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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.1

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

1. "Fredericus Imperator."

TS proofs, AMS notes etc for an unpublished book on the Emperor Frederick II. Mary Smith's memoir of her husband mentions in passing that G.H. Putnam was forced to give up his "fruitless demand for the long delayed Life of Frederick II..." Originally in 5 boxes as No.1 on the "E.L. Morgan" list, these papers were examined and ordered by "JMT" [James Tait?] in March 1955. AS does not seem to have had a consistent scheme of numbering the various sections and chapters, and JMT added numbers and in some cases titles. JMT's numbers and titles are given in square brackets after each entry. Note also that the material in the book overlapped with AS's teaching of the early periods of General History - see I A9 and 12 below.

1. JMT's AMS ink notes on the contents and introduction. 3L.

2. AMS pencil schedule of the book, titled "Frederick II by A.L. Smith." With a stamp "Received & Entered at the University Press, Oxford. 28 Jul. 1909." 2L.

3. TS of the introduction to the book. Heavily annotated and corrected. 50L. With 2 AMS leaves of comments in an unknown hand.

4. Bundles of AMS ink notes and drafts on the various short sections of the introduction.
i. "Prefatory Notes" including notes on Italy, Frederick's cruelty and his diplomacy. 9L.
ii. Draft of the first part of the introduction. 4L.
iii. "F. Childhood." 1L.
iv. Draft on Frederick's Crusades. 6L.
v. Drafts and notes on Frederick's Crusades. 8L.
vi. "Frederick and Italy" and "The Lombard Wars." 20L.
vii. "Relation to the Papacy." 7L.
viii. "F. II and Germany." 1L.
ix. His acceptance of the crown etc. 4L.
x. The fifth crusade [?]. 1L.
xi. "The Crusade." 22L.
xii. The invasion of 1229. 1L.
xiii. Notes on rise of German unity. 1L.

5. Bundles of AMS ink and pencil notes and drafts for the chapters of the book.
i."Frederick II C.2" [1: Birth to Childhood.] 21L.
ii."Frederick II C.3" [2: The Papacy by 1198.] 19L.
iii."The Papal States." [3?] 18L. With TS version. 16L in a folder inscribed "William Hunt, The Oxford Copying Office."
iv.[3. The Church in Germany.] 2L.
v."Powers of the Crown." [4] 7L.
vi."Frederick II C.V. The years of confusion 1198-1208." [4A] 8L.
vii."Innocent III and Philip 1198-1209." [5] Annotated TS. 11L.
viii."Otto 1209-13." [6] 15L.
ix."Frederick's dash for the crown 1211-13." [7] 17L.
x."F. & Clergy from 1212." [8] 11L.
xi."Election of Henry." [9] 12L (first 2 leaves are typed.)
xii."Germany 1220-1225." [10] 12L.
xiii."Germany after Engelbert." [10A] 22L.
xiv."Henry VII & ministeriates." [10B] 6L.
xv."Germany & Henry - 1234." [11] 13L.
xvi."F. in Italy 1218-1220." [12A] 17L.
xvii."1218 to coronation 1220." [12B] 8L.
xviii."The Coronation." [12B - ctd.] 2L.
xix."After Coronation." [9, 11B] 5L.
xx."Frederick II and the Lombard Cities. 1220." [12C] 2 TS copies of 5L, 1 in a "William Hunt" folder.
xxi."Sicily from 1220." [12D]
xxii."Lombards." [12E] 51L.
xxiii."Vows of Crusade 1220." [13A] 28L.
xxiv."F.II in Cyprus" [13B ...and in the Holy Land.] 16L.
xxv."F.II and Moslem." 17L.
xxvi."F.'s return - to Ceperano." [14] 28L.
xxvii. "Murder of Louis of Bavaria." [15] 2L.
xxviii. "Worms." [16] 21L.
xxix."G. origins, esp. Köln." [16A] 7L.
xxx."Diet of Mainz." [17] AMS copy (8L) and TS copy (9L, in a "William Hunt" folder.)
xxxi."Lombards 1230-34." [18] 2L.
xxxii. "Cortenuova." [19] 25L.
xxxiii. "Excommunication." [20] 29L.
xxxiv. "1239 Revolts." [20A] 7L.
xxxv."Italy from 1239." [21] AMS copy (12L) and TS copy (7L).
xxxvi. "Milan to Viterbo 1239-40." [22] 14L.
xxxvii. "Parliament 1240." [23] 8L.
xxxviii."Ferrara 1240." [24] 3L.
xxxix. "Faenza etc 1240." [25] 10L.
xl."The Council 1240." [26] AMS copy (16L) and TS copy (14L).
xli."Papal election 1241-3." [27] 63L.
xlii."Viterbo 1243-6." [28] AMS copy (14L) and TS copy (9L).
xliii."Diet of Verona 1245." [29] 6L.
xliv."Council of Lyons." [30] 58L.
xlv."After Lyons." [31] 62L.
xlvi."The Plot 1246." [32] 14L.
xlvii."Pope and Germany 1245-50." [33]. 26L.
xlviii. "Henry Raspe." [33A] 9L.
xlix."William of Holland." [33B] 1L.
l."The Kingdom of Arles." [Appendix A] AMS copy (28L) and TS copy [18L].
li."Engelbert." [Appendix B - not intended to be part of the book?] TS. 11L.

6. Transcripts of contemporary Papal letters. It is not clear if they are connected with the book, but they were found with the TS version of "The Papal States" (see I A1/7 above) in the box of miscellaneous material that originally formed Group IV of the collection.
i."The Epistle Miranda, 1226." TS transcript. 2L in a "University Type-Writing Office" cover.
ii."Gregory IX's Encyclical Letter to Bishops. 10 Oct. 1227." 4L in a "University Type-Writing Office" cover.

7. Notebooks of material for the Life of Frederick II.
i."I. Frideric. Rex Rom." Quarto exercise book with notes on various sources and works.
ii."A. Winkelmann - Philip of Swabia..." Quarto exercise book with notes on various works.
iii."B. Winkelmann - Otto IV." Quarto exercise book with notes from Winkelmann.
iv."II. Winkelmann." Quarto exercise book.
v."III. Winkelmann." Quarto exercise book.
vi."IV. Winkelmann." Quarto exercise book. Inside back cover is inscribed with a list of work done in the Bodleian by AS in late 1898.
vii."V. Blondel." Quarto exercise book with notes from Blondel, notes on St. Francis.
viii.Quarto exercise book with notes on Europe at the time of Frederick.
ix.Quarto exercise book with various notes on Frederick, the Papacy etc.
x.Small exercise book with a few notes from Giesebrecht on Otto III.

8. ALS from Evelyn Abbott. 17 June ?. 1L. Can AS give details of his work - Putnam has asked Abbott to look after his affairs.

9. Loose and bundles of leaves of AMS and TS notes for the book.
Several hundred leaves of notes on various texts and topics for the book. Orginally contained in two of the five boxes, these notes are in no coherent order.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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