and John of Lee 1481

5. Balliol College to William Johnson and John of Lee 1490

6. Balliol College to John Blome 1491

7. Balliol College to John Wright 1502

8. Balliol College to Richard Browne 1515

9. Balliol College to John Danile 1530

10. Balliol College to Thomas Tirwhite, etc. 1533

11. Balliol College to Gilbert Lawson 1550

12. Balliol College to Henry Deacon 1564

13. Balliol College to John Cliffe 1573

14. Balliol College to Denis Brogden 1573

15. Balliol College to James Lisbye 1582

16. Balliol College to Thomas Carter 1597

17. Balliol College to George Cromer 1602

18. Balliol College to George Cromer 1602

19. Balliol College to Thomas Carter 1604

20. Balliol College to Thomas Carter 1604

21. Balliol College to George Cromer 1610

22. Balliol College to George Cromer 1610

23. Balliol College to Richard Carter 1626

24. Balliol College to George Cromer 1629

25. Balliol College to George Cromer 1629

26. Balliol College to Richard Mills 1651

27. Balliol College to James Bradshaw 1653

28. Balliol College to James Bradshaw 1653

29. Balliol College to Richard Sessions 1670

30. Balliol College to Peter Otgar 1670

31. Balliol College to John Delahaye 1705

32. Balliol College to John Delahaye 1706

33. Balliol College to William Lee 1707

34. Balliol College to John Chaplin 1708

35. Balliol College to John Delahay 1720

36. Balliol College to John Gregory 1734

37. Balliol College to John Gregory 1734

38. Balliol College to Sir Samuel Prime ca 1760

Bursary Papers

MBP 108. 41 Eastcheap; 16 and 18 Rood Lane 1911-1927.

MBP 128. 41 Eastcheap and 16-18 Rood Lane: sale brochure 1912.


- Anna Sander

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Updated 13.viii.14
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