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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue I.A.4-5

Group I. Historical and Scholarly. (MS, academic and teaching notes.)

A. History

4. "Constitutional History."

Originally No.5 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. 1 box of rough teaching and lecture notes on various topics and books on constitutional developments in the Middle Ages. With a list of students [attending a lecture by AS?] c. 1879, TS "English Constitutional History II" collection question paper.
2. Exercise books with notes on Constitutional History.

i.Quarto exercise book with notes for lectures on various constitutional matters. Flyleaf is inscribed with a list of lecture topics for Jan.-March 1886.

ii."Laws." Small exercise book with notes on legal developments.

iii."Stubbs I." Notes on Constitutional History from Stubbs, Freeman etc. With printed syllabus for lectures on Early English History, 5 loose leaves of AMS notes inserted.

3. Quarto exercise book with notes on constitutional essays. [Inscribed "A.L. Smith, Balliol." However the hand does not appear to be AS's. Are these an undergraduate's notes?]

5. "English Medieval History."

Sets of AMS and TS lecture and teaching scripts and notes, with printed teaching material and a few collection question papers and undergraduate essays. Originally No.7 on the "E.L. Morgan" list.

1. TS and AMS lectures, teaching papers, model essays etc.

i."English History (Mainly Constitutional)." Bound set of TS lectures [?]. n.d. 123L.

ii."Lectures on English Pol. History. 1879." AMS notes in coverless exercise book for lectures given in 1879. 80p, only c. 30 used.

iii. "English Constitutional History I." TMS. 11L.

iv."Alfred and his Successors to Edgar." TS notes. 6p, with "University Type-Writing Office" cover, and AMS copy (5L).

v. "Edward. Ethelred. Edgar. Cnut." TS notes. 12p, with "University Type-Writing Office" cover.

vi. "Boroughs." TS notes. 3L.

vii. AMS notes on Prof. Vinogradoff's Villeinage Pt. II. 7L.

viii. "Paper on... villeinage and its decay." AMS essay. 9L. [AS undergraduate work?]

ix. "Villeinage." AMS notes. 15L.

x."Villeinage." TS lecture/notes. 24L in a "William Hunt" cover.

xi. "Villeinage from Domesday Book to Bracton." TS. 12L.

xii. "Barons." 3 TS leaves in AMS cover. 3 copies (2 also marked "S. de Montfort.").

xiii."The Charter 1215, 1216, 1217." TS notes. Cover dated 4 Feb. 1903. 5L. 2 copies.

xiv. "XIV. The Nobles. 1307-1485." TS lecture notes. 10p, with "William Hunt" cover.

xv. "Edmund Crouchback." 2 TS leaves in an AMS cover dated 25 Feb. 1904. 4 copies.

xvi. "The Crown 1307-1485." TS notes. 6L.

xvii. "The Good Parliament." AMS notes. 10L.

xviii. "The Good Parliament 1376." TS notes. 10L. 2 copies.

xix."Edmund Crouchback. The Crown 1307-1485. The Good Parliament 1376. The Lancastrian Experiment In Normandy." Collection of TS lecture notes attached together. 27L.

xx. "Economic History." TS lecture notes. 30p. 2 copies.

xxi. "Economic History since 1349." TS lecture notes. 45p, with "William Hunt" cover.

xxii. "History of Leicester." AMS text [for a lecture?]. 3L.

2. Exercise books with notes for lectures, tutorials etc.

i.Exercise book with black cover. With AMS notes for English History lectures, tutorials. Many loose leaves inserted.

ii.Quarto exercise book with notes on the Domesday book, the Norman period. With 42L of AMS notes on Domesday from Maitland, AMS essay (13L) "What light is thrown by the Domesday Book upon the pre-feudal condition of England?" by Edith G. Owen of St. Hugh's inserted.

iii."England 14th cent." Small exercise book with notes on various topics.

iv."History of Manors." Small exercise book with notes taken mainly from the Domesday Book.

v."Scotland - Ireland 1311-1553." Quarto exercise book with notes from various sources.

vi."Early English History." Quarto exercise book with notes from the Romans to the 13th C.

vii."Guizot. Hallam." Small exercise book with notes from Guizot and Hallam from 400 to 1100, and list of essays set in Michaelmas Term 1878.

viii.Small exercise book with essay/exam questions on English Medieval History. July 1889.

ix.Quarto exercise book with notes for Medieval History. With several loose leaves of AMS notes inserted. Cover is missing.

x.Quarto notebook, very similar to ix above. With several loose AMS leaves inserted. Front cover is missing.

xi.Thick exercise book with notes on the Domesday Book.

3. Loose AMS leaves on various topics, from the Anglo-Saxons to the Wars of the Roses, notes on various sources for English History etc.
4. Printed teaching material, lecture hand-outs, syllabuses etc.

i. "English Constitutional History from the Beginning to 1307." TS. 3L.

ii."Remarks on the Domesday Map by Bishop Hobhouse." Printed notes from the Proceedings of the Somerset Archaeology Society 1889. 1L.

iii. "Syllabus: English History, Chiefly Constitutional. From Stephen to Edward I." 4p. 2 copies.

iv. Printed copy of the text of Magna Carta, with AMS notes by AS. 15pp (first page missing). 2 copies.

v. Printed bar-chart "Dates of Extinction of the Norman Baronial Families." With the hand-drawn original version.

vi. AMS English History syllabus. 2L. [Intended for printing?].

vii. Set of printed syllabuses:

"III. The Era of Constitutional Development." Annotated.

"IV. The struggle of royalty with territorialism, 955-1066." 2 copies, 1 annotated.

"V. The growth of Feudalism."

"VI. The Norman Conquest."

"VII. The Baronage." 2 copies, 1 annotated.

"VIII. The Villein class and the Towns, in conflict with Feudalism."

"IX. Weakening of Feudalism in the land-system."

"Authorities. The Baronage and the Cown 1066-1307." 1L book list.

Untitled part of syllabus, with AMS note "to come in after syllabus X..." and with stamp "Received at the University Press 7 Jan. 90."

"XII. The Administration, and Ministerial responsibilty, up to the 14th century."

"XIII. The Commons (villeinage, taxation, Parliamentary History 1307-1450)."

"XIV. The nobles in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries." Annotated. 2 copies.

"XV. The Crown, 1307-1485." Annotated.

viii. Printed 12p syllabus "Preliminary view of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries." With OUP stamp dated 18 Jan. 1890.

ix. AMS copy of the above with stamp "Received at the University Press 15 Jan. 90."

x. Printed notes on "The Jury." 4pp.

xi.Printed 4pp syllabus "English History, Constitutional and Social. From the death of Edward I to the Accession of the Tudors."

xii. Printed map of England and Wales during the Wars of the Roses.

xiii. History Faculty printed timetable, Hilary Term 1919.

xiv. Loose leaf from a TS copy of a Middle Ages syllabus.

xv. Photograph of an unidentified French abbey. [Dbase Code ALS02.001]

5. Collection papers, undergraduate work marked by AS, etc.

i. TS collection question paper on history from the Romans to the Normans. 2L.

ii. TS collection question paper "English History to 1096." 1L.

iii. AMS collection question paper "English Consitutional History 1215-1307." Inscribed "Mr. Hall." 1L.

iv. AMS collection question paper on 14th and 15th century history. 1L.

v.Carbon-copied AMS collection paper "English History to 1215." Inscribed "Mr. Peebles." [c.1904?] 1L.

vi. TS short paragraphs on various social and political points of medieval history. [Possibly a "gobbet" paper, or the model answer to one?] 2L.

vii. AMS version of the above, with corrections. 5L.

viii. AMS essay "With the reign of Edward II we are conscious at once of decisive transition from the 13th century." By G.M. Smith. 14 Feb. 1910. 8L.

ix.Small exercise book with notes taken by C.J.S. Howard on English history from Domesday to the Lancastrians. Jan. 1886.

x."Early English Essays II." Small exercise book with essays and notes by C.J.S. Howard. Feb. 1888.

xi.Quarto exercise book with notes on the Normans etc taken by W.N. Sage from "Barker Vol. II," Feb. 1911.

xii.Quarto exercise book with notes taken by an undergraduate in Ernest Barker's lectures on "English History to 1480."

xiii.Small hardcover exercise book with an undergraduate's notes on 13th and 14th C. history.

xiv. Miscellaneous messages from undergraduates about borrowing essays, notes etc. 6L.

6. Quarto exercise book with Oliver Wardrop's AMS notes, printed syllabuses, handouts from AS's English History lectures, and also Sir Richard Lodge's lectures on the Stuarts. [This book was not part of the original collection. It was given to the Library by Oliver Wardrop in 1937. The book has been allocated the Library serial number 365g.16.]
7. Thick quarto book with AMS notes and printed syllabuses, hand-outs from AS's lectures on "English Constitutional History from the Beginning to 1307," taken by Edward A.C. MacCurdy in Feb. 1893. [This book was not part of the original collection. It was given to the Library by Edward MacCurdy in 1955.]

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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