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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.10-11

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

10. "European History 1414-1610. Introduction to the 4th Period."

Originally No.3 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. Large number of AMS notes for a series of lectures on European History 1414-1610, for General History Period 4.

2. Quarto notebooks with "4th Period" material.
i.Notes taken by T. Seccombe in AS's "Introduction to the 4th Period" lectures. Also with Latin and Greek compositions by Seccombe from 1884.
ii."4th Period." Notes taken by an undergraduate in AS's lectures [?]. [The hand does not appear to be that of AS, but the flyleaf is inscribed "A.L. Smith."
iii."History of France 1380-1604." Small exercise book, also with some notes on Turkish history.
iv."Spain 1400-1542." Small exercise book with brief notes on Spain and Austria.

11. "Renaissance Italy."

Mainly rough AMS notes and drafts for lectures etc, for a Special Subject paper on Renaissance Italy, and for General History. Originally in 2 boxes as No.4 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. TS lectures, syllabuses, teaching notes etc.
i. TS syllabus for Italy in the 15th C. Dated 1 June 1894. 7L. 2 copies.
ii. "Renaissance." Annotated TS notes. 23L.
iii. "Guicciardini - Storia Florentina." TS notes dated 29 Sept. 1901. 28L in a paper cover.
iv. "The Constitution of Florence." TS notes dated 6 June 1894. 3L. 4 copies.
v. "Cosmo's Government." Annotated TS notes. 10L.
vi. "Cosmo's Foreign Policy." TS notes. 4L.
vii. "Milan (& Venice) 1414-1466." Annotated TS notes. 16L.
viii. TS notes on the decline of the Medici's power. 4L.
ix. "Lorenzo." Annotated TS notes. 24L.
x. Xeroxes of the first leaves of iv, v and vi.

2. Exercise books with notes on various Italian authors and topics.
i.Thick book with several loose leaves of AMS notes inserted.
ii."Italy 1407-1605." Notes on Italian history and Sismondi.
iii."History of Florence, Venice, Naples & Genoa." Mainly notes from Sismondi.
iv.Small coverless exercise book with notes from Guicciardini.
v.Small exercise book with notes on Sismondi. With list of students attending a lecture [?]. [c.1885-1886.]
vi."Italy. Sismondi." Notes on Sismondi, and lists of questions set in previous years on Italy. With 3 loose leaves of AMS notes inserted.
vii."History of Florence 1416-1694." With a short list of students inserted.

3. Large number of loose and bundles of leaves with AMS lecture, text notes, drafts for the above etc.

4. Printed material.
i. Printed syllabus for the paper [different from 1i above]. 10pp. With xerox copy.
ii. Printed pamphlet "Constitution of Florence in XVth Century." [different to 1iv above.] 9pp.
iii. Printed pamphlet "Constitution of Florence." Printed version of 1iv above. 7pp.
iv.2 printed pamphlets of the syllabuses for Rev. W. Hudson Shaw's Extension Lectures on Venice. Both 16pp. 2 copies of Part I.

5. Undergraduate notes.
i.Quarto exercise book with notes [from AS's lectures?] on Italian history by C.J.S. Howard. Christmas 1887-1888.
ii."Italy 1492-1513." Quarto hardcover exercise book with brief notes [taken by an undergraduate in lectures?].
iii.Quarto hardcover exercise book of notes on Italy taken by R.Y. Herbert. c.1897.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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