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Documents relating to Northmoor and Moreton near Northmoor, Oxfordshire, in the archives of Balliol College, Oxford

NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.

A.19. Northmoor and Moreton near Northmoor

A brief inspection of A.19. by Mr N. Vincent in 1990 led to his suggestion that the first three items are in fact of date 1250, not ca 1150, 1200 and 1200 as respectively dated previously; the rest of the dates may also need adjustment.

1. Richard son of William Frankelain to Richard son of Robert Witeman ca 1250

2a. William son of Theodune to John his son ca 1250

2b. William son of Thodwine to Germain son of Richard ca 1250

3a. Emma widow of William de la More to William son of Germeyne ca 1240

3b. Robert de Leye to Germain son of Walkelin ca 1240

3c. Robert de Leye to Germain son of Walkelin Huberd ca 1260

4. John son of Warin to John son of Germain ca 1250

5. William son of Germain to William and Isabel his brother and sister ca 1250

6. Robert de Leye to William son of Germain ca 1260

7. Robert de Leye to William son of Germain ca 1250

8. William son of Germayn to William his brother ca 1260

9. Anne daughter of Adam the clerk to William Germeyne ca 1260

10a. William son of Germain to William his brother ca 1270

10b. Walter son of Adam to William son of Germain ca 1270

11a. Robert son of Thomas le Passur to William son of Germain ca 1270

11b. Robert Urs to Thomas son of Sarre and Geliane his wife ca 1280

11c. Walter the clerk to William Germeyne ca 1275

12. William son of Germain to Ysabel his sister ca 1275

13. William son of Germain to William his brother ca 1280

14. Robert de Leye to John son of Germain ca 1280

15. William son of Germain to his son John ca 1285

16. William son of Germain to his son John 1310

17. Thomas Dunseye to John son of William Germeyne 1314

18. Alice widow of William Germeyn to her son John 1315

19a. William son of William Germayn to John his brother 1315

19b. William son of William Germayn to John his brother 1315

20. William son of William Germayn to John his brother 1316

21a. John the Clerk to John his son 1317

21b. William Thedon to William de Hynhamme 1317

22. William Thedon to William de Hynhamme 1317

23. John de Dokelintone to William Thedom 1319

24. William Thedun to John de Dokelyntone 1320

25. William Thedun to John Thedun his brother 1320

26. William Thedun to Robert de Piriton, Rector 1320

27. John Hubert to William Snel son of Joan Corstine 1323

28. Robert de Piritone to Thomas de Piriton his kinsman 1330

29. William Thedom to John de Dokelyngtone 1331

30. Isabel widow of William Theoun to John Dokelindon 1334

31. Richard Giffard to John son of John Laurence 1337

32. John son of William Thedom to Richard de Selewode 1339

33. Isabel Thedon to Stephen Jannes 1355

34. Stephen Jannes to Henry Saumon 1357

34. Void

35. Stephen Jannes to William Germeyne 1362

36. John Gybbys to Stephen le Sweler 1362

37. John Hethward to John Neuman 1363

38. Reginald Stotynge to Richard Swetecocke 1381

39. Thomas Gibbys to William Atte Forde 1417

40. Ralph Fysshere to Thomas Gibbys 1420

41. Joan Fyssher to Thomas Gibbys 1421

42. William Swetcok to John Water 1425

43. Richard Hogonon and Richard Water to Joan Water 1428

44. Sarra daughter of William Bonanfaunt to her son Thomas 1295

45. Stephen Jannus to John le Fysshere 1337

46. Roger de Nywenton to Edward Bithedirke or Bythedicke 1338

47. John Urs to William Germeyn 1350

48. John Urs to Richard Swetecock 1357

49. John Urs to William Germeyn 1357

50. Walter de Cirencestre to William le Warenner 1345

- Anna Sander

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Updated 13.viii.14
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