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AL Smith Collection - Catalogue II.E1

Group II. Papers on Public Questions, 1908-1924.

The following material relating to AS's work on various national issues had been arranged in chronological order under each heading by the time that the the "E.L. Morgan" listing was made. This structure has been preserved, and the letter identifiers given to each heading correspond to those on the "E.L. Morgan" list. The Morgan list noted that the material on "Extra-Mural Work" had been arranged with more care - this implies that this material had been used before the Morgan list was drawn up [See II A below].

E. "POST-WAR, 1919-1924."

This material shows AS continuing to be involved with the causes and issues that feature in "The War and Public Policy" material - the reform of education, social questions, the Empire etc. The material was originally kept in one box.

1. Speeches, Addresses, Papers etc by AS.

1. Cuttings from The Oxford Chronicle 28 Feb. 1919, reporting an address in the Sheldonian on "The University in National Life" by H.A.L. Fisher, chaired by AS. 3 copies of the cuttings with envelope.

2. "Adult Education." TS outline of a talk by AS in St. Ebbe's Church, Oxford. 11 May. 1919. 4L.

3. "Christianity and Industrial Problems." Paper by AS for the Oxford Ruridecanal Conference, held in Balliol, 12 Nov. 1919.

i.TS of the address. 16L. 2 copies.

ii.AMS notes. 4L.

iii.Printed notice from B.J. Kidd, Rural Dean. Oct. 1919. 1L.

4. Material from West Riding Education Committee's Inquiry into Religious Instruction. March 1920.

i.TLS from T. Lawe. 22 March 1920. 1L. Sending memos of questions.

ii.Printed memo with questions on Religious Instruction. 3L. 2 copies. With note from G.B. Whitaker to Arthur Pickard-Cambridge.

iii.TL copy of AS to the Committee. 20 May 1920. 4L. Reactions to the memo. With AMS notes by Arthur Pickard-Cambridge, receipt from the Committee.

5. "The Teaching of History." Paper by AS at the Oxford Teachers' Educational Conference, 1 Oct. 1920.

i.TS of the paper. 43L. 2 copies.

ii.Cutting from The Times Educational Supplement 8 July 1920. Announcing the conference.

iii.2 printed programmes and printed preliminary notice. All 1L.

iv.Correspondence with C.B. Hunt (HMI of Schools), the Warden of Wadham College, R. Neve of St. Barnabas' School arranging the conference. 15 March-8 Oct. 1920. 4 ALS, 1 APS, 4 TLS, 1 TL copy. With envelope.

6. "Science and History." Address by AS to the Science Masters' Association, 3 Jan. 1921 [?], later published. With envelope marked "Science address."

i.Annotated TSs of the address. 40L.

ii.Galley proofs of the address. 6L. With "Mazell, Watson & Viney" stamp dated 17 Jan. 1922. [Gives date of the address as 3 Jan. 1922.]

iii.TLS from G.H. Adlam of the Science Masters' Association. 18 Jan. 1922. Sending proofs.

7. AMS notes for an address to teachers at Evesham, 30 April 1921. 1L.

8. Notepad with AMS notes for an address [?] on "Present Discontents." Oct. 1921. 19L.

9. AS's report to the Rural Education Survey, Feb. 1922. With envelope.

i.TS copy of the report, signed by AS. 12L.

ii.ALS from Arthur Ashby of the Survey. 21 Feb. 1922. Sending a copy of the report.

iii.AMS notes by AS on a survey of Oxfordshire Rural Education in 1920. 2L.

10. TS and AMS for an address [addresses?] by AS in the Chapel, 17 July 1922. 50L. With envelope. [For a broad address on education, the international situation etc. The AMS leaves appear to be for a different address on personality and work.]

11. AMS notes for an address in Keble College on "The Ideals of Education." 7 Jan. 1923. 5L.

12. An address on the State, labour etc at a conference, 20 April 1923. With envelope.

i.TS of the address. 20L.

ii.AMS drafts. 17L.

iii.Notepad with AMS notes for the address. Only 2L used. [This gives date of conference as 22 April 1922.]

13. "Labour and the Universities: Extra-mural Education." A speech by AS to an education conference, 12 May 1923.

i.TS of the speech. 3L.

With TLS from Alex Hill, Secretary of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire. 29 June 1923. 1L. Returning the speech. Proceedings of the Conference will be published.

ii.AMS draft of the speech. 3L.

iii.ALS from E.S. Cartwright. 18 July 1923. 1L. Thanks AS for the loan of the paper. Lord Charnwood is visiting.

14. "The Extra-mural work of the Universities." Address by AS in Cambridge, 28 July 1923. With envelope.

i.TS of the address. 22L.

ii.Annotated TS drafts. 22L (inc. 1 AMS leaf).

iii.AMS draft in two parts. 8L and 7L.

iv.Loose AMS drafts, notes. 4L.

v.ALS from G. de Vere [?] 4 July 1923. Sends AS The Tutors' Bulletin and proceedings from an Oxford conference. Suggests corrections/improvements to AS's Cambridge speech.

With The Tutors' Bulletin Nov. 1922, printed pamphlet on the Institute of Adult Education's Oxford Conference, 2 Oct. 1922 (25p).

15. TS (6L) of an address [?] by AS on education funding, the "Geddes Axe," etc. [An unknown hand has suggested 1922 or 1923 as the date.] With AMS drafts, notes (8L).

16. Conference address on Christianity and Industry, 14 Jan. 1924. With envelope.

i.TS of the address. 11L. 2 copies.

ii.TS and AMS drafts, notes. 19L.

iii.AMS copy in an unknown hand. 15L.

iv.Bill from the William Hunt typing office. 12 Jan. 1924. 1L.

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- Tim Procter, Modern Manuscripts Assistant, 1993

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