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Records of the 'Balliol Earthworks Survey' directed by JP Maitland, 1923-1938.

Photographs of Maitland's survey

The box contains about 50 excellent photographs mounted on thick card. Some are numbered; some are dated 1924 and some 1926; most are marked on the back 'copyright JP Maitland'. There is no key, but the correspondence in MISC 95A refers to some of them by number. [ref. Misc 96]

11. 23 June 1924.

12. 23 June 1924.

13. 23 June 1924.

17. 23 June 1924.

18. 'Bailleul-en-Vimeu. View of church and circular churchyard from west.' 23 June 1924.

19. 23 June 1924.

21. 23 June 1924.

22. 26 June 1924.

23. 26 June 1924.


27. 26 June 1924.

28. 26 June 1924.

30.. 25 June 1924.

34. 26 June 1924.

35. 26 June 1924.

37b. 25 June 1924.

38a. 25 June 1924.

38b. 25 June 1924.

39. 25 June 1924.

40. 25 June 1924.

41. 25 June 1924.

42. 25 June 1924.

54. 27 June 1924.

55. 27 June 1924.

58. 27 June 1924.

no.410 on verso. 31 May 1926.

no.406 on verso. 31 May 1926.

no. 408 on verso. 31 May 1926.

no. 414 on verso. 31 May 1926

no. 401 on verso. 31 May 1926

no.404 on verso. 31 May 1926.

no. 403 on verso. 31 May 1926

no reference number. ''The "Chaussee Brunehaut", from the Carrefour des quatre saisons, near St Riquier, looking towards Yvrench.' 29 Sept 1924.

101. 29 Sept 1924

102. 29 Sept 1924.

103. 29 Sept 1924.

104. 29 Sept 1924.

106. 29 Sept 1924.

201. 29 Sept 1924.

110. 29 Sept 1924.

111. 16 May 1925.

113. 16 May 1925.






















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- John Jones

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