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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue II.B.10-18

Group II. Papers on Public Questions, 1908-1924.

The following material relating to AS's work on various national issues had been arranged in chronological order under each heading by the time that the the "E.L. Morgan" listing was made. This structure has been preserved, and the letter identifiers given to each heading correspond to those on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The Morgan list noted that the material on "Extra-Mural Work" had been arranged with more care - this implies that this material had been used before the Morgan list was drawn up [See II A below].


This material, originally in 2 file boxes, concerns the Archbishops' Committee on Church and State, of which AS was a member, its subsequent report in 1916 and the formation of the Church Self-Government Association, and other matters affecting church policy and refrom during the war.

10. Printed material produced by the Committee.

i.Printed paper on the history of church and state relations. Drawn up by Sir Lewis Dibdin in 1913, with some additions by AS. n.d. 4pp. 5 copies.
ii.Report of Sub-Committee No.3 on Parliamentary Procedure. n.d. 6pp.
iii.Printed pamphlet "Summary of Proposals of the Report." 1916. 8pp. [Also a copy in 11 below.]

11. Dissemination and discussion of the Committee's Report.

i.Printed pamphlet "Summary of Proposals of the Report." 1916. 8pp.
ii.TLS from the Bishop of Oxford [Charles Gore]. 11 Oct. 1916. 1L. Does not remember calling a meeting to discuss the Report.
iii.TLS copy from AS to the Bishop. 12 Oct. 1916. 1L. Replying to the above.
iv.TLS from Viscount Wolmer. 13 Oct. 1916. 2L. Thoughts on getting the Report widely discussed.
v.Printed letter from Lords Parmoor and Selbourne announcing a meeting of churchmen to discuss the report. 13 March 1917. 1L.
vi.ALS from Lord Selbourne. 3 April 1917. 2L. The Representative Church Council has voted that there should be no meeting on the Report this year, but the Archbishop will meet with the Committee.
vii.ALS from M.G. Glazebrook. 4 Feb. 1918. The Churchmen's Union wish to invite Douglas Eyre to speak on the Report. They have published a memorandum on it. With printed memorandum. 8p.
viii.Printed pamphlet "Notes upon the Report of the Archbishops' Committee..." by the Bishop of Manchester [E.A. Knox]. n.d. 14pp.
ix.Envelope with AMS list of lectures given by AS [?] on the Report Nov. 1916-June 1919.

12. Cuttings of letters about the Report and other religious issues.

i.Newspaper cutting. n.d. "The Great Lying Church" from Ernest Jones.
ii.From The Morning Post 22 Feb. 1917. From AS, Bishop of Oxford, Eyre, Wolmer, W. Temple, W.H. Frere about the Report and the formation of the Church Self-Government Association.
iii.The above cut from The Yorkshire Post 22 Feb. 1917.
iv.From The Times 22 Feb. 1917. From the Bishop of Oxford on Church franchise. 2 copies.
v.From The Times 17 March 1917. Anon. letter "Before Caiaphas. The Closed Mind."
vi.From The Manchester Guardian 11 Oct. 1917. From "Artifex" on the church and working class feeling.
vii.From The Times 12 Oct. 1917. From the Bishop of Manchester on church self-government.
viii.From The Times 16 Oct. 1917. From the Bishop of Carlisle on church franchise.
ix.From The Times 17 Oct. 1917. From the Bishop of Norwich on church franchise, and H.H. Henson on the postponing by the Archbishops of a meeting to discuss the Report.
x.From The Times 23 Oct. 1917. From H.H. Henson on a meeting of the Representative Church Council. 2 copies.
xi.From The Manchester Guardian 23 Oct. 1917. From "W.B.B." on the Non-Conformist view of the current C. of E. debates.
xii.From The Times 24 Oct. 1917. From H.E.D. Blakiston on church franchise.

13. The position of the Theological Colleges.

i.TLS from the Bishop of Oxford [Charles Gore]. 3 Aug. 1917. 5L. The role and value of the Theological Colleges. The dangers of attacks upon them.
ii.TLS from Canon Masterman. 11 Aug. 1917. 3L. The possible use of tutorial classes to prepare working men for Theological College.
iii.ALS from N.S. Talbot returning the above 2 letters. 14 Feb. 1918. 1L.

14. Correspondence with Bishop G.F. Browne. (All from Browne to AS, mainly on church franchise.)

i.29 Oct. 1917. 1L. Thoughts on church franchise, alternatives to Communicant Franchise.
ii.31 Oct. 1917. 1L. The Archbishops should be told of splits in the Committee.
iii.2 Nov. 1917. 1L. As above. Browne is working on a new book on Bede.
iv. 19 Nov. 1917. 1L. On a speech by Lord Sumner.

15. Church Finance.

i.TS memo by Lord Hythe on the establishment of Central Church Fund. 30 Jan. 1918. 2L.
ii.TLS from the Bishop of Oxford [Charles Gore]. 2 Feb. 1918. 1L. Thanks AS for showing him the above, but he is not involved in church finance.
iii.TL copy of AS to the Bishop of Oxford. 5 Feb. 1918. 1L. Replying to the above.

16. The Archbishops' Committee on the Teaching Office of the Church.

i. Printed letter from Arthur C. Headlam re a meeting of the Committee. 10 Oct. 1918. 1L.
ii. TS memo on the proposed course for training for Orders in Oxford. 20L. With envelope.

17. Material for various addresses and papers on religious issues.

i.Annotated TS script of "Religion and the National Life." Given in the Sheldonian, Oct. 1916. 37L.
ii.Printed plan of "Religion and the National Life." 1L. 12 copies. With envelope.
iii.AMS notes for the above. 17L.
iv.TS script of "Religion and the Nation," a message sent to a conference. 7L. 2 copies. With TLS from the editor of The Inquirer returning the paper. 6 June 1917, off-print from The Inquirer 9 June 1917 with AS's message, and 2 cuttings from the Christian Life 9 June 1917, reporting on the conference.
v. AMS notes for the above. 2L.
vi.TS and AMS notes for a talk [?] on the Church and State Report. 4L.
vii.Printed pamphlet of a sermon preached by AS in High Wycombe. 6 Jan. 1918. 8pp.

18. Other cuttings. [Found loose and scattered through the material, not with the cuttings listed in 12.]

i.From The Westminster Gazette n.d. Article "The World Debate" by Principal Forsyth.
ii.From The Inquirer 21 Oct. 1916. On an address by AS in Bristol.
iii.From The Oxford Times 28 Oct. 1916. On an address by AS as part of the National Mission.
iv.From The Staffordshire Sentinel 17 Nov. 1916. On a resolution on church self-government moved by AS at the Lichfield Diocesan Conference.
v.From The Reading Observer 9 June 1917. On the Reading Ruri-Decanal Conference, including an address by AS.
vi.ALS from G.F. Niven. 19 June 1917. 1L. Sending a cutting about the value of Somerset livings.
vii.From The Times 3 Dec. 1917. Letter by H.H. Henson about franchise debates in the Representative Church Council.
viii.ALS from W.S. de Winton. 21 March 1918. Sending a reprint of a letter by him to The National Church 15 March 1918 on church patronage.
ix.From The Westminster Gazette 30 March 1918. Review by Principal Forsyth of J. Vernon Bartlett's Christianity and History.
x.From The Times 15 May 1919. On the clergy and National Service.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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