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Documents relating to Culworth, Greatworth, and Sulgrave, Northamptonshire, in the archives of Balliol College, Oxford

NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.


MBP 88. Box 1.2 Purchase of Happylands Farm, Culworth from JT Enthover Esq. 1938.

MBP 132. Happylands Farm, Culworth 1938-1953.

Former archives reference H.4 (28 documents) were all handed over on sale. Copies were not retained.


Land Agent’s file OBC 7 Greatworth

MBP 88. Box 2.1 Sales of cottages at Greatworth to Carpenter, Paul, Sharp and Isham. 1952

MBP 88. Box 2.4 Sale of land at Greatworth. Northants to Brackley Rural District Council. 1950-1

MBP 88. Box 2.6. Sale of land at Greatworth, Northants to the Air Ministry. 1949

MBP 164.b. Drafts of legal documents and other papers returned to the College by Morrell Peel and Gamlen, re purchase of the Malt House, Greatworth, 1947.

MBP 338. Papers re Greatworth Cottages 1945-1952 including an annotated sale map of the Marston St. Lawrence Estate, 1937.

Stuchbury Manor Farm, Sulgrave

MBP 88 box 2.2. Purchase of Stuchbury Manor Farm, Sulgrave, Northants; and redemption of land tax payable in respect of the property. 1942-4.

MBP 244. Stuchbury Manor Farm, Sulgrave 1942-1960.

- Anna Sander

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