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Documents relating to Moreton, near Thame, Oxfordshire, in the archives of Balliol College, Oxford

NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.

A.15. Moreton, near Thame

NB Moreton village, near Thame, Oxon, is not to be confused with Moreton Farm, near Northmoor, Oxon. All documents are in Latin except where otherwise indicated. Image links are to very large files.

1. Grant of an annual rent of 12s etc from Hugh de Bolundone to Hugh Pyron, of Thame. 14 Edward I, 1286. (see A.15.1) face dorse

2. Grant of a messuage from John Pyroun to William Purcere & his wife. 14 Edward II, 1321 face dorse

3. Delivery of a messuage etc from William Purcere to John Pyron. 17 Edward III, 1343. face dorse

4. Richard de Lafeld to John Aldeys 1315 face dorse

5. Grant of half an acre of land from John Aldeys to John son of Hugh de la Felde and his wife. 9 Edward II, 1316. Seal. face dorse

6. Grant of half an acre of land from Richard atte Felde to his brother John & his wife. 9 Edward II, 1316. Seal. face dorse

7. Grant of an acre of land from John Pyron to Robert Boseffoyle (Besevyle). 2 Edward III, 1328. Seal. face dorse

8. Confirmation by John Pyron of his mother Maud's lease of a messuage in Moreton to William Jaket and others. 7 Edward III, 1333 face dorse

9. duplicate of A.15.8 1333 face dorse

10. Agreement whereby John Pyron leases to William Jaket and others a tenement in Mortone. 7 Edward III, 1333 face dorse

11. Quitclaim of the tenement in Morton [A.15.10] from Roger ate Were to William Jaket and others 1333 face dorse

12. Lease from Maud Pyron with consent of her son John to William Jaket & his wife and daughters of a messuage in Moreton called Laumanstede. 7 Edward III, 1333. face dorse

13. Isabel Boys to Robert Bataille 1330 face dorse

14. Grant of an acre of land from Stephen Batayle to William Jaket. 13 Edward III, 1339. Seal. face dorse

15. Grant of half an acre of land from Maud Batayle to William Jaket. 13 Edward III, 1339. Seal. face dorse

16. Quitclaim of a road to a well etc in Moreton, from Agnes le Kyng to William Jaket. 11 Edward III, 1337 face dorse

17. Grant of a rood of meadow from John Pyron to William Jaket 9 Edward III, 1335. Seal. face dorse

18. Quitclaim of a rood of meadow from Maud Pyron to William Jaket. 9 Edward III, 1335. Seal. face dorse

19. Grant of an acre of land & a rood of meadow from John Pyron to William Jaket. 8 Edward III, 1334. Seal. face dorse

20. Grant of half an acre of land from Maud Batayle to William Jaket. 14 Edward III, 1340. Seal face dorse

21. Release of his right in 12s annual rent etc from Geoffrey son of Hugh de Bolendone to Hugh Pyron. 14 Edward I, 1286. (see A.15.1) face dorse

22. Grant from Maud Batayle to William Jaket of half an acre of land. 19 Edward III, 1345. Seal. see also A.15.23, 26. face dorse

23. Duplicate of A.15.22. 1345. Seal. face dorse

24. Lease from John le Bolour of Crendon to Maud Bataille of half an acre of land in orton. 19 Edward III, 1345. Seal. face dorse

25. Lease of a tenement etc from John Pyron to Thomas Gylons and Maud Baule (Balle). 17 Edward III, 1343. 2 seals. face dorse

26. Power of attorney from Maud Batayle to deliver seisin of half an acre of land to William Jaket. 19 Edward III, 1345. Seal. see also A.15.22 and23. face dorse

27. Grant of an acre of land from Thomas Besemle to William Jaket. 20 Edward III, 1346, Seal. face dorse

28. Release of a messuage from Christina (wife of William) le Pourcere to John Pyron. 20 Edward III, 1346. Seal. face dorse

29. Lease of lands called Litlefeld & Overcroft from William Piron to William Jaket. 243 Edward III, 1350 face dorse

30. Lease from William Jaket to Adam Brailes, etc, of a toft, 4 acres and a rood of land, etc, in Morton. 29 Edward III (1355); 2 seals. face dorse

31. duplicate of A.15.30. face dorse

32. Grant from Adam Poignaunt to William Jaket of lands etc in Morton. 29 Edward III, 1355. Seal. face dorse

33. Release from Adam Poignaunt to William Jaket of the lands mentioned in A.15.32. 29 Edward III, 1355. Seal.

34. Quitclaim of an annual rent of 20s from lands in Thame & Moreton, from William the Abbot and the Convent of Thame to William son of Hugh Pyroun. 33 Edward I, 1305

35. William Jaket to William Sokesteyn 1362

36. William Jaket to Thomas Robyns 1357

37. William Sokesteyn to William Jaket 1362

38. William Jaket to John Houlond 1370

39. William Jaket to John Houlond 1370

40. John Houlond to John Jory, Tannere 1371

41. Grant from John Jaket to John Tannere and his wife of a messuage etc. 6 Richard II, 1393. 2 seals.

42. John Jaket to John Hickes 1393

43. John Jaket to Richard Stone 1434

44. William Jaket to Robert Boteler 1459

45. William Jaket to Robert Boteler 1459

46. Robert Boteler to George Neville, Bishop of Exeter and William Lampton 1464

47. George Neville, Archbishop of York, to George Fitzhugh, etc 1475

48. George Neville, Archbishop of York, to George Fitzhugh, etc. Not found July 2003. 1475

49. Old Schedule of Deeds

A.17. Moreton near Thame

1. Lease from Balliol College to William Inatt and his two sons of a messuage in Moreton, parish of Thame. 31 Elizabeth, 1588. 3 seals.

2. Duplicate of A.17.1.1588. 1 seal.

3. Lease from Balliol College to Thomas Inatt and others of a messuage in Moreton, parish of Thame. 9 James I, 1611. Seal.

4. Lease to Balliol College to Jane (wife of Edmund) Messenger and others, of the messuage in Moreton mentioned in A.17.3. 20 James I, 1623.

5. Lease from Balliol College to Edmund Messenger and others of a messuage in Moreton. 1652, 3 seals.

6. Duplicate of A.17.5. 1652

7. Lease from Balliol College to William Munday of the messuage mentioned in A.17.5. 1662

8. Duplicate of A.17.7. 1662

9a. Lease from Balliol College to William Munday of a messuage in Moreton. With bond, A.17.9b. 1663

9b. Balliol College to William Munday, bond of A.17.9a. 1663

10. Duplicate of A.17.10. 1663

11. Lease from Balliol College to William Munday of the same messuage as A.17.9a. 1668

12. Lease from Balliol College to William Munday of a messuage in Moreton, with bond. 1668. Seal.

13. Lease from Balliol College to William Munday of the same messuage as A.17.12. 1673/4. 2 seals.

14. Duplicate of A.17.13. 1674

15. Lease from Balliol College to William Monday of a messuage in Morton. 1681

16. Duplicate of A.17.15. 1681

17. Lease from Balliol College to William Cooper of a messuage in Morton, with bond. 1688/9

18. Lease from Balliol College to William Cooper of the same messuage as A.17.17. 1697

19. Lease from Balliol College to William Winlow of the same messuage as A.17.17. 1705

20. Duplicate of A.17.19. 1705

21. Lease from Balliol College to Charles Sunnibank Giles of a messuage in Morton. 1719

22. Lease from Balliol College to Charles Sunnibank Giles of the same messuage as A.17.21. 1732

23. Lease from Balliol College to Mary Blissett 1740. Seal.

24. Duplicate of A.17.23. 1740

25. Lease from Balliol College to Richard Child of a messuage 1747

26. Lease from Balliol College to Edward Loosely of the same messuage as A.17.25. 1795

27. Lease from Balliol College to James Looseley of the same messuage as A.17.25. 1817

28. Balliol College. Certificate of contract for redemption of land tax 1821

29. Income Tax papers etc. 1846-63


- Anna Sander

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