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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue II.D1.1-7

Group II. Papers on Public Questions, 1908-1924.

The following material relating to AS's work on various national issues had been arranged in chronological order under each heading by the time that the the "E.L. Morgan" listing was made. This structure has been preserved, and the letter identifiers given to each heading correspond to those on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The Morgan list noted that the material on "Extra-Mural Work" had been arranged with more care - this implies that this material had been used before the Morgan list was drawn up [See II A below].


This material was orginally in 7 boxes and divided into three groups - "The War 1914-1918," "The Deeper Causes of the War" and "Germany, America." These divisions have been preserved.

1. "The War 1914-1918."

These papers were originally in 3 brown boxes. The material concerns AS's belief in Britain's case in the war, and his work to ensure working class support for it, through WEA lectures, papers etc. He was concerned lest the working classes should prematurely demand peace, and he was opposed to the stances that the ILP and the Union of Democratic Control took over the war. The material also follows more general issues of the War, and the problems of education, religion, the Empire etc during and after the War. See also II B4 above for AS's views on the need to spread the message of the war to the working classes.

1. 2 TS drafts of a circular letter/memo from AS [to WEA officials?] on the need to ensure working class support for the war. Refers to correspondence with H.E. Kemp and Sir Foster Cunliffe - see IIB4 above. Aug. 1914. 4L (2 copies). With envelope.

2. Correspondence about bringing the case for the War to the working classes.
i.ALS copy (not AS's hand) of AS to Sir Foster Cunliffe. 25 Aug. 1914. 2L. News of WEA work around the country.
ii.ALS from E.T. Cook of the Victoria League to "Harold." 27 Aug. 1914. 2L. Steps taken by the League, Oxford, the WEA. George Prothero is organising a Lectures and Literature Committee.
iii.ALS from E.D. Morel of the Union of Democratic Control. 3 Sept. 1914. 1L. Sending a paper to AS. News of other pamphlets etc he is writing.
iv.ALS from AS to E.D. Morel. 5 Sept. [1914]. 4L. Disagreeing with a memo by Morel - detailed discussion of issues arising from the War.
v.ALS from C.J. Garrond [?]. 23 Aug. 1915. 1L. Sending proofs of an address by AS.
vi.TLS from Arnold Toynbee. 13 Oct. 1915. 1L. Schuster is keeping a grant for AS's schemes.
vii.ALS copy (not AS's hand) from AS to Schuster. 15 Oct. 1915. 1L. WEA lectures news. Thoughts on various opponents of the war.
With AMS list of centres of WEA work.
viii.ALS from Arthur Greenwood. 15 Dec. [1914?]. Can AS give a lecture at Leeds as part of a course of lectures on International Relations? With APS (not sent) to G.H. Thompson fixing a date for the Leeds lecture.
ix.ALS from May Staveley. 5 Dec. 1915. 1L. Arrangements for WEA lectures in Bristol.
x.ALS from G.E. Colclough. 17 Dec. 1915. 1L. Re WEA classes in Glossop. (See also I C8 for cutting on a lecture on the War and Democracy given by AS in Glossop.)
xi.TLS from E.S. Cartwright of the University Extension Delegacy. 24 Dec. 1915. 1L. Can AS give lectures in Burton on the historical background of the War? With list of places in which AS is due to lecture.
xii.2 TS copies of a circular letter by H.E. Kemp. n.d. 2L. The need for strong action to control the poor during wartime.

3. Notes on British, German, Russian official documents on the outbreak of the War.
i.TS notes. 26L (4 copies, 2 in a "William Hunt" cover). Unknown hand suggests 1915 as date.
ii.AMS notes on the documents. 19L.

4. 4 carbon copies of TS booklist on German politics. 2L (one copy is annotated.) An unknown hand suggests the date as 1915.

5. Material relating to a short article by AS about Dutch neutrality, c. Jan. 1915.
i.3 TS copies of a letter from Dr. H. C. Rutgers to "T." 21 Jan. 1915. 4L. Wartime trade. How Holland is viewed.
ii.Cutting from ? Jan. 1915. Reporting of German airships over Holland.
iii.TLS from T. Tatlow of the Student Christian Movement. 26 Jan. 1915. 1L. Sending a copy of Rutgers' letter. The need for a good reply to his views.
iv.2 TS copies of AS's reply. 2L.
v.TLS from G. Locock [?] of the Foreign Office. 13 Feb. 1915. Acknowledges AS's reply to Rutgers.
vi.2 TS copies of a short article by AS on British attitudes to Holland and Dutch history. 3L.
vii.AMS draft for the above. 5 small leaves.

6. Material collected by AS on the Gallipoli Campaign. May 1915.
i.AMS copy of part of a letter from a soldier in the Dardanelles. 19 May 1915. 1L.
ii.TS copy of a letter from ? to "Morison." [The author is serving alongside Morison's son.] 2L. Vivid description of the fighting.
iii.Cutting from ? 1915. Article on Turkish lines of communication.

7. Material relating to a lecture on "The War and our Social Duty," given by AS to a conference of the Christian Social Union and published by them as a pamphlet, Oct.-Nov. 1915.
i.TS of the lecture. 10L.
With ALS from L.V. Lester Garland of the CSU. 26 Oct. 1915. 1L. Returning the MS to AS, with points about the printing of it.
ii.Annotated TS of the lecture. 10L.
iii.AMS draft of the lecture. 8L.
iv.2 copies of the printed pamphlet (CSU pamphlet No.47). Nov. 1915. 6pp.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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