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Mrs Humphry Ward Collection I-II


Mary Augusta Arnold (1851-1920) was the eldest child of Tom and Julia and always the closest to her father, sharing his intellectual and literary interests as well as sympathising with his religious dilemmas and the difficulties this placed on his life. She was a true Arnold in her activities and interests - an academic writer, an educationalist and popular author; the wife of an Oxford don, she mixed with influential figures of the age in England and abroad - Mark Pattison, Benjamin Jowett, T.H. Green, Renan, Henry James and Gladstone among them. She won acclaim with the publication in 1888 of "Robert Elsmere", a lengthy work chronicling a man's religious development, again a familiar Arnold concern, and this was followed by a succession of popular novels.

The collection concentrates principally on her literary output: it includes a number of draft introductions for later editions of her novels, while the bulk of the material relates to her autobiography of 1918, "A Writer's Recollections", which charts not only her own life but also the early history of her family. In addition to chapter drafts there are a number of letters, mainly copies of Arnold family correspondence or MHW's own letters which were used as source material for her autobiography.


Trevor, M., The Arnolds: Thomas Arnold and his Family ( London, 1973).

Ward, Mrs. Humphrey, A Writer's Recollections (1856-1900) ( London, 1918).



A. "A Writer's Recollections"

1. TS with AMS emendations, "(a writer's recollections?) ( a gossip about the past?) I" [ Ch. 1]. 20 ls.

2. TS with AMS emendations and additions, "II" [Ch. 2]. 22 ls. Later than 4.

3. AMS notes for early chs. 2 ls.

4. AMS, "II" [Ch.2]. 7 ls. Later than 6.

5. AMS, "Reminiscences I" [ Ch. 1]. 21 ls. Earlier than 1.

6. AMS [Chs.2 and 3]. 6 ls. Earlier than 4.

7. Assorted TSS with AMS emendations and additions [early chs.]. 4 ls.

8. TS with AMS emendations, "A Writer's Recollections IV" [Ch. 6]. 32 ls. Later than 10.

9. AMS, "A Writer's Recollections IV" [ Ch. 6]. 6 ls.

10. TS/AMS, "A Writer's Recollections IV" [ Ch. 6]. 32 ls. Later than 9.

11. Assorted TSS with AMS additions [Ch. 8]. 12 ls.

12. TS with AMS emendations, "Clough and Stanley" [Ch. 5]. 14 ls.

13. TS, "Chapter 8" [ Ch. 7]. 10 ls.

14. TS, "Chapter 8", later changed by hand to "9" [Ch. 7]. 9 ls. Later than 13.

15. TS with AMS emendations [Ch.8]. 3 ls.

16. AMS [Ch.9]. 4 ls.

17. TS [ Ch. 9]. 5 ls.

18. TS, "Chapter I"; corrected by hand to "XI" [opening of Ch. 9]. 14 ls.

19. TS with AMS emendations, "Chapter I"; corrected by hand to "XI" [Ch.9]. 20 ls. Later than 18.

20. TS with AMS emendations, "Chapter XII" [Ch. 10]. 3 ls.

21. TS/AMS [ Ch. 8]. 3 ls.

22. TS with AMS additions, "Chapter XVIII" [Chs. 16 and 17]. 25 ls.

23. TS with AMS corrections [Ch. 5]. 1 l.

24. AMS, [Ch.4]. 2 ls.

25. TS with AMS corrections, [part of opening of Ch.4, but largely discarded for publication]. 1 l.

26. TS with AMS emendations, [Ch.4]. 2 ls. TS of 24.

27. TS, [ Ch. 5]. 1 l.

28. AMS notes for central chapters. 2 ls.

29. AMS, [ Ch. 7]. 1 l.

30. AMS, [ Ch. 10]. 1 l.

31. AMS, "Part III", [ Ch. 4]. 1 l.

32. AMS, "Reminiscences II and III" [outline and notes for early chs.]. 2 l.

33. TS/MSS notes and text (mainly family letters), [used in Ch.3]. 6 ls.

34. AMS, [ Ch. 5]. 11 ls.

35. AMSS/TS, [ Ch. 3]. 8 ls.

36. AMS, "Recollections of a Writer 2", [Ch.3]. 3 ls.

37. AMSS "A" and "B", [ Ch. 1]. 5 ls.

38. AMS, [notes for Ch. 5]. 1 l.

39. AMS, [Ch.5]. 1 l.

40. AMS, [Ch.4]. 1 l.

41. AMS, [notes for central chapters]. 2 ls.

42. TS/AMS, "Recollections of A Writer II" [ Ch. 3]. 21 ls.

43. AMS, "II (2)" [Chs. 4 and 5]. 29 ls.

44. AMS, [Ch.4]. 1 l. Early.

45. AMS, [epilogue]. 1 l.

46. AMS, [Ch.4]. 1 l. Early version - largely discarded for publication.

47. AMS, "Article 3" [notes for Ch.5]. 1 l.

48. AMS, [Ch.1]. 2 ls.

49. AMS, [notes on family letters for use in early chapters]. 3 ls.

50. AMS, "2" [plan for early chs.]. 1 l.

51. AMS, "Recollections of a Writer 2 " [Ch. 3; plan for Chs. 3,4 and 5]. 2 ls.

52. AMS, [Ch.3]. 1 l.

53. MS notes on L from WA to TA, 14 September 1848. 1 l.

54. AMS, [Ch.5]. 1 l.

55. TS/AMS, [Ch. 1]; AMS calculations on reverse. 1 l.

56. AMS, [ Ch. 8]. 1 l.

B. "Robert Elsmere":

1. TS with AMS emendations, "Introduction" (to new edition), [1909]. 30 ls.

2. TS/AMS [of introduction]. 2 ls.

3. TS [of introduction]. 8 ls.

4. AMS [of introduction]. 1 l.

5. AMS [notes for introduction]. 1 l.

6. AMS of [introduction]. 1 l.

C. "David Grieve":

1. TS [of introduction]. 1 l.

2. TS notes. 1 l. 2 copies.

3. TS with AMS emendations "Introduction". 8 ls.

4. AMS [of introduction]. 2 ls.

5. AMS [of introduction]. 6 ls.

D. "Marcella":

1. AMS [of introduction]. 4 ls.

2. TS with AMS additions [of introduction]. 11 ls.

E. Miscellaneous:

1. AMS of novel, Ch. III. 5 ls.

2. AMS notes. 2 ls.

3. TS with MS emendations of article on Emily Lawless. 3 ls.

4. AMS [of novel?]. 1 l.

5. TS diary entries with MS additions, 7 May 1887 - 2 April 1888. 8 ls.



1. Printed extract from "Marcella". P. 3-12.

2. "The Marriage of William Ashe. Alternative End to Act II." P. 81-3. 2 copies.

3. Proof of "A Writer's Recollections", p. 32-3, with AMS corrections. 2 copies.


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