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Summary catalogue - Benefactions


A complete list of Benefactors 1263 - 1864, with notes on their gifts, was compiled by Henry Wall in 1865.  The names of major Benefactors are recited in the Bidding Prayer.

Loose Records

Legal documents, trust deeds, correspondence with Benefactors and their executors, sometimes with copies of relevant wills, 13th - 20th centuries.  There are numerous files concerning bequests and gifts, many of which concern special Fellowships, etc.

Benefaction Books

4 volumes, 1636 - 1783

Appeal Records

Correspondence, accounts and papers concerning Appeals and resulting Funds, especially the Endowment Fund (1904), the War Memorial Fund (1919), and the Septcentenary Appeal (1963), and the Dervorguilla Appeal (1982).

- John Jones

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Updated 11.viii.14
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