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Documents relating to Radnorshire and Shropshire in the archives of Balliol College, Oxford

NB These properties no longer belong to Balliol College.

C.8. Radnor and Shropshire

1. Plan of common and enclosed lands at Sefton and Culmington, Salop. belonging to Balliol College 1757, and Plan of Davandore in Parish of Llanbister, in Radnorshire, belonging to Balliol College 1757. Both plans are on one partially decayed sheet. Detailed: very little lost by the decay.

2. Terrier of lands at Davendour in the Parish of Lanbister, Radnor. Field names and areas are given, but not occupants’ names ca 1757

3-5. Act of Parliament enabling Balliol College to convey lands in Salop and Radnorshire to W.P. Hall and J. Woodhouse, 3 copies. printed 1774

Other records

F.12.10a. The Contents of the Inclosed Land at Sefton. A survey giving field names, areas, and occupants. Sefton Lancs? n.d. Probably Seifton, Salop ca 1800

Estate maps 11. 'A Map of the Common-Field and Inclosed Lands at Seifton and Culmington in the County of Salop belonging to Baliol College Oxford.' Surveyed by Thomas Sherrif. 4 chains = 1 inch. Marked G.2. Roll. Approx 100 x 120cm Detailed, with a key and minature elevations of major buildings. Photograph D.24.4. 1760.

- Anna Sander

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Updated 13.viii.14
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