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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.6-7

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

6. "The Tudors."

Mainly rough AMS lecture and teaching notes. Originally No.10 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. TS and AMS lectures, teaching papers, model essays etc.
i. TS notes on Wolsey, Henry VIII etc. 20L.
ii. TS essay "How far was the greatness of her reign due to Elizabeth, and how far to her ministers?" 8L. 2 copies.
iii. "Abstract" of the above essay. 3L.

2. Exercise books with notes for lectures, tutorials etc.
i."Tudors/Stuarts." Quarto exercise book with notes for lectures.
ii.Quarto exercise book with notes on Sir Walter Raleigh, the plots of 1603.
iii.Quarto exercise book with notes on the constitutional powers of the Tudors. [The cover of this book has become detached and stuck to the above book.]
iv."English, Scotch 1558 to 1727." Notes on the Tudors and the Stuarts.

3. Large number of loose and bundles of leaves with AMS lecture and teaching notes on the Tudor period.

4. Printed teaching material, syllabuses etc.
i. Syllabus for a lecture series on The Tudors. 15 pp (first two missing).
ii. "Home Reading Circles: Syllabus for the Study of The Tudor Period" by O.M. Edwards. Cover only, with an OUP stamp dated 16 Jan. 1889.
iii. "Lectures and Teaching in Large Towns. Memorandum for Examiners." June 1890. 3pp.

5. Collection papers, undergraduate work marked by AS, etc.
i. AMS collection question paper on 1558-1625. n.d. 1L.
ii. AMS collection paper on the Tudors. n.d. 1L.
iii. AMS notes on a lecture by AS on Henry VIII's foreign policy. Taken by L. Wills [?]. 11L.
iv. AMS essay "What difficulties confronted Eliz. at her accession and what steps did she take to meet them?" By an undergraduate - no name. 9L.
v. AMS notes on the Ridolfi Plot "as seen by R.B. 1902 through ALS." 2L.
vi. TS notes on "The Ridolfi Plot." R.B. 1902. 5L.

7. "The Stuarts."

AMS and TS lectures, papers, notes, model essays etc. With some undergraduate work. Originally in two boxes as No.9 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. TS and AMS lectures, teaching papers, model essays etc.
i. "Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford." TS essay/lecture. 8L.
ii. "The Great Rebellion. (Original Notes)" AMS notes. 6L.
iii. ""Without doubt that fire...might have been covered under a bushel." (Clarendon). Discuss the years 1629-1640." TS essay. 6L.
iv. Bound set of TS lecture notes on the Stuarts. 29pp.
v. "ALS - James I." TS lecture notes. 72pp in a "William Hunt" cover. Similar to the above, but on smaller leaves.
vi. Bound set of drafts for the above. On smaller leaves with AMS notes added. 82L.
vii. "The Restoration." TS notes. 7L.
viii. "Charles II's Recovery of Power." TS notes. 4L.
ix. "How was it that the ultimate victory in the struggle of parties came to rest with the Independents?" AMS notes for a pamphlet (16L), with loose TMS version (12L).
x.Quarto exercise book with notes on the Stuarts, the Civil War etc, mainly from Hallam. With 28 loose leaves of notes inserted, mainly taken by an undergraduate [in tutorials with AS?].
xi.Quarto exercise book with notes on Charles I's foreign policy, Ireland etc.
xii.Large exercise book with notes on the Civil War etc from Hallam, Rourke.

2. Large number of loose and bundles of leaves with AMS teaching, lecture, text notes.

3. Printed teaching material, syllabuses etc.
i. Set of printed tables of references in original texts for the Stuart period. 4L.
ii.4 leaves of a chapter "From Restoration to Revolution" from a book Social England. [This may be by AS. A letter from Thomas Hodgkin to Arthur Balfour in the Bullard Gift, now at IVB2i, says that AS has "contributed some useful chapters to Social England."]
iii. "English Conspiracy and Dissent 1660-1674." By Wilbur C. Abbott. [Chapter from a book?] 26p.

4. Undergraduate work.
i. "Explain and discuss "No bishop no King."" TS essay. no date or author. 2L.
ii. "James I & Parlt." TS essay by H.M. Stansfield. n.d. 8L in a "William Hunt" cover.
iii. "Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford." AMS essay marked "For Mr. A.L. Smith. 9 June 1914." 7L.
iv. "Discuss the description of Wentworth as "that grand apostate of the Commonwealth."" TS essay by C.H.D.F. 1899. n.d. 4L.
v. TS of another undergraduate's version of the same essay. With comments by AS. 4L.
vi. "The Restoration was essentially a Parliamentary Revolution. Discuss This." AMS (3L) and TS (4L) copies of essay by Mr. Hayes-Robinson.
vii. "The English Restoration - a Parliamentary Revolution. Explain." AMS essay. No author or date. 2L.
viii.Quarto exercise book with notes on 17th and 18th C. history taken by W.S. Ogilvie. August 1887.
ix.Quarto exercise book with notes from Lord Morpeth's lectures on the Stuarts. With printed syllabuses for 6 of the lectures, syllabus for "Lecture III - Social Condition of England," printed list of essay topics for Extension Lectures on the Puritan Revolution inserted.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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