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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue II.D1.8-14

Group II. Papers on Public Questions, 1908-1924.

The following material relating to AS's work on various national issues had been arranged in chronological order under each heading by the time that the the "E.L. Morgan" listing was made. This structure has been preserved, and the letter identifiers given to each heading correspond to those on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The Morgan list noted that the material on "Extra-Mural Work" had been arranged with more care - this implies that this material had been used before the Morgan list was drawn up [See II A below].


This material was orginally in 7 boxes and divided into three groups - "The War 1914-1918," "The Deeper Causes of the War" and "Germany, America." These divisions have been preserved.

1. "The War 1914-1918."

These papers were originally in 3 brown boxes. The material concerns AS's belief in Britain's case in the war, and his work to ensure working class support for it, through WEA lectures, papers etc. He was concerned lest the working classes should prematurely demand peace, and he was opposed to the stances that the ILP and the Union of Democratic Control took over the war. The material also follows more general issues of the War, and the problems of education, religion, the Empire etc during and after the War. See also II B4 above for AS's views on the need to spread the message of the war to the working classes.

8. Material relating to a lecture on "The People and the Duties of Empire," given by AS at King's London as part of a series of lectures on "The Empire and the Future."
i.TLS from A.P. Lewton [?] of King's. 14 Oct. 1915. 2L. Arrangements for the lectures, and their eventual publication.
ii.TS of AS's lecture. 22L in a "William Hunt" cover, dated 17 Nov. 1915.
iii.As above, but 18L with annotations. Cover is inscribed "revised for subsequent use."
iv.TS of the lecture "in shortened and popularised form." 9L in a "William Hunt" cover.
v.AMS drafts and notes for the lecture. 7L.

9. Material relating to a lecture on "What the War really Means," given by AS to North Staffordshire Miners' Higher Education Movement, 1 Dec. 1915.
i.Printed notice for the lecture. 1L.
ii.AMS draft/notes for the lecture. 18L. With envelope.

10. Cuttings 1914-1915. Collected by AS as sources of information for lectures etc.
i.Newspaper cutting. n.d. Adaptation of a Latin quotation on Empire by Dr. H. Warren.
ii.From The Times n.d. Letter about working class savings.
iii.From The Westminster Gazette n.d. Letter about education and trade after the War.
iv.From The Westminster Gazette n.d. Article "Nemesis Anon." about militarism, attitudes to Germany.
v.From The Times 7 April 1915. Letters about Typhus in Montenegro and "Love Your Enemies."
vi.3 pages from The New York Times 1 June 1915. Various War issues.
vii.From The Morning Post 7 June 1915. Letter from Ramsay MacDonald about the outbreak of war.
viii.From The Westminster Gazette 3 Aug. 1915. The German war effort.
ix.From The Bournemouth Echo 9 Sept. 1915. A WEA lecture by AS on "The War and Democracy."
x.Newspaper cutting Oct. 1915. Letters about wartime finance and alcohol restrictions.
xi.Newspaper cutting Dec. 1915. Article on a US shipbuilding scheme.
xii.From The Times Dec. 1915. Letter about English and German medicine.
xiii.From The Westminster Gazette Dec. 1915. Letter from William Archer criticising the Union of Democratic Control.
xiv.From The Westminster Gazette Dec. 1915. Letter from E.D. Morel replying to the above.
xv.From The New Haven Journal-Courier 13 Dec. 1915. Report of the sinking of the "Ancona."
xvi.From The Times 16 Dec. 1915. Labour views on War loans.
xvii.From The Times 20 Dec. 1915. US views on "freedom of the seas."
xviii. From The Times 20 Dec. 1915. Letter from F.J.C. Hearnshaw about the agitation for democratic controls.
xix.From The Times 28 Dec. 1915. Letters about state allowances and the Russian view of the war.
xx.From The Times 31 Dec. 1915. Letter from E. Charteris about policy proposals made by The Times.

11. Other material on the War, 1914-1915.
i.TS of a paper by AS on "Children's Help in the War." 6L.
With ALS from T. Young of the Historical Association of Scotland. 3 Nov. 1915. Returning the MS.
ii.AMS lists of names and addresses of WEA organisers. 3L.
iii.AMS notes on WEA measures which workers would approve of. 1L.
iv. AMS notes "Empire, fabric." [For a lecture?] 5L.
v.AMS notes on various war issues. 3L.
vi."Is the British Empire the Result of Wholesale Robbery?" Printed pamphlet by H.E. Egerton. 1914. 28pp.
vii."The War and the British Dominions." Printed pamphlet by H.E. Egerton. 1914. 23pp.
viii.Printed text of the Founder's Commemoration in New College Chapel. 17 Oct. 1915. 1L.
ix.Poster advertising "Never Again," a lecture by AS in a series of War Lectures at the Bishopsgate Institute. 18 Nov. [1915?].
Copied by Mr S. Wallace for a thesis. Print, negative and ALS from Mr. Wallace with the poster.

12. Correspondence about the War, Education, lectures by AS etc 1916-1917.
i.TS copy of letter from E.W.M. Grigg to Lionel Smith. 29 Jan. 1916. 5L. Thoughts on the views of The Times Educational Supplement and German education.
ii.3 TLS from C.E. Wood of the Manchester Co-Operative Union. 22 Feb.-29 March 1916. All 1L. Arrangements for a lecture by AS during Whit Week on education and the War. With printed programme (1L), AMS note by AS on the sections of the lecture (1L).
iii.TLS from G. Thompson of the Yorkshire WEA. 29 Feb. 1916. 1L. The meeting went well. Sorry AS was unable to attend.
iv.ALS from J.M. Mactavish. 11 May 1916. 1L. A Group needs Labour and Liberal MPs on it to balance the views of Lord Milner and Steel-Maitland - can AS help?
v.ALS from J.M. Mactavish. 12 May 1916. 1L. Labour men would not join the Group - therefore the Group should have no MPs or members of the House of Lords in it.
vi.TLS from Arthur Steel-Maitland. 2 June 1916. 2L. He will be glad to help Zimmern. He feels Adams is the best man to head the Inquiry.
vii.TL copy of AS to Steel-Maitland. 5 June 1916. 3L. Zimmern refuses to go into a Government post. Adams feels he can head the Inquiry and continue his University work.
viii.3 ALS, 1 APS from R. Muir. 8 Aug.-29 Sept. 1916. 1L. Arrangments for a lecture by AS as part of a larger programme [in Buxton?].
ix.ALS from Father Barry, a chaplain with forces in France. 3 Oct. 1917. 3L. With envelope. The new class and civic awareness of the soldiers. Their dissatisfaction with politics.

13. Material relating to speeches, lectures by AS, 1916.
i.TS of "Empire. War and Peace," a speech by AS in Birmingham. Nov. 1916. 16L (an unknown hand has noted the script as being "very incomplete"). With envelope.
ii.Rough AMS and TS notes and drafts for the above. 30L.
iii.TS copy of a short article/letter by AS [?] on "What the War really means." n.d. 2L.
iv.3 TS copies of a short article/notes by AS [?] on "The Possible Extension of Compulsory Military Service." n.d. All 2L.
v.2 TS copies (both 2L) and AMS draft/notes (3L) of a short article/notes by AS [?] on the introduction of general service. n.d.
vi.TS of lecture [?] by AS. "Is the morality valid for individuals valid also for states?" 7L.
vii.Loose leaves of AMS notes from lectures. 2L.

14. The Imperial Relations Committee.
i.TS copy of the draft report of the Committee. 21 Oct. 1915. 10L.
ii.TS notes on comments on the report. 12 April 1916. 6L.
iii.ALS from W. Basil Worsfold, Secretary of the Committee. 25 April 1916. 1L. At the suggestion of Lord Hythe he is sending the report and the comments on it to AS for his consideration.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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