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Records of the 'Balliol Earthworks Survey' directed by JP Maitland, 1923-1938.

Material concerning the ‘Balliol Earthworks Survey’ directed by JP Maitland, 1923-1938, dealing with Balliol sites in Scotland and France and associated archaeological, historical and genealogical matters (see also MISC 95H and MISC 96). [ref MISC 95.A.]

1. JP Maitland, typescript ‘Some notes on the early history of the family of Balliol, with special reference to their continental estates’, Feb. 1924.


2. JP Maitland et al., photographic copy of a survey taken June 23-26 1924 (detailed plan to a precise scale, with a section across the main mound) of the existing remains of the Balliol family castle at Bailleul-en- Vimeu (alias Bailleul-Bellifontaine), which is a village ca 6 miles south of Abbeville; immediately to the south of the village, the ground rises to a plateau on which the castle stood, commanding the valley. In 1923, the site was completely overgrown, but the substructure of the castle was intact; the 1924 survey was made with some difficulty because of the overgrowth.

3. JP Maitland, photograph ‘Site of home of original Balliol family’, Bailleul, Orme, France: showing two grassy mounds, 29 Sept 1924. No.109 of the same series as in MISC 96.

4. JP Maitland to FF Urquhart, letters 10/7/1924 – 13/11/1925.



5. Cutting from the Weekly Scotsman concerning Bailleul in Normandy and its imagined connections with the Balliols of Scotland, n.d.

6. JP Maitland, typed extracts from R de Belleval ‘Jean de Bailleul roi d’Ecosse...’ ( Paris 1866), 1928.


7. JP Maitland to FF Urquhart, letters and enclosures 1925-1931 (found in 1948 on Staircase XXIII among papers left by KN Bell), including material and photographs concerning the location of the birthplace of John de Balliol King of Scotland: in 1928 (letter of 25/3/1928) the supposed site was covered by a farm (photographs 734 & 735) situated at entrance (approaching from the direction of Saigneville) to the village of Mons-Boubert alias Mons-en-Vimeu. click here for images of documents

8. JP Maitland to RC Reid, letters and enclosures 1937-1938 (presented to the Library by RCR, 1952) including material (with a plan) concerning the remains of a castle at Tours-en-Vimeu, surveyed 1937, and its comparison with the Motte of Urr.

One relevant publication mentioned is Trans Dumfriesshire and Galloway Nat. Hist. & Antiqu. Soc ., 1932-2, pp 235-242; see

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- John Jones

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