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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue II.C.1-7

Group II. Papers on Public Questions, 1908-1924.

The following material relating to AS's work on various national issues had been arranged in chronological order under each heading by the time that the the "E.L. Morgan" listing was made. This structure has been preserved, and the letter identifiers given to each heading correspond to those on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The Morgan list noted that the material on "Extra-Mural Work" had been arranged with more care - this implies that this material had been used before the Morgan list was drawn up [See II A below].


This material was originally in three of AS's red marbled file boxes, two of which had been marked by AS "Conference" and "Education." The papers relate to general education concerns, and a Conference on Education held at Balliol in late July 1916. The initiative came from the WEA, and the calls for educational reforms which followed the Conference became linked with the efforts of the then education minister, H.A.L. Fisher, to get a new Education Act through Parliament.

1. Proof of printed letter about the formation of a committee and an advisory council on adult education. Jan. 1915. 1L.

2. Correspondence and other material on education matters, arrangements for the Conference etc.

i.2 TLS from Alice Gruner of the Association of University Women Teachers. 9 Feb. and 2 May 1916. Both 1L. About printing the script of an address by AS for the Association.
ii.ALS from H.A.L. Fisher, then at Sheffield University. 8 March [1916?]. 1L. Arrangements for AS to address the University Lunch Club.
iii.Reprint from The West Cumberland Times 15 April 1916. Article "Canon Rawnsley and Education." 1L.
iv.TL copy of AS to Canon Rawnsley. 1 June 1916. 3L. News of various education steps, the work of various committees. The time is not yet right for a meeting of the sort suggested by Rawnsley.
v.TLS from J.M. Mactavish, Gen. Sec. of the WEA. 3 June 1916. 2L. Enclosing draft of a pamphlet on "What labour wants from education." With envelope.
With TS draft of the pamphlet (7L), 1L of AMS comments by Arthur Pickard-Cambridge.
vi.ALS from A.E. Zimmern. 3 June 1916. 4L. With envelope. Tom Jones of the Welsh Insurance Commission wishes to see the three Welsh colleges become independent universities. There is to be an educational campaign after the war - a meeting in Oxford is proposed.
vii.TL copy of AS to Rawnsley. 5 June 1916. 2L. The London WEA wants a conference of universities in Oxford at the end of July. Criticisms of a proposed circular by Rawnsley.
viii.TLS from W.H. Hadow of Durham University. 13 June 1916. 1L. Glad that AS can organise the Conference - can AS send invitations to University representatives?
ix.Newspaper cutting. n.d. [Unclear what was to be preserved.]

3. Material from "The War, Education and Co-operation," address by AS to the Co-operative Union in Lancaster. 13 June 1916.

i.Annotated TS of the address. 35L. With envelope
ii.Printed pamphlet of the address. 11pp. 15 copies.

4. Printed material, correspondence about other educational matters, conferences etc.

i.Printed report of the Committee of Natural Science for the Hebdomadal Council. 15 June 1916. 1L.
ii.ALS from Sam Smith, Secretary of Ruskin College. 6 July 1916. 1L. Inviting AS to a Conference of Working-Class Associations. With printed and TS syllabuses for the Conference.
iii.TLS from L.A. Bigge of the Board of Education. 7 July 1916. 1L. Suggesting topics for the Balliol Conference. Enclosing 2 printed memos (both 1L) re the proposed Committee on Science.
iv.TLS from W.N. Bruce of the Board of Education. 25 July 1916. 1L. Sending a copy of "Circular 883." (Now missing.)
v.APS from "H.W." [Herbert Warren?] of Magdalen College. 28 July 1916. Pleased by AS's remarks about science in an article in The Oxford Chronicle.
vi.Printed programme for "New Ideals in Education," an education conference held at Lady Margaret Hall, 29 July-5 Aug. [1916]. 8pp. [See also N12.]

5. Cuttings on education.

i.From The Times 19 July 1916. Article on the vote for the Board of Education.
ii.From The Times 20 July 1916. Education after the war. Views of Oxford, the Archbishops.

6. Material from the Balliol Conference.

i.Printed list of suggested heads of discussion for the Conference. 12 July 1916. 1L. 5 copies.
ii.AS's AMS notes on various aspects of the Conference, with annotated copy of the above. 5L. With envelope marked "Master's Notes of Discussion."
iii."Conference Summary. Resolution I." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on reconciling Humanities with Natural Science. 31L.
iv."Conference Summary. Resolution II." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on the Universities and the WEA. 13L.
v."Conference Summary. Resolution III." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on educational endowments. 4L.
vi."Conference Summary. Resolutions IV (a) and (b), and V." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on full-time education, LEAs, state provision for education. 31L.
vii."Conference Summary. Resolution VI." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on class size, school environment. 64L.
viii."Conference Summary. Resolution VII." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on teacher training. 39L.
ix."Conference Summary. Resolution VIII." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on health of schoolchildren and students. 26L.
x."Conference Summary. Resolution IX." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on the teaching of citizenship and social ethics. 17L.
xi."Conference Summary. Resolution X." TS notes in a paper cover on the discussion on teacher representation, teaching administration. 21L.
xii.TS copy of paper by Mr. Goldstone - "The Training, Status and Pay of Teachers." 8L.
xiii.Copy of The National Federation of Class Teachers' Handbook 1916. 80p.

7. Material concerning other education meetings, concerns after the Oxford Conference.

i.Cutting from The Times 9 Aug. 1916. The visits to be made by an Oxford/WEA deputation on Educational Changes.
ii.Printed letter from Huddersfield Chamber of Commerce about meeting the deputation. 14 Aug. 1916. 1L.
iii.TLS from Prof. Sadler of Leeds University. 22 Aug. 1916. 2L. The need for country-wide meetings on education. Frank Roscoe is keen to be involved.
iv.TLS from T.B. Strong of Christ Church. There should be a meeting to discuss the results of the Balliol Conference and the Government Science and Language Committees.
v.ALS from H.A.L. Fisher, then still at Sheffield University. 31 Aug. 1916. 1L. Arrangements for an education conference.
vi.Cutting from The Times 3 Sept. 1916. Letter from J. Larmor about education problems.
vii.Cutting from The New Statesman 2 Sept. 1916. Reviews of educational books including The Workers and Education by T.G. Gillman.
viii.Printed programme for a WEA Conference on "What Labour wants from education." 14 Oct. 1916. 1L.
ix.Cutting from The Birmingham Daily Mail 14 Dec. 1916. H.A.L. Fisher's work at Sheffield University, including organisation of a conference attended by AS.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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