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St Cross Church, Holywell: burials and inscriptions



In 2009 the College acquired a 999-year lease and licence for the Church, with all necessary permissions to convert it into an Historic Collections Centre, while preserving the Chancel for occasional services.

Notes on the project and on the history, architecture and people of the Church are being compiled.

These notes were mostly made at various times between November 2008 and July 2009. I am grateful to many people for information, advice and comment on various points , especially John Ashdown and Maurice Keen. These notes are posted on the Balliol website in the hope that they will be useful to family historians and others pending a more thorough job, with complete recording and a plan in their usual style, by the Oxfordshire Family History Society


PR = Parish Register; otp = of the Parish; wo = wife of; so = son of; dau. = daughter; ODNB = Oxford Dictionary of National Biography; RCHM =Royal Commision on Historical Monuments, An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the City of Oxford ,1939; cent. = century; ca. = about; d. = died: spr = spinster; wid. = widow of; bur. = buried ; / = a line break ; b = born ; mar = married ; ? represents or indicates an uncertain character or characters; ....... means that there was an illegible gap, sometimes a long one .


The principal documentary and printed sources used were: Wood’s City of Oxford (cited as Wood’s City ), Wood’s Life and Times (cited as Wood’s L & T ), and Hearne’s Collections (cited as Hearne), all in the Oxford Historical Society series; Wood’s City of Oxford edited with his own additions of ca 1770 by J Peshall,especially the separately paginated section on monumental inscriptions (cited as Peshall); Alumni Oxonienses; Jackson’s Oxford Journal; and the Holywell Parish Registers (originals of which are at the Oxfordshire Record Office, ORO), which have been transcribed for 1653-1900 and are available from the Oxfordshire Family History Society.

John Jones

6 October 2009

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1. Intramural Burials  

There were many intramural burials of some interest, but Alica D’Anvers, Samuel Clarke and John Snell stand out ( there can be few small and apparently minor churches containing the bones of at least three ODNB people) , together with George Seidel DD and a clutch of Oxford Mayors.

There were certainly at least 90-100 high social status burials within the walls 1550-1850, the period of greatest popularity for intramural burial.

Victorian “improvements” did not respect anything, and the St Cross clergy responsible left a worse trail than many. They may have covered over or thrown out old burials into a charnel pit. They certainly destroyed or covered several ancient intramural memorials.The upper levels of any under-floor archaeology probably got well scrambled.

No further disturbance of any burials resulted from the works carried out in the church during 2010.

The following list gives fairly certain intramural burials only; there were no doubt lots more. There is no systematic record of such burials; various sources complement each other, showing that no single source is exhaustive. The Parish Register is probably nearly exhaustive for burials from the mid-17 th cent., but Wood says that in the late 17 th cent. the Clerk was a negligent drunk, and inspection of the annual numbers suggests irregular care. Even when the PR appears well kept, other sources show that it only records some of the intramural cases as such.

There are unlikely to have been any intramural burials later than those listed.

In the Chancel

Napier (alias Napper) family:-

Numerous members (at least ten , Hearne III, 405: Wood’s City III,186) of the Napier family 1580-1680 at the east end, probably on the south side. No memorials survive, but Wood recorded inscriptions and heraldry.

Others, no original memorials surviving:-

  • Thomas Allam, Fellow of Balliol d.1671
  • John Snell Esq north side within the altar rails d.1679.See the ODNB
  • Joanne wife of John Snell d.1697
  • Major Henry Ventris d. 1643
  • Elizabeth Coventry d. 1664
  • Charles Cooper d. 1663
  • George Cooper “the Registor” d. 1737
  • Mrs Cooper d. 1737
  • Mrs Elizabeth Walker the Younger d. 1739/40
  • Mrs Elizabeth Walker d. 1739/40
  • Rev. Mr William Walker d. 1740
  • Mrs Guion d. 1744
  • Rev. Robert Phillips “under the upper seat on the left” d. 1798

Surviving memorial, but no longer in the chancel:-

Agnes Hopper, wife of Thomas Hopper “medici”, sometime Fellow of New College , and Jane their daughter, both d. 1625

In the South Aisle

Probably at the east end of the present south aisle, where there was formerly a much smaller south aisle or side-chapel: Elizabeth Franklin wo Thomas Franklin, d. 1622. A brass survives, now on the south Tower pillar.

In the Nave and Tower area

There were many nave and tower area burials:-

  • Thomas Greenwood, son-in-law of Edward Napier, d. 1577, on the south side. Wall brass lost. Hearne III 406
  • Joane wo of John Dickeson d. 16?5. Worn floor stone near the west door.
  • Catherine Barry dau Vincent Barry late of Hampton Gay ,d.1683, and a son of the same. Wood’s L & T III 37
  • Mary Greenwood, wid Daniell Greenwood Rector of Steeple Aston. Wood’s L & T III 360
  • Alicia Danvers or D’Anvers d. 1725; in a lead coffin. Hearne VIII 399. Elaborate wall memorial with long Latin epitaph to this satirical poetess .See the ODNB.
  • James Harris d. 1727 so Roger Harris Esq.of Winchester . Wall memorial.
  • Elizabeth ( Betty ) Crowder d.1727 .Hearne IX 341
  • Christ-Gift New wo Nath. New, Gent .d.1727.His father was keeper of the King’s Arms. Hearne refers to this family several times: VIII 386, 412; IX 341. Floor memorial
  • Samuel Clarke, Bedell of Law d. 1669. Stone lost. See the ODNB.
  • Mary wo Robert Boune Esq, Deputy Recorder of Oxon d. 1642. She was dau.Thomas Astley Esq of Co.Stafford.Wood’sCity III 189.Stone lost
  • Eleanor dau. Robert Phillips 1721
  • Mary wo Hugh Phillips d. 1721
  • William Budworth d. 1721
  • Mrs Anne Weaver d. 1721
  • John Howse d. 1721
  • George Hobson 1722; Butler of Magdalen College leaving a widow but no children. Hearne VII 391.Memorial lost. Peshall 24 gives Ho pson twice ;and once “ Gent in Agro Ebor” and once “Gen de agro Ebor”.
  • Alderman John Knibb d. 1722. On his death etc, see Hearne VII 384.He served as Mayor as did his namesake son. Seven other members of his family are named on the same wall memorial; probably all in a vault.
  • Elizabeth White ,d.1724 . “Mother to Mr White (the Chymist)” otp. Hearne VIII 242
  • Mrs Penn wo Mr Penn, apothecary d.1727. Penn’s third wife, she was wid. (formerly servant) of William Pennington, sometime Fellow of Queens . Hearne IX 62, 345
  • Avis Newberry d. 1737
  • Mr Bowler d. 1737
  • Joseph Proctor, “a rare musicion”, buried “in the middle of the church” d. 1656. Wood’s L & T I 208
  • Mrs Mary Gagnier d. 1737/8
  • Mr William Newberry d. 1738/9
  • William, Samuel and Elizabeth Bush d. 1766-1774, in a vault .William Newberry is named on the wall memorial, possibly father of Elizabeth Bush.
  • Mr John Eyer d. 1739
  • Mr James Yeates 1739; memorial slab survives with the Hopper brass in it.
  • Knightly D’Anvers Esq of London d. 1739/40
  • Mr Josiah Dobson d. 1739/40
  • Mary Westwood d. 1740
  • Mr Caleb Harris d. 1740
  • Mrs Susanna Cox 1740
  • Mrs Elisabeth Knibb d. 1740
  • Rev. Mr John Gagnier d. 1740/41
  • Mr Edward Turvile d. 1741
  • Mr William Westwood d. 1741/42
  • Mrs Margaret Yeates d. 1743
  • Anne Bowler from Great Milton d. 1758
  • Mr Robert Sewell, Janitor of Queen’s College? d. 1758
  • William Richardson d. 1761
  • George Seidel DD 1761, with wife and two sons.Wall and floor memorials
  • Mary Hardiman d.1771. Floor stone nearly illegible near west door.
  • Dame Jane Mackworth , 1808 and five of her sixteen children in the same vault.Wall memorial.
  • James Beardwell d. 1777. Wall memorial.
  • John Smith, servant to Lord Pembroke 40 years, d. 1680 aged 95. Parish benefactor. Wood’s City III 189. Lost floor stone.
  • John Forster “LL Bac” d. 1584.Wood’s City III 189.Lost floor stone.
  • Mr Hugh Davys. D. 1610 and Katherine his wife d. 1591. Wood’s City III 189.Lost floor stone.
  • Mark Vandykell , “an outlander” d. 1597. Wood’s City III 189.Lost floor stone.
  • Edward Grey, “generosus et peregrinus”, d. 1611/2 Wood’s City III 189.Lost floor stone.
  • Magdalen, dau.Mr Thomas de la Hay d. 1620/2. Wood’s City III 189.Lost floor stone.
  • Captain Francis Wright d. 1642 Wood’s City III 189.Lost floor stone.
  • Thomas Cheney of Sondon Beds,Esq. d. 1643. Wood’s City III 189.Lost floor stone
  • ....Carre , “a captaine”, d.1643 Wood’s City III 189. Lost floor stone.
  • Nicholas Day, of St Giles , owner of Holywell Mills, d. 1577 Wood’s City III 189. Lost floor stone.

There are wall memorials to the Tawney family and Watson family (one of whom was Mayor). They do not say they are buried in the Church, and may lie in family vaults outside. There is a wall memorial to William Thorp (1800), sometime Mayor, but there is also a stone in the Churchyard. Many who served as Mayor of Oxford are buried in Holywell Church or Churchyard, perhaps as many as a dozen.

Hearne III 412 says John Caswell, Savilian Professor of Astronony, 1712, has a black marble gravestone in the Church, but Peshall gives the same Latin inscription as on a tomb in the Churchyard. Hearne seems more likely; the lost inscription, translated by Guy Westwood, was:-

John Caswell M.A., of Somerset by birth, of Wadham by education, a mathematician by discipline, a man upright, kindly and humble; after his unique knowledge had advanced him to the position of Savilian Professor of Astronomy, a much-lamented bodily infirmity took him away – alas – all too swiftly, on 28 th April, in the year of our Lord 1712, and in the 56 th year of his life. This his wife Elizabeth set up, the monument of her longed-for husband.

Two further inscriptions which are now lost were noted by Peshall:

“Gul. Lawrence ,Fil Littleton Lawrence ,de Badgeworth in Com Gloc Arm.Obt Aug 6 1740” [PR: Master William Lawrence, a boarder , bur. Aug 7 1740]

“Anna Rainesia, Virgo pia prudensq. Vale in Christo a Die Quarto Maii A.D. MDCXC post Annos xv, Mens iv, Dies iv, innocentia admirabile Actos. Caremus te Lux Domus nostrae et multum desideramus animo sequendi Edwardus Bernardus Annae Rainsia Avunculus , Lydia soror, Mater.” “Arms, a chev,3 Cross Fitchets” [PR: Ann Baines bur May 6 1690]

When the pews were removed in October 2008, clear evidence of vaults below the south aisle and nave was seen, but the north aisle floor looked solid. A hole near the north tower pillar enabled inspection; it was red brick-lined and a collapsed heavily studded coffin lid could be seen. On the surface exposed by pew removal a number of scattered (mostly leg) bones were seen. They were on the instructions of the Archdeacon reburied by dropping them gently through the hole. I did that on 31 May 2009, reflecting as I did so on Ecclesiasticus 44.

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2. Inscriptions in the Paving

A careful examination of the whole pavement in the nave and aisles was made on 14-15 Nov 2008.

Many stones (at least a couple of dozen) with fragmentary inscriptions (some reduced by wear to one or two partial characters only) were seen.

Digital photographs were taken and studied by computer in all cases where there was some hope of interpretation, but only nine inscriptions were legible.

Of the floor monuments which were in the chancel when the Victorians laid the tiling, only the Hopper brass survives, now just below the chancel step (see below).

In the list which follows all now clearly legible information is given. Locations of the inscriptions are shown on the plan below.



1. “Mrs Catherine Walsh” wo “Mr Andrew Walsh of this City” d. August 1771.

2. [Mary] wo Nathaniel New, 1699.

3. Joane wo John Dickeson, d. December 16?? [Read as 1645 by RCHM]

4. Mary Hardiman wo Thomas Hardiman d. Nov 15 1771 [aged 38].

5. “Christ-Gift Newe” wo “Nathaniel Newe Gent” who d. in childbed 21 Aug 1727 aged 24, and whose child is buried with her.

6. Sophia Augusta Seidel d. June [See corresponding wall memorial]

7. George Siedel DD d. 20 Oct 1761 [See corresponding wall memorial]

8. John Billing 1771 and Ann his wife 1807.

9. William Bowle so Henry Bowle of Chiddingford d. December 1737 aged 12 years. [No corresponding PR entry.]

Also, not included above, because it was under the dais below the chancel step and obscured when the plan was prepared: Agnes Hopper, wife of Thomas Hopper “medici”, sometime Fellow of New College, and Jane their daughter, both d.1625. This is a brass which was moved from the chancel by Victorian vandals and set in the memorial slab of Mr James Yates, who was buried 1739. A replica was made as a faculty condition when a dais was put in place over it in 1980.

By chance I met in the Church on 24 Nov 2008 a young man from Oxford Archeology who seemed to be doing what I had been doing: see their report reference OA Job No: 4245 February 2009. He was recording more fragmentary inscriptions than I had done, and pointed out one I had seen but passed over located near #2 and #3 pierced by plumbing, the name being SOVE.....or SOUC... or suchlike, 17 th century in lettering style, done rather crudely . RCHM gives Mary dau. John Souch 1640.

Since some of the fragmentary inscriptions in the paving are on stones which are oddly arranged or cut in a way which shows they are not in their original locations. The suspicion must be entertained that some of the paving stones are actually gravestones robbed from the Churchyard.

RCHM also gives additional inscriptions I did not find:

A.E 1674 and E.E 1693 Nave; ..... Langford and wife 16.. Nave; Mary wife of Francis Sayer 1672 Nave; ...Sayer , 17 th cent,S Aisle

The Churchwarden’s Accounts for 1667-1740, ORO PAR199/4/F1/2, have frequent entries for “breaking the ground in the Church” for a named burial .The regular fee was 6s 8d.There are many more of these entries than intramural burials recorded in other ways .

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3. Inscriptions on the Walls

For memorials on the outside walls see Part II. The metal and stone memorials fixed to the inside walls all remain in place. The essential information on them is (in random order of the memorials): -

1. Ellinor Newcome wid. of Charles Newcome of Upper Eyarth Ruthin Denbighshire b. Sept 1 1836 d. May 22 1894. Ellinor Newcome was sister of Rhoda Broughton; see 2 below. Richard Francis Mainwaring Newcome so the above b. Dec 5 1865 d. April 14 1882.

2. Rhoda Broughton youngest dau. Rev. Delves Broughton b. Nov 29 1840 d. June 1920. Tablet erected by her brother Delves Broughton.

The Newcome and Broughton memorials are on the wall of the north aisle, near the west end, about 2m above the floor.

3. John Cecil d. July 19 1788 aged 50

Thomas Cecil so John and Eliz th Cecil d. 16 June 1799 aged 32

“Eliz th Cecil relict of John Cecil and wife of William Slaughter departed this Life June 24 1801 aged 60” [PR Elizabeth Slaughter bur. June 27 1801]

Charles Cecil Coles d. Oct 28 1828 aged 18

4. James Harris so Roger Harris Esq of Winton Hants d. Feb 18 1727 aged 14

5. Mr Henry Tawney …..

Henry so the above and Elizabeth his wife d…. in the 21 st year of his age

Mary their dau d. Aug …. In the 21 st year of her age

Robert Edward their son ….

Elizabeth wid. Mr Henry Tawney d. Jan 11 1821 in the 71 st year of her age

6. John Snell d. Aug 6 1679 . A modern plaque ,on the south Tower pillar

7. Howard Francis Leigh Vicar 1892-1906

8. George Noel Freeling MA. Fellow of Merton. Hon Canon of ChCh. Rural Dean. Proctor in Congregation. Vicar for 20 years, d. Jan 10 1892. Buried in the Cemetery. Began work on the Nave.

9. Oscar Dan Watkins MA Vicar 1907-1921

10. Bernard Henry Bravery Attlee DD Vicar 1935-1943. Rural Dean

11. Thomas Edward Mayo Boultbee MA Vicar 1943-1950

12. Dame Jane Mackworth wo Sir Digby Macworth. Mother of 16 children, 5 of whom bur with her. d. Jan 11 1808 aged 40.

13. Pierce Walsh Esq, “Solicitor of this City” d. July 10 1809

14. Joseph Henry Eastly BA. b. Aug 31 1844, d. Dec 16 1872. Ord.deacon May 1872. Curate otp six months

15. George Seidel DD, born Lissa , Poland Apr 23 1680, d. Oct 20 1761 aged 81,and Sophia Augusta Seidel his wife d. June 24 1752 aged 56.Matching floor stones

John Seidel MA their son d. Feb 6 1746/7 aged 29

Conrad George Seidel their son d. in the year 1733/4 aged 6 weeks

16. Benjamin Watson so Benjamin & Joanna Watson d. Aug 27 1771 aged 55

Martha Watson their dau d. March 19 1771 aged 53

17. John Watson Esq. “Mayor of this City”, d. March 29 1784

John his son d. Jan 8 …. Aged 14

His second son John who d. in his infancy

18. Henry Burdett Worthington d. Sept 14 1835 aged 9. “A sorrowing mother has dedicated this tablet to the memory of her beloved and only child” [ See also Part II # 57; his widowed mother married again and had issue]

19. Mr William Thorp, twice “Mayor of this City” d. Sept 30 1800 aged 72

Also his two wives Elizabeth d. Sep 8 1765 and Mary d. Dec 14 1809

20. Will m Newberry d. Feb 8 1738 aged 54

William so Samuel and Elizabeth Bush d. May 8 1766 aged 24

Elizabeth wo Samuel Bush d. Dec 8 1767 aged 64

Samuel Bush d. Nov 14 aged 77

21. James Beardwell Esq “late Yoeman [sic] of his Majestys Wine = Celler [sic]” d. June 7 1777 aged 77

22. Hannah, Jane and Mary daus of John and Elizabeth Knibb otp

John Knibb “Alderman of y s City” d. July 22 1722 aged 72

Eliz. wo Joseph Knibb d. Dec 5 1726 aged 94

Mrs Eliz: th Knibb wo “the above Alder: n Knibb” d. Dec 23 ….

“John Knibb Jun: r Alder: n of this City” d. Feb 14 1754

Deb: h his wife ….

23. Alicia D’Anvers ,dau Samuel Clarke d.13 July 1725 in her 58 th year, wo Knightly D’Anvers . Guy Westwood has elegantly translated the Latin epitaph of Alicia D’Anvers in full :-

“Alicia D’Anvers, daughter of Samuel Clarke the polyglot, died on the 13 th July 1725 in her 58 th year. She was a woman endowed with a ripe and lively wit, outstanding for her courage as for her compassion, learned without show, generous and devoted. She took the greatest pleasure in familiarity with literary people; she was invariably the only woman among them, but easily came up to the level of all of them, except that she was extremely wary of liberality with slander, and elegantly reined this in, seeing that she preferred to bear malicious talk than to retaliate. She was extremely well-versed in the French language, and far from ignorant of the Italian; she was often busy reading historians and poets. Out of the theatrical shows on our stages, she found the more recent distasteful, but dearly loved the older ones. As for the poems she wrote herself, she published several, but preferred to let many more be lost, and all the while carefully analysed sacred works, so as to adapt to their rule, authority and moral code. She bore adverse fortune tranquilly, and good fortune humbly; and managed to be at once careful of her property, as much as her health allowed, and almost extravagant in her generosity to those in need.

"Knightly Danvers, Esq., raised this, in mourning, to his most beloved wife, much missed after almost 38 years of marriage; and, if it had pleased Almighty God, he would gladly have chosen to live [no] longer and to die together with her; so now, following her example and her counsel, he hopes that he will meet her again in heaven.”

24. Elizabeth Franklin third wife of Thomas Franklin, Keeper of the Kings Arms died in childbirth with her fourth child d. July 31 1622 aged 35. An elaborate brass, on the south tower pier. Wood’s City III 191

25. St Peters’-in-the-East War Memorial.

This was in St Peter’s–in-the-East, but was brought to St Cross and placed on the north tower pier facing the St Cross War Memorial when St Peter’s was closed. It is planned to move it to be by #27.

WWI fallen: R Andrews, J Balaam, C Butler, GRW Dickinson, H Griffith, RB Macan, E Rix, A Roe, AF Salmon, THS Townsend, MB Wilks, J Williams

WWII fallen: HC Nicholl-Smith

26. St Cross War Memorial

WWI fallen: AS Adams, FF Hunt, EV Giles, CB Wren, TW Haydon, EH Freeman, HE Miller

27. St Catherine’s War MemorialSt Catherine's Memorial

WWI fallen: RA Abrams,T Baker, EK Bonsey , EW Brooks, AC Burrows, T Cann, BM Carpenter, HF Clarke, HTS Cole, HC Crichton, F Dann, R Dell, WR Dibb, GRW Dickinson, HJ Dunn, Rev.VS Dunstan, KM Dyott, H Garth, Rev HJB Green, NGB King, C Lakin, C Lewis, DG Lloyd-Williams , DJ Macdonald, Rev GH Merrikin, WC Milne, JA Moore , JHC Morris, AC Neale, PLS Phipps, HT Pitcairn, GH Pollard, CB Shrewsbury, S Spencer, TG Thomas, TJB Trowman, CS Unwin, OT Walton, THH Ward, FL Warland, FWWhitlock, EE Wicks, SA Wilkes, HMWillimas, TPC Wilson THH Wood, AJ Wooldridge

WWII fallen: HF Banister, WAO Chandler, S Coshall, CGP Cuthbert, KG Hope, EWG Hudgel, PO Johnson, EA Legrand, EW McKeeman, AS Mitchell, GS Morris, HC Pugh , LF Sheppard, RWO Spender, JR Stephen, MD Thomas, BG Tillyard, CW Turner, ACA White, WD Paul

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4. Graffiti

The graffiti on the back of the organ were photographed before the organ was removed .Many sets of initials were carved there. Few full names were seen: J Timms 1923 and W Stone (Stonie, Storie ?) were the only ones. Most initials had no dates. Exceptions were RD 1926, LH 1929-193?, KS 1931, JM 1909 ?, BP 1939 , and, crudely boxed together, WK and RT 1929.

Choir robes were kept behind the organ; choirboys no doubt carved their initials.   

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5. Stained Glass  

Four of the present stained glass windows, all of which are Victorian (a systematic digital record has been made, and detailed notes are being compiled ) have memorial inscriptions :

1st left of west door. John Matthew, d Oct 27, 1851 Aged 45; there is no corresponding entry in the PR but the date of death is confirmed by a Jackson’s Oxford Journal notice of Nov 1 1851. He was a builder aged 45 employing 15 men living with his wife Ann in Holywell Street at the 1851 census.

Vestry. RGH Orchard, priest....mdccclxv “posuit M.O.” [PR: RGHO bur.1865 aged 43; Marianne Orchard bur 1874 aged 51]

East window. HB Walton .... huius ecclesiae..[Vicar, d. 1871]

East rend of south aisle. John Stainer Kt Bach [d.1901]

Wood ( Wood’s City III,188) noted the fragmentary inscription now lost “Orate pro Simone (Molland, quaere ) Antelina [sic] uxore ejus” in the north window of the chancel.  

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6. Benefactions Board

There is a painted benefactions board. The names recorded on it are:-

  • Will m Merriman otp d. March 6 1628
  • John Smith otp d. July 7 1680
  • Will m Stirke otp Vintner
  • Margery Coxeter otp
  • Benj n Haynes late otp will dated Sept 6 1810
  • Susanna Binfield d. April 4 1828 

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7. Heraldry

The complete piece of detached armorial masonry shown above was photographed in the vestry on Nov 26 2008. As faint colour survives on it, it is almost certainly from inside. On the sinister side, it is or, a bend engrailed azure, which = Clarke .On the dexter side it is gules, a chevron between three mullets or , which = Danvers (D’Anvers) . So this is a fragment from a destroyed memorial to Knightly D’Anvers Esq, who married Alicia Clarke (whose 1725 memorial survives – see above) and was buried in the Church in 1740 .It is planned to secure it near her memorial.

Wood (Wood’s City, III 187) describes the arms on the lost monuments of George Napier ( d.1671) and John Snell (d.1679).

Merton’s arms as on the Freeling memorial

The memorials to Vicars Freeling, Atlee and Boultbee all have the above arms of Merton (Patrons) as sometimes used in their period on the right ( the See of Rochester impaling Walter de Merton) , and arms which are presumably their own or their families’ on the left:-

Freeling Attlee Boultbee

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8. Other Inscriptions

There is a metal plaque which was on the middle choir stall on the north side of the chancel, which has been removed to the back of the back stall . It commemorates Tom Leopold Gardiner, many years a member of the choir, Churchwarden 1948-1949, d.1949.

The door which was to the left of the organ pipes, which was saved for relocation in the Church when the organ was taken away in 2009, has a carved inscription: “Remember Leslie Ronald Pimm 1902-1974. Organist and Choirmaster 1924-1962.” He was also responsible for the painting of the chancel arch crucifixion over the more extensive Victorian decoration.

The chancel panelling bears the name Mary Elizabeth Burlton, with no date. The faculty for this panelling was granted in1933; it was paid for with a legacy from “Miss” Burlton.

The Altar rail has an RIP inscription for Walter Dimitri Sargent, Vicar 1921-1935.

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An examination of the gravestones in the ancient Churchyard (which is not to be confused with the adjacent Holywell Cemetery) was made during numerous visits in December 2008-July 2009. My first visit began on the west side at the north end against the railed wall, walking south along the wall and then turning back (notes numbered 1-29). My second visit began on the east side of the path starting at the Chancel wall and moving to about the middle of that side of the path and then turning back towards the Church ( notes numbered 30-69). My third visit began where my second left off and covered the rest of the area (notes numbered 70-81). Notes numbered 82 onwards are for stones on which information was read later onsite in better weather and or different light. Notes 102-104 are for previously recorded but now lost inscriptions. Missing list numbers are simply void numbers.

Digital photos were taken and studied on screen, and draft notes were made. These notes were later checked against the inscriptions on site, and expanded and corrected as necessary. Many inscriptions were completely beyond legibility; few were completely legible. Stones with no legible information at all, or which were completely obscured, were ignored. I have no doubt that more information could saved from oblivion, and these notes corrected, by revisiting the scene when the light and or weather are different.

Holywell Cemetery was opened in 1848 and burials in the Churchyard were forbidden by law about 1855; but the continued use of existing Churchyard vaults (of which there were many) was allowed. Not all the inscriptions have corresponding PR entries; some which are “In Memory of .... ” refer to burials elsewhere, a name having been added to an existing family monument . One actually refers explicitly to a burial in Oseney Cemetery. Some mention a family member who was long dead when the memorial was made.

The accounts of Knowles & Son (David Sturdy, A History of Knowles & Son, 1997) show that Thomas Knowles the elder was responsible for numerous monuments and vaults 1802-1809 for which corresponding inscriptions cannot now be found. Brewerton, Cecil, Cole, Cock, Coles, Forty, Potts, Goodwin, Halse, Palmer, Woolley, Tawney and Williams are the family names which appear as subjects or account settlors.

All the information I could read with reasonable confidence is as stated below, with my comments in [ ] and exact quotations in “ ”.

1. Horizontal slab,flush.

  • Edward Knibb, .... 1796
  • .........7
  • [Lower, another name, illegible]

2. Horizontal slab, flush.

  • John .....o?......

3. Horizontal slab, raised 18 inches on stone plinth.

  • William Purdue, d. Oct 3 182? aged 61
  • Elizabeth his wife, d. Oct 25 18?? aged 47
  • Their children, listed in order as follows:
  • William, d. Oct 26, 1821
  • Thomas,d. March 18, 1819
  • Richard, d. Sept … 1837
  • Ann, d.“in her infancy” [PR biodates: 1796-1798]
  • Spicer, d.Dec 9, 1806
  • Mary Ann, d.June 30, 182?
  • Mildred, d.May ....1819
  • George, d. March 17 1847 aged 38
  • Edmund, d.March 7 1837 aged 26
  • Elizabeth, d.Nov 28 1863 aged 6?
  • Henry, d. Dec 22, 1869

4. Horizontal slab, flush.

  • Sarah wo John Freeman Brooks, d. Sept 12 … aged 33?
  • John Freeman Brooks d ....y 10 1831? aged 33 ?

5. Horizontal slab flush.

  • Maria dau. Charles and Jane Cox, d. aged 7
  • James their son d. aged 7 or 17
  • Charles Cox
  • Jane his wife d. May 19 1839 aged 81

6. Upright behind small tree against the wall. Elaborate cross finial; stone pierced with decorative lozenze-shaped hole beneath.

  • Thomas Slatter, d. March 9 1849 aged 71
  • Nance his wife d. 1866, 78
  • Sarah

Information supplied by Jennie Hill in May 2022 indicates that Sarah's dates were 1823-1900 and that she died in Hampshire.Thomas and Nance were the parents of Harriet Kilbee (see grave 95).

7. Horizontal slab, flush under thick shrub by wall.

  • John Perkins d. Feb 28 1802 aged 64
  • Elizabeth his wife d. Nov 22 1804 aged 66

8. Horizontal slab, last against wall.

  • John Perkins, d. Feb 26 1849 aged 73
  • Elizabeth Perkins, d. Oct 28 1852 aged 78
  • “Their children”
  • Harriet d. April 9 1818 aged 7
  • Mary Ann d. June14 1833 aged 18
  • Sarah d. Feb 24 1879 aged 74

9. Low tomb with ornate cross decoration.

On west end - Elizabeth Kerby d. Nov 24 1892 aged 76

On south side , elaborate Gothic lettering and Roman numbers with no surnames - William b. & d. 1819; MaryAnn 1815-1897; Jane 1821-1822 ....... “aged LXXV years”

10. Upright.

  • James Kirby d. Dec 27 1836 aged 53

11. Horizontal slab.

  • Thomas Rawbone, d. March 5 1853 aged 62

12. Horizontal slab, raised.

  • Richard Wall d. May 7 1848, aged 64
  • Margaret his wife d. Nov 20 1862 aged 73

13. Low tomb.

  • John Weston d. April 15 1852 aged 45

14. Horizontal slab slightly raised.

  • WG Motte AB, late Scholar of Balliol college, d. 1807 in his 21 st year, with a long epitaph, “.... a youth of great hope and of learning ....Christian piety ...”
  • WG Motte his father d. Feb 22 1811 in his 68 th year
  • Elizabeth Motte, d. April 28 1816 aged 66

[William Gosford Motte matric. 1802 (Alumni Oxonienses); his namesake father was Canons’ Butler, ChCh (Jackson’s Oxford Journal). He was admitted Commoner of Balliol but nominated Scholar by the Master, himself a Butler’s son. He held the Harris Exhibition, for boys from Oxford City. He died of consumption (Balliol Latin Register Dec 12 1807)].

15. Upright.

  • Jane wo Henry Maxey, d. July 2 1847
  • Henry Maxey

17. Upright, near the upright for Thomas and Nance Slatter (#6 above), same style.

  • Henry James Slatter, d. June 14 1852 aged 28
  • Thomas Slatter, d. Aug 28 1854 aged 3?
  • Jane Georgina Slatter, d. April 7 1863 aged 33
  • John Slatter, d. Sept 21, 1871 aged 52
  • George William Slatter, d. May 2? 1873

Information supplied by Jennie Hill in May 2022 indicates the following dates for the above, who were the children of Thomas and Nance Slatter:

  • Thomas Slatter 1821 - 28 Aug 1854
  • Jane Georgina 1831 - April 7 1863
  • John Slatter 1819 - Sep 21 1871
  • George William 1828 - May 29 1873

18. Low tomb, roof shaped top, very Gothic lettering.

On one side - William Wilkinson aged 66, Mary Wilkinson April 15 1873 aged 67, Robert Mafslin

On the other side - Christopher Ridley, Harriet Ridley

[Christopher Ridley, glover, aged 37 and Harriet his wife aged 40 were living in Holywell Street at the census of 1851.William Wilkinson aged 64, college servant, and his wife Mary aged 43 laundress were at the same census living in St Clements; William’s “niece” Harriet P Ridley aged 10 was living with them .The PR transcript gives the marriage of Christopher Ridley to Harriet Phillips, 1840, Rt ?Mashin? and Charlotte Wilkinson signing as witnesses ]

19. Upright.

  • Elizabeth, dau. of John and Lucy Bossom d. Dec 31 1845 aged 2
  • Alice her sister, d. Aug 16 1857
  • Lucy Bossom wo John Bossom d. Aug 22 1859 aged 56
  • John Bossom d. 1863

20. Horizontal slab.

  • James Simmons, d. Sept 20 1836 aged 71
  • Lucy his wife d. Aug 1 1835 aged 75
  • Moses Simmons, d. March 12 1853 aged 79
  • Jane his wife d. April 8 1849 aged 69

21. Tabletop tomb near path.

On the flat top - “The family vault of Rob t Speakman Esq and Cha s Webb Esq”.

On the north side left hand panel - Charles Webb, d. July … 1848 aged 53; Elizabeth his wife

On the same side right hand panel - Charles Speakman Webb son of Charles and Elizabeth Webb, d. April 19, 1838; Robert Speakman Webb d.1835

On the east end - ....died aged 78.....; Sarah .... wo Robert Speakman died March … 2

22. Upright with large matching footstone.

  • William Hurst, d. Sept 22, 183 aged 62
  • Sarah his wife, d. July 2, 1836 aged 55

23. Low upright, late 18 th cent style

William so Thomas and Ann Pike [PR no corresponding entry but has banns for marriage of Thomas Pike and Ann Sayre of St Mary Magdalen, 1776]

24. Upright slightly arched top, reddish stone face. Thomas Fraser, d. March 13, 1845 aged 35

25. Upright near tabletop over by the wall. J.........… ker … 28 1840; Wife.....51. [PR John Baker bur. April 3 1840; Mary Baker bur. April 6 1851]

26. High tabletop tomb near path.

  • Samuel Willson Bishop Esq, d. Aug 29 1808 aged 64
  • Elizabeth his wife, d. Jan 27, 1831 aged 77

27. Tabletop tomb, much eroded, set back compared to #26.

On the east end - Will Merryman aged … 1628; Anne his wife … 1619 aged 6?

28. Tall white cross monument, close to yew tree and #26. “Elizabeth Copland Fisher, widow of the late Charles Joseph Bishop MD and of the late TR Fisher MRCS, born Dec 3 1809, died Quinquagesima Sunday Feb 20, 1889 aged 89”

  • Thomas Richard Fisher d. Nov 4, 1846
  • Frances Tawney youngest dau. of EC & TR Fisher d. Jan 29, 1856 aged 9.
  • Charles Joseph Bishop MD d. Dec 9, 1838 aged 44.

[At the1851 census Elizabeth C Fisher, head of house, surgeons’ widow, aged 40 born Burcot was living at 1 Holywell Street with three Bishop children aged 11-18 and three Fisher children aged 4-7, all born Oxford ]

29. Small upright footstone, behind yew tree. J + G 1821/W + G 1812/S + G 1801/E + G 1818 [Gill family]

30. Upright with arched top, resting against chancel wall, original location unknown, most probably nearby.

  • Catherine, wo Stephen Vines and daughter of John and Mary Piddington d. Aug ... 1822, aged 72.
  • Also of John Vines, their son, d.Nov 10 1821 aged 34

[PR Catherine dau. John Piddington bapt. Nov 2 1749]

31. Low upright with arched top, reddish stone. “…ret y e wife of Edward Stickland … who was buried Nov 9 An Dom 1680” Possibly aged 37. [ PR confirms Margaret wo Edward Stickland bur. as above ]

32. Horizontal slab. Ann wo George Hounslow, d. July 1836, aged 58

33. Small slate horizontal square, flush, near cemetery wall.

  • Arthur White Adams DD, Fellow of Magdalen, Dean of Divinity 1949-1975
  • Joyce May Adams 1925-2005

34. Low tomb.

On the north side - Thomas Wells, d. Oct 11, 1847 aged 51

On the south side - Martha wo the above d. Jan 2 1880 “in her 91 st Year”

On the west end - Tom Henry Stevens grandson of Thomas Wells aged 5 months

35. Horizontal slab.

“Amelia Tyson Brazier relict of M r Tho s Brazier of this City”, d. Oct 3 1847, aged 64

36. Low tomb, roofed.

One the north side - “Frederic, youngest son of Jonathan & Esther Fiske of this City”, d. March 18 1846 aged 25; “Esther Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Rev. Thomas & Elizabeth Jackson”, d. July 4 1838 aged 1 year, 1 month.

On the south side - Esther Fiske, wid. of “the late Jonathan Fiske of this City”, d. Nov 18, 1862, aged 82

38. Horizontal slab, raised.

Helen Margaret wo Rev d Tho s Gaisford MA, Regius Professor of Greek, d. March 8 1830 aged 58

39. Horizontal slab, raised.

  • Marrianne wo Richard Sims d. March 19, 1837, aged 44
  • Richard Sims, d. Dec 3 1854 aged 70
  • Also Ann Fletcher, “mother of the said Marrianne Sims” d. Oct 1 1834 aged 70

40. Horizontal slab, surface mostly lost. Alfred James … Sept 8 1822 aged 37. [PR transcript identifies this as AJ Trash of “Kersey, Suffolk”. The corresponding Chancel wall memorial seems to mention Lindsey, Suffolk. Both Lindsey and Kersey are villages in Suffolk, so either or both readings might be correct.]

41. Upright, slightly arched top. Will m Shepperd, d. Dec 8, 1835, aged 75; Eliz th his wife … Dec 19 1825

42. Horizontal slab. Elizabeth wo Rev. William Browne, d. July 10 1830 aged 65

43. Upright, arched top.

  • Thomas Hooper d. Aug 16, 1844, aged 67
  • Hannah Maria his wife, d. April 3, 1846, aged 76
  • Maria their dau, d. March 22, 1833

44. Horizontal slab.

  • Susannah wo William Taman, d. Nov 1824 aged 82
  • Said William Taman, d. April 24, 1831 aged 81

45. Upright, arched top.

  • Fanny Ann wo John Slatter, d. Nov 19, 1833 aged 38
  • George, their son, d. May 27 1838 aged 9 years 4 months
  • Said John Slatter, d. Jan 13 1848 aged 57

46. Upright low, arched top. Charles Haldon, d. Aug 12, 1827 aged 72.......Elizabeth his wife

47. Upright, tall, slightly arched top, reddish stone.

  • Mr Robert Walker of this parish … 33...........Sarah, his wife … 1828
  • Their son, The Rev. John Walker of Magdalen College, d. March 20 1834
  • Their daus. Frances Steele, d. June 29 1836 and Elizabeth who d. 28 Sep 1825 two days before the date set for her marriage

[PR transcript gives no Banns record]

48. Low tomb with ornate cross on top, its foot by medium size tree.

On the south side

  • Richard Chapman Esq of Banbury and Broughton in the County of Oxford d.Jan 21 1819 aged 63 or 65 [ Alderman Richard Chapman was Mayor of Banbury in1806]
  • Rev James Chapman DD, Fellow of Magdalen d.Feb 25 1855 [Alumni Oxonienses gives b. ca. 1763, d. Feb 25 1833] aged 69

On the north side

  • Sarah Ann Chapman d. June 18 1860 aged 76
  • Mary Elizabeth wid. of Baker Morrell of the Parish of St Mary Magdalen, dau Rev Joseph Chapman DD sometime President of Trinity

[James and Joseph above were probably brothers, sons of a Joseph Chapman, not the Richard named at the top. Alumni Oxonienses ]

49. Upright, arched top with matching footstone. Elizabeth Morrell d. Feb 6 1846, aged 69

50. Low upright, slightly arched top, approx 10 feet west of Thomas Hooper . The Rev. John Clark ….. Wadham.

51. Tall upright, slightly arched top. Mary G …........Charlotte Giles

52. Upright, slightly arched top.

  • John William, d. August 8 1809 in the 62 nd year of his age.
  • Anne his wife, d. Nov 24, 1856, aged 93

53. Upright, slightly arched top.

  • Elizabeth … wo Richard Allnut who d. Jan 31853, aged 44.
  • The above Richard Allnutt, d. Feb 25 1857, aged 53
  • “And their children Priscilla ….....& Julia who died in thei....”

54. Low roofed tomb marble on stone base just east of the steps. .

On the marble

  • Edward Nicholls Knowles, d. May 26 1887 aged 72
  • Margaret his wife d.Feb 28 1892 aged 77

On the stone base

  • Polly Knowles,d. Feb 23 1790 aged 10; Edward Knowles d. May 20 1840, aged 48
  • Mary Ann, eldest dau. of Edward Nicholls and Margaret Knowles d. Oct 16 1871 aged 26; Sarah Knowles d. Sept 24 1846 aged 86;Thomas Knowles d. April 13 1826 aged 72

[On this family, including a family tree, see Sturdy, op. cit.]

55. Horizontal slab, slightly raised, overgrown by the steps.

On the horizontal surface

  • William Carter d. Feb 9 1846 aged 86
  • Mary his wife d. June 22 1823 aged 75
  • George L Luker d. .....1847 aged 66
  • Martha his wife d. .....1833 aged 49
  • Deborah Bennett dau. William Carter d. 1849 aged 56
  • Mary Ann Martha dau. George & Martha Luker d. 1848 aged 9
  • Mary widow of Robert Howard and dau. of William & Mary Carter d. 1866 aged 77

On the south side

  • Charles, son of George Lewis & Martha Luker d. Nov. 1875 “on the eve of his 61 st birthday”

[PR records marriages of Mary and Martha Carter, 1815 and 1807 respectively]

56. Displaced fragment laid by the steps. “… ary Clark, wife … the Rev. Mr. Clar …” d. 5 Feb, 1804

57. Horizontal slab near chancel.

  • James Brazier, d. … 1819 aged 49
  • Martha, his wife, d. March 18, 1851, aged 80
  • Mary, dau. of the above and wo Henry Jones Underwood, d. Dec 7, 1843, aged 43
  • Also her son Henry Burdett Worthington d. Sept 11 1835 aged 9

[PR : HBW was so Rev Richard Burdett Worthington, matric BNC , and wife Mary bapt Holywell Feb 10 1826. RBW died 1837, Alumni Oxonienses ]

  • James, son of the above James & Martha Brazier, d. Jan 3 1878
  • Anne, his wife, d. July 30 1869.
  • James their son, d. Feb 20 1830 aged 7
  • Emily their dau., d. Aug 17 1842 aged 18
  • Frank their son, d. Feb 22 1855 aged 19
  • .......
  • ........
  • Ann Brooks d June 18 1838

58. Horizontal slab raised two feet on a plinth, near Cemetery wall.

  • Lucy, wo Walter Vicary Esq. Mus Bac d. April 19, 1836, aged 70
  • Walter Vicary Esq. of Magdalen and New Coll d. J... 5 1845 aged 77
  • Their son in law Rev John William Hughes of Trinity and Chaplain of All Souls, Rector of St Clements d. March 16 1850 aged 54

59. Upright with arched top, facing path.

  • Maria, wo John Farbrother, d. Dec 31 1830, and footstone MF 1830
  • Maria, their eldest daughter, d. March 16, 1900, aged 74

60. Upright, curved top, surface partly lost, facing path. Mary Dowse wo John Dowse , d. Aug 29, 1846, aged 86

61. Low upright, curved top, facing path. Charlotte, wo John Robinson, d. Oct 21, 1843, aged 43

62. Tall upright, curved top, facing path.

  • William Broadwater, d. Nov 27 1846, aged 53
  • Sarah, his wife, d. Feb 29 1876 aged 88
  • William John, their son, d. Nov 20 1863, buried in Oseney Cemetery

63. Upright, arched top beside #60. Jane, wo Thomas Farrant, d. Nov 1844, aged 43

64. Upright, curved top.

  • John Greene, d. Jan 14 1772 aged 48
  • William Greene, d. Nov 29 1803, aged 37
  • Elizabeth Greene, wo said John Greene, d. Jan 11 181? aged 86

65. Upright white stone, pointed top with remnants of red lettering and Maltese cross. William Thorp. [Twice Mayor of Oxford; corresponding memorial inside] 

66. Low tomb with ornate cross all on a plinth which formerly had railings.

South side - Stephen Elvey Doc.Mus., organist of the University Church, New Coll. and St Johns. Choragus of the University. d. Oct 6 1860

North side - Ann his wife d. March 24 1845 aged 47; Louisa his second wife, d. July 26 1868 aged ?54

67. Upright, curved top, surface half lost. Anna Mar …....William Gr …...........Who … ed Ma …........Aged 23

68. Upright, curved top, reddish stone. Henry, so John G? … Lowry [PR : possibly Henry Lowrie bur. March 18 1813 aged 11, chorister of New College]

69. Upright, flourished top, facing path near yew tree. William Mussendine...“.......le of Law”...Nov...1732 Aged ?7 [William Mussendine, Beadle of Law, is mentioned several times in Hearne]

71. Horizontal slab.

  • Mary Harvey, d. Feb 18 1834 aged 70
  • Sarah Harvey, d. Sept 23 1836 aged 62
  • John Holliday, born June 7 1833 d. Jan 1 1875
  • Sarah, his wife, born Jan 5 1834 d. Nov 3 1913

72. Horizontal slab. “Edward & Hannah, son and daughter of Edward and Mary Nicholls of Holywell Mill. Both died Aug 16, 1835. Edward aged 18 years, Hannah aged 15 Years. Also of Mary, wife of Edward Nicholls who died Feb 8 th 1845 aged 55 Years.”

73. Upright, straight top.

  • William … Ly … aged 42
  • Also … mily Frances his wife … 1835

74. Upright, curved top. James Poulton, d. 30 Sept 1848 aged 28

“My flesh shall slumber in the ground
Till the last trumpets joyful sound
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise
And in my Saviour’s image rise”

75. Upright, curved top, medium height.

  • John Simms d. Apr. 18 1848 aged 39
  • Also of three children who d. in their infancy [no names given]

76. Upright, wavy top, inscribed both sides, near path and gate.

On the west face

  • John Simkins, d. Nov 3 1847 aged 67; matching footstone

On the east face

  • … memory of a faithful wife Mary-Ann
  • Wife of Will Ravenscroft … of this Parish who died May 19 1792 aged ?43
  • Also of … orge son of the above ...... months

77. Horizontal slab, raised.

  • Thomas Pinfold, d. Oct 22, 1838, aged 56.
  • John Pinfold, d Feb 15, 1846, in his 74 th year
  • Avis “their sister” wo Richard Stevens, d. March 18 1851 aged 77 [PR Avis Stevens spr otp mar. Richard Stevens of Steventon1808]
  • Eliz th “their daughter” wo Joseph Druce who d. at Eynsham May 21, 1851 aged 39 [PR Elizabeth Stevens spr otp mar. Joseph Druce wid. farmer of Eynsham, 1847]

On the north side - No names or dates legible but “Aged 87 “ and “Aged 35” legible at the bottom of the left and right panels respectively

78. Upright, curved top, near the southeast corner.

  • Jos ph Stevens, d. March 30, 1839 aged 94
  • Sarah his wife

[PR Joseph Stevens and Sarah Inott btop mar. 1775]

79. Upright, very slightly curved top.

  • John Gray … Sept 3? … 183? Aged 3? [PR John Gray otp bur. Oct 6 1835 aged 55]
  • [Another name] … aged 6?

80. Upright wavy top with skull, set back near big tree.

  • Arthur Lloyd
  • Edward his son
  • Also Margaret Dorsett … 1719 ...And of Richard N...

81. Upright, curved top, Latin inscription, by the path. “Philipi Swanwick” Born Macclesfield, Commoner of BNC, d. Oxford 1817

82. Upright, curved top in the middle of the sector on the west of the path, set back. “M … Lucy Bignell widow who died on the first of June 1801 … Bishop of Bangor’s House … this University … ..mily. She had endeared …” [several more lines lost]. [William Cleaver was Bishop of Bangor 1800-1806, during which time he was also Principal of BNC]

83. Upright, slightly curved top, reddish stone. in the middle of the sector on the west of the path, set back.

  • “Robert Pepill Butler of Merton College/Upwards of 50 years” “… 59 … 1812”
  • Elizabeth his wife … 1812 aged 54 or 84
  • William their son

84. Upright, low, wavy top, near the middle, west of the path, set back.

  • Thomas Butler … 1757
  • … fe … Elizabeth

85. Low tomb with roofed top next to Knowles tomb near the steps on the east side.

  • Stephen Kensell d.25 June 1832 aged 87
  • Ann his wife d. 23Jan 1818 aged 75
  • Two sons Stephen d. 2?2 April 1852 aged 78 and James d. 29 Sep 1852 aged 79
  • Daughter Ann relict of John Hay d. 28 Aug 1848 aged 76
  • Erected by the executors of James Kensell

86. Horizontal slab, half buried under roots and soil near Hounslow #32. “Roval”..........1800 or 1809 [the enigmatic “Roval” seems to read distinctly]

87. Horizontal slab, flush. First on the right of the path, near the gate at the south end. Robert Langford.....Eliz his wife.........Rob Langford......Jan 1773.... Eliz his wife......Aug 1811 aged 66

88. Tall upright arched top around middle of west side set back. John Mallam aged ?82. Footstone S+M 1840 [No Mallam burials are recorded in the PR]

89. Tall upright, flat top, near #18. John Stone d Nov 8 1844 aged 45

90. Large table top tomb, near chancel and #30.

On the north sideleft hand panel - In memory of Richard and William, so...Richard and Elizabeth Piddington ...Will m Sep 3 1727 aged 12 days...Rich d Feb 6 1729 aged 5 months

On the north side right hand panel - John .....on....Died Oct 28 1790 aged 80 ...Mary his wife ....Eleanor ....John Piddington....Dec 31 ?1791 .... Elizabeth dau.....Mary P.... [All readings here are pretty uncertain. The above scraps amount to a small fraction of what was there once. On the Piddingtons, Holywell builders , see Sturdy op. cit. ]

91. Tabletop smaller than #90, alongside it.

On the south side in two panels

  • Ann Strickland, 175?, aged ?8
  • ?Margaret? Strickland

92. Tall upright arched top with reddish surface near corner of south aisle. “....y Al... /April 5 184? /Aged 37” [PR Henry Allen buried 1843]

93. Headstone with wavy top and formerly inset slate tablet, about ten feet back from the mid point of the Cemetery wall. Phillip Baynes d. May14 1743 aged 37. [John Ashdown recorded this slate tablet, which was broken in many pieces which he carefully buried in front of the stone in 2006]

94. Upright on west side of path set back a bit near the mid-point. Elizabeth ....Wife...H.....B...ier ...7 with footstone EB 1793. [PR Elizabeth Brazier bur. Nov 13 1793]

95. Grave with off-white kerb and cross now fallen face down, close to #5. Probably Harriet wo Henry Kilbee born April .. 1817, d. May 18 1880. [PR Harriet Kilbee bur. May 22 1880 aged 63]. Information provided by Jennie Hill (nee Kilbee) in May 2022 indicates the following are buried here:

  • Henry Kilbee 1775 - 12th July 1841 Henry was a footman to Queen Charlotte
  • Frances Kilbee 1779 - 15 Dec 1851 (his wife)
  • Dudley Kilbee 1824 - 9 May1837 (their son)
  • Henry Kilbee 1814 - 18 May 1885 (their son) Butler at Oriel College lived at 5 Beaumont St and 61 Holywell St
  • Harriet Kilbee (Nee Slatter his wife) 1817 - 22 May 1880

96. Upright near #62. “Anne Sells ...faithful servant of the Revd Cha s P Go... for sixty years ....d. Dec 2 1847 in her 84 th year” [CP Golightly, anti-tractarian, lived at 6 Holywell St]

98. Upright round top near #41. William Seal Aug 22 1808 aged 30 [Coffee-house keeper]

99. Near #85.

  • John Williams 1809 aged 62
  • Ann his wife 1856 aged 93

100. Below the window on the outside east wall of the south aisle are two tablets of the same size and style mounted flush to touch each other, evidently meant to be read as one memorial.

On the left - Erosion has left nothing legible, but Taunt photo H11154 (Westgate Library, Oxfordshire Studies) gives Emily Brazier dau. James and Ann Brazier d. Aug 17 1842 aged 18, followed by 3-4 illegible lines ending “Aged 19 years”.

On the right - A partial reading is “ In memory of h.... cousin Mary the beloved wife of HJ Underwood who died Dec 7 1843 Aged 43 years…” followed by a verse.

101. On the south chancel wall outside are two rectangular tablets and an oval memorial, all high up.

On the left in this group - “Sacred to the Memory of Agnes, daughter of the Rev. William Palmer of this University and also inhabitant of this Parish, by Sarah his first wife. She died on Easter-day (March 29 th) 1807 in the 12 th year of her age”. The rest is lost.

In the middle of this group - “In a vault near this place are deposited the remains of the Reverend Alfred James Trash”…[long gap].... “Lindsey Suffolk” then several lost lines ending “aged 57 years”. [A corresponding Churchyard stone seems to mention Kersey Suffolk. Both Lindsey and Kersey are villages in Suffolk, so either or both readings might be correct]

On the right in this group - The oval memorial on the right had about 7-8 lines of text. The upper half of the text is lost. Just below the midline appears a line with “Hannah”… “Sep”… “1727”; then a line with “Catherina”… “1731”, and then a line with “Josephus”… “July”… “1734”. Some Greek characters also appear. Consultation of the PR identifies the last as Joseph Pen; Hearne notes that Mr Jo Pen MA, formerly Fellow of Worcester, d. at his apothecary brother’s house in Holywell in 1734.

102. Wood (Wood’s City III, 190) noted (translated from the Latin by Guy Westwood) the following, which was near the Church door, but is now lost.

In memory of Thomas Holt, of York, architect of the public schools who died 9 th Sept 1624

Happy shade – you marvel at those happy mansions
And see at last the wondrous inlaid roofs
Of the eternal craftsman; there you do not look up
At beams from Africa, cut and prepared
At great expense, nor do the panelled ceilings
Hang with Indian ivory – all those things we see here.
Once, with your forefathers’ skill, these hands of yours,
Blessed dust, applied themselves to the palaces of kings,
But how great is the glory of the roofs where you dwell now?
And when your mortal frame was too feeble to build,
You always saw to the proper care of everything, by the carpenter’s rule,
And tended the mistress of your house as far as a craftsman’s fortune was able,
And so Margaret, your dear wife, set this up
As a memorial of her love.

103. Wood also noted (Wood’sCity III, 191), further into the Churchyard , an epitaph in English to the conventicle-keeper Bess Hampton (“.....our she-professor of Divinity.....”), now lost .See the ODNB .

104. Hearne (Hearne, III, 412) noted a lost inscription in the Churchyard to the writer William Joyner Gent. d. Sept 14 1706 aged 84.See the ODNB .

[back to top]

-John Jones

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